Well, you've seen the pictures,
now get the ship!
Download Here
Massive thanks to CommonSenseOTB for making this HUD for me
The Readme wrote:ATTENTION: If you purchase the chupacabra it has a modified built in version of this HUD.
Remove the standalone version of this hud if you have it BEFORE you purchase the chupacabra.
Remove all other main switching huds before using either chupacabra HUD also.
You have the option of going to the launch function of the chupacabrahud.js script
and setting the toggles to "ON" for capacitor readouts to restore the messages and charging
sounds.Toggles must be set to either "ON" or "OFF", default is "OFF".
Oolite version 1.75.3 due to CTD frame callback issues in previous oolite versions.
Compatible with Target Reticle Sensitive oxp.
Can be used with the Sniper Camera System oxp.
Author: CommonSenseOTB(thinking outside-the-box for your playing enjoyment and the improvement of oolite)
Completed: October 15, 2011 first release
ChupacabraHUD.oxp and included in the Chupacabra.oxp as the standard hud.
Features:-animated curved bar gauges.
-animated compass designed for better targetting and navigation.
-altitude/cabin temperature gauge visible only when within planetary vicinity. May
be used as a crude planet mass lock indicator to steer around planets while on
torus drive.
-debut of the first custom oxp equipment gauge->for the shield capacitors
-debut of the custom missile display workaround.
-missile idenfification system n/shift+n activated.
-very large scanner.
THANX AND RECOGNITION: Staer9 for being patient while this hud was being made.
Commander McLane and Thargoid for contributing altitude code.
Eric Walch and others for answering questions-Thanx!
ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: ChupacabraHUD.oxp requires oolite 1.75.3 or better. The frame callbacks used may occasionally
cause a CTD when you die in versions of oolite earlier than 1.75.3. It is a prototype and therefore
may be prone to minor bugs and unknown effects. Report your playtest results at the ChupacabraHUD viewtopic.
TO USE THIS HUD: Unzip and drag or move the ChupacabraHUD.oxp folder into your addons folder.
This will become your main oolite hud. If you have any main hud modifying oxp's remove them please.
You may use this with the Sniper Camera System. REMOVE the standalone version
of the chupacabraHUD before buying the chupacabra.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0
Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
nc-sa/3.0/'' or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San
Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Images used in this oxp:
Centre hud graphic provided by Staer9 and modified by CommonSenseOTB
ATTENTION DEVELOPERS! This type of hud design NOT for novices. Try normal hud design before attempting animated gauges.
Developers: You are absolutely encouraged(no permission is neccessary) to use the methods and arrays
available in ChupacabraHUD.oxp provided you give attribution to the author(CommonSenseOTB).
All variables, equipment and names must be uniquely laballed.
The other Readme wrote:Instructions for using the chupacabra with the sniper camera system:
First only install the chupacabra sniper camera adapter oxp if you have installed the
sniper camera system on your chupacabra. It will change the custom views to allow you to
use this equipment.
Last, remove it after you sell the sniper camera system as it will mess with your
custom views if left in.
Have fun and enjoy!