Couple of...

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Couple of...

Post by goran »

Docked with behemoth in interstellar space and after launch, both behemoth and my trusty ship was transfered to nearby solar system. Happens every time. Here is a screenshot with behemoth messages after activating docking computer:


One interesting screenshot. Didn't shoot it down, however. ;)


Also, I have a problem with SVN builds. For at least 10 revisions back (can't remember precisely) oolite crashes when shift-D. Also, when trying to dock manualy, rings are displayed for a moment but no dock. Also, there is a problem with a sound. Some sounds repeats forever or everything goes mute.
(cleaned everything, dl-ed all files again...)

Process: Oolite [14269]
Path: /Users/goran/Documents/projects/TestRelease/
Identifier: org.aegidian.oolite
Version: Oolite version 1.73 (1.73)
Code Type: PPC (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [133]

Date/Time: 2008-11-15 15:49:58.034 +0100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.5 (9F33)
Report Version: 6

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000000a1b1c1f3
Crashed Thread: 0

Application Specific Information:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.

Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x904d0fd8 objc_msgSend + 24
1 org.aegidian.oolite 0x0000640c -[OOSoundChannel playSound:looped:] + 56 (OOCASoundChannel.m:401)
2 org.aegidian.oolite 0x000ffb0c -[OOSoundSource play] + 240 (OOSoundSource.m:152)
3 org.aegidian.oolite 0x0007fcf0 -[PlayerEntity enterDock:] + 296 (PlayerEntity.m:3566)
4 org.aegidian.oolite 0x000bb214 -[PlayerEntity(OOControlsPrivate) pollFlightControls:] + 4832 (PlayerEntityControls.m:909)
5 org.aegidian.oolite 0x000b5684 -[PlayerEntity(Controls) pollControls:] + 260 (PlayerEntityControls.m:276)
6 org.aegidian.oolite 0x00075e78 -[PlayerEntity update:] + 180 (PlayerEntity.m:1195)
7 org.aegidian.oolite 0x000389d4 -[Universe update:] + 1964 (Universe.m:5331)
8 org.aegidian.oolite 0x0000ef74 -[GameController doPerformGameTick] + 132 (GameController.m:304)
9 org.aegidian.oolite 0x0000e7f0 -[GameController goFullscreen:] + 1624 (GameController.m:711)
10 0x910efeb4 -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] + 104
11 0x9118b67c -[NSMenu performActionForItemAtIndex:] + 408
12 0x9118b3ac -[NSCarbonMenuImpl performActionWithHighlightingForItemAtIndex:] + 228
13 0x9118b074 -[NSMenu performKeyEquivalent:] + 744
14 0x91189b58 -[NSApplication _handleKeyEquivalent:] + 456
15 0x910c0380 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 3676
16 org.aegidian.oolite 0x0003ac74 -[OoliteApp sendEvent:] + 184 (OoliteApp.m:54)
17 0x9102d4b4 -[NSApplication run] + 776
18 0x90ffde90 NSApplicationMain + 440
19 org.aegidian.oolite 0x00002750 _start + 336 (crt.c:272)
20 org.aegidian.oolite 0x000025f8 start + 56

Best regards.
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Post by JensAyton »

I’ve got another crash report with a similar trace. There’s clearly nothing wrong with those sound methods, so it’ll probably turn out to be something embarrassingly stupid and obvious once I work it out…
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Re: Couple of...

Post by Commander McLane »

And as for this one:
gorans wrote:
Docked with behemoth in interstellar space and after launch, both behemoth and my trusty ship was transfered to nearby solar system. Happens every time.
This is the normal and expected behaviour for docking with anything in interstellar space. Just think that the Behemoth jumped to the next system while you were aboard. Saves you the fuel for the jump. :wink:
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Re: Couple of...

Post by goran »

Commander McLane wrote:
And as for this one:
gorans wrote:
Docked with behemoth in interstellar space and after launch, both behemoth and my trusty ship were transferred to nearby solar system. Happens every time.
This is the normal and expected behaviour for docking with anything in interstellar space. Just think that the Behemoth jumped to the next system while you were aboard. Saves you the fuel for the jump. :wink:
Thanks. I was slightly puzzled with Ceerdiza/Titequ info. What's going behind the scene there... :)
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Post by Commander McLane »

I am not quite sure what is going on with the wrong station names (myself I usually don't use the docking computer). It may have to do with the engine assuming that you're still in your old system--or already in your target system. Also if you visit the market on a Behemoth in interstellar space, the title line will mention a system name (incorrectly).
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Eric Walch
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Re: Couple of...

Post by Eric Walch »

gorans wrote:
Thanks. I was slightly puzzled with Ceerdiza/Titequ info. What's going behind the scene there... :)
The first system was your original destination, but on docking the dockable object selects an other system within range. That is the second name and also the system where you will launch in. (this will also happen with fixed interstellar stations)

It's only a slightly wrong. The behemoth will be scheduled for jumping. I tested it recently. Docked with the behemoth in interstellar space. Launched in normal space and the behemoth than did its scheduled jump while at the same moment a new behemoth arrived at witchpoint. Looked very busy there.
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