Possible two bugs?

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Possible two bugs?

Post by Lethe »

Hi all,

I expect I am one of the few who was around to play the original wire-framed Elite on the BBC micro - during Xmas 1984 it was the first computer game that got me hooked, and subsequently the first game I played continuously for 36 hours non-stop over the holidays :D

Anyway, I stumbled on Oolite a few weeks ago, and started playing properly a few days ago. I think I have found a two issues, but having searched the bugs forum can find nothing, so I am asking here if people see the same.

I am on Linux version (Slackware 64 bit) running in 32 bit emulation for oolite.

1) When attacked by several pirates and killing them one-by-one, the credit value gets shown, but according to my inventory only the LAST credit gets added, the rest seem to disappear?

i.e. first kill 105, second kill 125, third kill 47. F5 will now show only 47 credits

2) Again, when attacked by pirates, and I start to lose shields, slowly my cargo gets destroyed - but escape and I survive!. Yet when getting back to space station dock, all my cargo is still there and I can sell it?

BTW, thanks for a great game again... 25 years after I first played it :shock:

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Re: Possible two bugs?

Post by Gimi »

Lethe wrote:
Hi all,

I expect I am one of the few who was around to play the original wire-framed Elite on the BBC micro - during Xmas 1984 it was the first computer game that got me hooked, and subsequently the first game I played continuously for 36 hours non-stop over the holidays :D

Doubt it....

I expect the majority of the people on this bb were around at that time. You beat me by a few months. I started playing Elite on the CBM 64 when it was released in 1985. So welcome to your youth. Don't know about your bugs though. Guess the programmers will have to handle that one.

Welcome to the bb....

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Re: Possible two bugs?

Post by Lethe »

Gimi wrote:

Doubt it....

I expect the majority of the people on this bb were around at that time.

Thinking, yea - dead right. I guess us old timers will be the only people now-a-days to appreciate this game (i.e. too slow and ponderous for modern gamers).

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Re: Possible two bugs?

Post by Commander McLane »

Hi Lethe, and first of all welcome to the boards, and of course to this great game! :D
Lethe wrote:
Gimi wrote:

Doubt it....

I expect the majority of the people on this bb were around at that time.

Thinking, yea - dead right. I guess us old timers will be the only people now-a-days to appreciate this game (i.e. too slow and ponderous for modern gamers).

Actually the age distribution at least of the regular posters here on the board is quite gaussian, with the bulge of the bell somewhere in the ELITE-generation. But there are a couple of senior members (in their sixties and possibly above) and some youngsters as well with no memories whatsoever of Elite, but still hooked to Oolite (the youngest being 13 according to his self-description--possibly 14 in the meantime?).

A while ago there was a poll in the Outworld section, about how old the members are. Feel free to browse through the posts, and cast your vote too. :wink:

As to your error reports:

Both sound strange, and it is definitely not what I am seeing in my game. For the second one (cargo) please note that you are losing cargo only one by one. Every hit on your ship destroys only one cargo cannister (equivalent to 1 t). So if you started with 35 and got five cargo-destroying hits, the expected behaviour is that you will arrive with and be able to sell 30 of whatever you have on board. And of course you can scoop whatever debris you find after a fight, and thereby replenish your cargo.

Anyway, it would be helpful to know not only your OS (which you provided), but also the version of Oolite you are running. Also a list of OXPs you have installed, and the last 50 or so lines of your logfile (the Linux-wizards here on board can tell you where to find that, if you don't know yourself).

I think with all this information we can figure out what happens, and what's possibly wrong.
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Re: Possible two bugs?

Post by Lethe »

Commander McLane wrote:
Hi Lethe, and first of all welcome to the boards, and of course to this great game! :D

As to your error reports:

Both sound strange, and it is definitely not what I am seeing in my game. For the second one (cargo) please note that you are losing cargo only one by one. Every hit on your ship destroys only one cargo cannister (equivalent to 1 t). So if you started with 35 and got five cargo-destroying hits, the expected behaviour is that you will arrive with and be able to sell 30 of whatever you have on board. And of course you can scoop whatever debris you find after a fight, and thereby replenish your cargo.

Anyway, it would be helpful to know not only your OS (which you provided), but also the version of Oolite you are running. Also a list of OXPs you have installed, and the last 50 or so lines of your logfile (the Linux-wizards here on board can tell you where to find that, if you don't know yourself).

I think with all this information we can figure out what happens, and what's possibly wrong.
OK, first a Duh! re the cargo - I forgot (it was a long time ago :D ) that you lose a little at a time... so that is OK.

I also just tested and sure enough the pirate kill bounties do indeed get added to my current credits... so I dunno what I was seeing there (perhaps too tired!).

Anyway, all seems OK - but I did update to latest version via rsync last night.

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