Any screenshots of your experiments? BTW the thrusters on the Titan Cruiser should be directional. In my idea the GASECstation frame is a sort of mobile construction yard. They can even construct the station while transporting although the exterior is then ready. I also reckon that it is maybe necessary to have an integrity shield active around the station frame while hyperspacing.
As it's you, allow me to introduce the HammerHead class hauler carrier AHC Taura V. I'm playing with the texturing at the moment, so there are two versions, nicknamed the Metal Hammer and the Rock Hammer (upper and lower respectively):
They fly to the station and then the twelve cargo sleds individually detach in turn and fly to and dock with the main station. Now Eric and I have sorted out (or at least identified) the problem with sub-entity position calculations it's about ready to add to the Aquatics update.
Out of general interest, any preference on the textures anyone? I've got another thought which may make use of the other one anyway. As you can see I'm still no better at designing ships or texturing things. Griff has no competition from me
It's the ~1km version. The other problem with the huge one was that it took 80 sleds to "fill" it. And the traffic jam is bad enough with the 12 from the small hammerhead
I'll sort you out the files, you're more than welcome to make a better job of the texturing than my poor attempts
Just my take on things, but I'd imagine a Corey, Dodo, or Ico would all be too large for economical transport as a singlular entity. You'd be paying WAY too much money for hauling open space, as the majority of the station would be open areas be they docking berths, commercial spaces, living quarters, fuel storage, cargo storage, etc. It would also be far, far too dangerous as there would pretty much be a one-shot process of getting the station into orbit with that massive hauler. Engineers don't like it when there's not a fall-back plan.
My vision would entail the building of a central power plant, computer, primary system core for the station. This would be the most densely packed area of the station with minimal 'open space'. It would be shipped by carrier craft to the destination system in a non-powered state by tugs under heavy guard. Once in-system, it would be placed into a steadily decaying orbit. After the core was there, it would be powered to a minimal state. Next, key skeletal structural supports wouldbe tugged from GASEC to the destination system, and placed into near-position orbit with the core. Close enough micro-engines could be attached that would accurately position the new skeletal pieces next to the core for welding / integration. The core itself would provide the power and lighting for the workers. Next, layers of control systems and open-space modules would be welded / attached to the skeleton until a sufficient number of systems were in place to allow pressurization and commencement of environmental operations. Work begins then on the inside getting everything working while even more layers are built onto the outside until the final skin is applied. Each additional module that has been welded the to core, slowly increasing it's mass. This has continually decayed the orbit until the final station mass added brings the station into stable orbit. Any fine tweaking being accomplished by on-board microthrusters already required to compensate for the ever changing system mass due to commerce and bumps from docking system craft.
Just my take on things, but I'd imagine a Corey, Dodo, or Ico would all be too large for economical transport as a singlular entity. You'd be paying WAY too much money for hauling open space, as the majority of the station would be open areas be they docking berths, commercial spaces, living quarters, fuel storage, cargo storage, etc. It would also be far, far too dangerous as there would pretty much be a one-shot process of getting the station into orbit with that massive hauler. Engineers don't like it when there's not a fall-back plan.
My vision would entail the building of a central power plant, computer, primary system core for the station. This would be the most densely packed area of the station with minimal 'open space'. It would be shipped by carrier craft to the destination system in a non-powered state by tugs under heavy guard. Once in-system, it would be placed into a steadily decaying orbit. After the core was there, it would be powered to a minimal state. Next, key skeletal structural supports wouldbe tugged from GASEC to the destination system, and placed into near-position orbit with the core. Close enough micro-engines could be attached that would accurately position the new skeletal pieces next to the core for welding / integration. The core itself would provide the power and lighting for the workers. Next, layers of control systems and open-space modules would be welded / attached to the skeleton until a sufficient number of systems were in place to allow pressurization and commencement of environmental operations. Work begins then on the inside getting everything working while even more layers are built onto the outside until the final skin is applied. Each additional module that has been welded the to core, slowly increasing it's mass. This has continually decayed the orbit until the final station mass added brings the station into stable orbit. Any fine tweaking being accomplished by on-board microthrusters already required to compensate for the ever changing system mass due to commerce and bumps from docking system craft.
I think the core should not be tugged. Way too dangerous during hyperspace. Furthermore it would be fairly exposed for attack.
So I think then the core should be transported by a big cruiser.
The stations could be finished at Vetitice and a temporary hyperspace/jump drive fitted in the docking bay.
after self-powered escorted flight to their destination the temporary drive could simply be removed.
It would be shipped by carrier craft to the destination system in a non-powered state by tugs under heavy guard.
I think the core should not be tugged. Way too dangerous during hyperspace. Furthermore it would be fairly exposed for attack.
So I think then the core should be transported by a big cruiser.
Concepts anyone?
You're correct. I added the carrier craft comment, but apparently forgot to delete the one about tugs... That's the problem with formulating creative ideas while stuck in business meetings.
Still, the core should be deliverable by a craft no bigger than a Behemoth.
I think stations are assembled from parts which are shipped to the construction site and/or fabricated on-site from local materials.
The existing logistics and supply chains can support building multiple stations simultaneously.
Local conditions may influence the design of stations and building plans may need to be revised by the architects either before or during construction.
"I shouldn't have taken off in this crate without more ammo..." Sergeant Knox - Star Blazers
Can't imagine anything like this being tugged etc. i think the more sensible/practical approach would be to have a core structure shipped, a big framing system built around it (like scaffolding, bit like a geodesic dome perhaps), then the station built on-site from there, looking like the death star 2 during construction i suppose. instead of one big ship, i see instead a swarm setting up temporary camp around a new site - large docks to assemble the big pieces, housing ships for workers, supply ships etc etc, possibly even their own security base and patrol ships to prevent acts of theft/aggression.
i like the idea of megabig ships, but TBH, w/ the Oolite sizing system, it just end up looking stupid when next to a planet etc. if we had a version of olit where the planets were the correct sizes etc, i'd say go for it ~ i have a blueprint for a catamaran battleship that i want to do but it's about 2 or 3km long ~ but when you start getting ships that are heading towards about 10% of planet size, it just doesn't look right.
The upcoming HammerHead from the Aquatics update is a little under 1km long, and that looks mighty fine in orbit near the station. And in part of it's WIP it was originally 3km long, and didn't look too out of place for me (although my useless system had some troubles in drawing it and it would have had too many sub-ent cargo sleds, hence the rescale).
Might I suggest giving it a very quick mock-up in Wings and seeing a rough version in flight then make a decision?
The upcoming HammerHead from the Aquatics update is a little under 1km long, and that looks mighty fine in orbit near the station. And in part of it's WIP it was originally 3km long, and didn't look too out of place for me (although my useless system had some troubles in drawing it and it would have had too many sub-ent cargo sleds, hence the rescale).
Might I suggest giving it a very quick mock-up in Wings and seeing a rough version in flight then make a decision?
Agreed completely
You can see a very large ship in comparison with the station here:
Vetitice. Always has been Vetitice. Those communists don't ask difficult questions about minimum wages, and so on.
If you are not trying to make a profit, I suppose it is fine.
So Vetitice should also have
1) a massive GASEC orbital factory for churning out space stations (or the bits therof).
2) a Wildefire Avionics/Systems station for churning out Wildegubbinii. I suppose that this could be rather small.
3) the usual Commie OXP goodies - SLAPU, astrogulags etc.