Code: Select all
"PAGroove-coriolis-reference" = {
"ai_type" = "stationAI.plist";
"cargo_type" = "CARGO_NOT_CARGO";
"energy_recharge_rate" = 100;
"forward_weapon_type" = "WEAPON_NONE";
frangible = 0;
"has_ecm" = yes;
"has_escape_pod" = 0;
"has_scoop" = no;
"max_energy" = 25000;
"max_flight_pitch" = 8;
"max_flight_roll" = 8;
"max_flight_speed" = 0;
missiles = 0;
"port_radius" = 500;
roles = "PAGroove-coriolis-reference";
rotating = yes;
thrust = 100;
"weapon_energy" = 0;
"PAGroove-dodecahedron-reference" = {
"ai_type" = "stationAI.plist";
"cargo_type" = "CARGO_NOT_CARGO";
"energy_recharge_rate" = 100;
"forward_weapon_type" = "WEAPON_NONE";
frangible = 0;
"has_ecm" = yes;
"has_escape_pod" = 0;
"has_scoop" = no;
"max_energy" = 25000;
"max_flight_pitch" = 8;
"max_flight_roll" = 8;
"max_flight_speed" = 0;
missiles = 0;
name = "Dodecahedron Station";
"port_radius" = 392;
roles = "PAGroove-dodecahedron-reference";
rotating = yes;
thrust = 100;
"weapon_energy" = 0;
"PAGroove-icosahedron-reference" = {
"ai_type" = "stationAI.plist";
"cargo_type" = "CARGO_NOT_CARGO";
"energy_recharge_rate" = 100;
"forward_weapon_type" = "WEAPON_NONE";
frangible = 0;
"has_ecm" = yes;
"has_escape_pod" = 0;
"has_scoop" = no;
"max_energy" = 25000;
"max_flight_pitch" = 8;
"max_flight_roll" = 8;
"max_flight_speed" = 0;
missiles = 0;
name = "Icosahedron Station";
"port_radius" = 500;
roles = "PAGroove-icosahedron-reference";
rotating = yes;
thrust = 100;
"weapon_energy" = 0;
Code: Select all
[shader.compile.vertex.failure]: ***** GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for PAGroove_station_baydoor_flashers.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
ERROR: 0:17: '=' : assigning non-constant to 'const float'
>>>>> GLSL source code:
// Information from Oolite.
uniform float uTime;
uniform float FrameCount;
uniform float TimePerFrame;
varying vec3 v_normal; // Surface normal
varying vec3 v_pos; // Vertex/fragment position in eye space
// Control factors.
// Derived constants.
const float kAnimCycleTime = TimePerFrame * FrameCount;
void main(void)
v_normal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
v_pos = vec3(gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex);
gl_Position = ftransform();
vec4 coord = gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0;
// Select frame.
coord.t += floor(mod(uTime, kAnimCycleTime) / TimePerFrame);
// Scale texture co-ordinates to 0..1
coord.t /= FrameCount;
gl_TexCoord[0] = coord;
Waiting for eternal fame...