Redspear wrote: ↑Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:37 am
Pleb wrote: ↑Wed Aug 11, 2021 7:55 pm
Mainly, because it was just essentially adding more of the same into the game.
Well that's the key issue of course.
What is does add is a new theatre rather than a new play.
So if I can stick with that analogy then there's the potential to show a new play in a new theatre without disturbing the existing ones (e.g. a new galactic sector).
There's also the potential to expand existing plays by building a larger stage (e.g. larger galactic sectors).
Such changes would only add a framework for oxps to build gameplay upon. With 8 sectors already, the larger sector change would be the more fundamental and also the most enabling in that regard and so that's why it interests me more.
So I think larger/more numerous galaxies/sectors add
potential rather than results. OXPs however are born from potential.
To anyone: '
Build me a larger theatre and I'll build you a new play! (, slowly and perhaps not to your personal taste
My thinking is more along the lines of a new act in the play. I want a galaxy with small empires at war and uninhabited stars. Maybe even unmapped stars too...
But I don't want to hack the Octant to death in order to get it. There is a massive amount of Lore and OXPs which support the Octant which it would be just silly to throw in the rubbish bin. But a 9th galaxy which comes close enough to galactic jump to is another matter. So a 9th galaxy (maybe accessible from Ascension/Sori and out to the east of Galaxy 1) might be a way to manage it.
Cim generated a logic for what we find in game. Apart from Disembodied's issue with
similarities of the species, his logic seems to work.
The Colonials entered the area now known as Chart 2 from the north of the Tezaeded system, in around 830KD. Their research of witchspace drives had by then progressed to the stage where viable colony vessels could be transported, and the rich mineral wealth of Tezaeded and the superb environment of nearby Onatbeza were ideal for them. Several million colonists made the journey across hundreds of light years to begin the process, as scout ships continued to explore the remainder of the chart. The exact size of the Colonial civilisation at this time is not known, though it is believed to have explored a volume of space considerably larger than the entirety of Cooperative space, and to have approaching a hundred colonies in various directions from its homeworld.
In around 920KD, the single linking system between Tezaeded and the remainder of Colonial space drifted outside the 7LY limit of witchspace drives. Its physical distance as measured by planetary sensors remained under the limit, however. The reasons for this discrepancy are still not well understood, and as the system has itself moved over time – and is now unambiguously out of range – perhaps will never be known. The result was that the hundred million colonists were now cut off from their homeworld.
From Cim's Ship's Manual in his Ship's Library oxp, copied onto
1) Generating the "geography" of the new galaxy
and then either
2) Populating it with empires/unpopulated systems
3) Generating the wars and things... and things for the players to do with wars going on...
4) Arranging a way to "buy maps" at the first system arrived at and then buy better ones as one moves around
5) Interesting differences in ships (use the Rx shipset?), orbital stations, equipment technology (no more EEU's with copper-coloured tops!)
2) Populate it with unpopulated systems and a mere handful of low TL settled systems
3) Work out how to fix things/maintain the ships (what happens when you run out of repairing bottery?)
4) Real exploration with Here be Dragons and special equipment analysing what is within 7ly - maybe adapt SOTL exploration or just add to it
5) Possible Thargoid invasions/system settling...
And 6) where does one leave the Octant from - and to where in the Octant does one return?
If we can develop something halfways decent along these lines, it can then be expanded/improved upon...