Iron Ass OXP

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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by Redspear »

Old Murgh wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:10 am
No, you're right. Your colour coded "projected" wireframes idea should address that as well as any visual solution could, I reckon. The jury is still out on the aesthetic pleasure sum of the final result :wink:
It's also a nice nod for us old-timers to the original models: they weren't wrong, they just never 'filled in the gaps'. They only showed 'Tron mode'. I never liked the 16-bit solution of colouring them in...

And of course it would be oxp - don't like it, don't install it.

Old Murgh wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:10 am
It's certainly a bold expression. I suppose the lines would have to be that thick for there to be any long-distance effect.

Old Murgh wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:10 am
But if one could do that, could it be made as a separate OXP that works with any others that adhere to the same models with same UVmap geography, or is that stretching it too far?
If they had the exact same model.

Deep space, Sung's, Smivs (early shipsets) and the old default set did. As you rightly point our however, they also had a flipped asp, a cheese-block fer de lance and an isocoles (rather than equilateral) fronted mk III.

Interestingly however, if you stretch a model then the texture can (or even is) stretched with it, as I discovered when remodelling the deep space adder (link to be found somewhere or other...)
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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by Cholmondely »

Would it make sense to give all these as options within the oxp?

Using either Library (config), OXPConfig or Station Options?

Then one could toggle in-game the Tron-option as well as the Replace/Expand options - and not need several different 30MB downloads!
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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by Redspear »

Cholmondely wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:24 am
Would it make sense to give all these as options within the oxp?
Well, I'm borderline derailing here anyway, so it may be better for me to make the oxp I intended using the old model dimensions (including their internal details, e.g. 'windows' and engines) and then see if cbr can help me out with the textures... as it seems cbr can put quality textures out at the drop of a hat.

Of course, if anyone wanted to help with that (especially reproducing the original models from the data) then they'd be very welcome.
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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by cbr »

Hm, ok just one more for the fun of it...


Here I missed the side lines of the python even with 56px wide lines ( on a 4k em_map )
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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by Redspear »

cbr wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:44 pm
Here I missed the side lines of the python even with 56px wide lines ( on a 4k em_map )
But we get the idea... Awesome :D

So up close you still see all the fine work that went into the textures but at a distance you still see the, dare I say still underrated, iconic and flavourful design of the original low-poly models.

X-wings and tie fighters were identifiable from some distance becasue of their distinctive shapes rather than their detail (of which they also had plenty).
Likewise the lambda shuttles, star destroyers, millenium falcon etc. etc.
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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by cbr »

Another what if

IronAss with specular map gloss 1.0 shininess 128


IronAss with specular map gloss 0.5 shininess 128


:) :D :roll:
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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by Old Murgh »

cbr wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:32 pm
Another what if

IronAss with specular map gloss 1.0 shininess 128

:shock: I ..
love that.
What would that be, corroded calcium-style?

This project started for me because I wanted to remake my old rusty shipset (henceforth known as Rusty Ass), but needed a uniform base to do them on top of. Though aware it goes against actual science, I am too fond of the reddish-brown oxidised iron look to care. These examples above open a whole new bucket of corrosion that I'm stoked to explore.
All just pList tweaking you say? :D
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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by another_commander »

cbr wrote:
IronAss with specular map gloss 1.0 shininess 128
shininess is deprecated and not used in the 1.90 lighting system.

Old Murgh wrote:
I am too fond of the reddish-brown oxidised iron look to care. These examples above open a whole new bucket of corrosion that I'm stoked to explore.
In that case, I think you are going to love this:
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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by cbr »

shininess is deprecated and not used in the 1.90 lighting system.
obviously true, but i had to increase the original value ( shininess 0 ) in 1.91 to show the 'specular' effects

shininess 0


shininess 128


Last edited by cbr on Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by cbr »

How it's done.

plist materials setting

Code: Select all

materials =         {
            "relop_krait.png" =             {
		"diffuse_map" = "relop_krait.png";
                "emission_map" = "relop_krait_em.png";
                "normal_map" = "relop_krait_norm.png";
		"specular_map" = "relop_krait_s.png";

                "shininess" = "128";
		"gloss" = "0.5";
you must make a specular-gloss map

In the RGB a grayscale or colored ( e.g. above ) specular map
In the ALPHA channel ( = ) a grayscale map of the ( amount of ) gloss

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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by another_commander »

Setting shininess to 0 just messes up the shader. Best if you do not use it at all. This way one can avoid confusion and the default shaders do not do anything with it anyway.
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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by Old Murgh »

cbr wrote: Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:26 am
How it's done.
you must make a specular-gloss map

In the RGB a grayscale or colored ( e.g. above ) specular map
In the ALPHA channel ( = ) a grayscale map of the ( amount of ) gloss
I’d very much like to see an example of how you compose this specular gloss map, take it apart and learn..
another_commander wrote: Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:11 am
Setting shininess to 0 just messes up the shader. Best if you do not use it at all. This way one can avoid confusion and the default shaders do not do anything with it anyway.
I’ma little confused. From my tinkering I thought my clean metal surfaces looked best with shininess set at 0.6-0.8.. But you are saying this has no effect?
Could it be a factor that I’m running Mac or some have some outdated/inferior shader situation?
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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by another_commander »

Old Murgh wrote: Tue Mar 01, 2022 12:58 pm
I’ma little confused. From my tinkering I thought my clean metal surfaces looked best with shininess set at 0.6-0.8.. But you are saying this has no effect?
Could it be a factor that I’m running Mac or some have some outdated/inferior shader situation?
Shininess was expected to be an integer value between 0 and 128 back in the pre-1.88 days. Setting it to 0.6 or 0.8 is probably the same as setting it to 0, which is the integer part of 0.x. Current Oolite simply does not care about this parameter anyway and in fact, if shininess is present and equal to 0 it results in broken specularity in the shader (not sure if this is a bug in Oolite or an OpenGL quirk).

Running Mac is unrelated in my opinion. Although Mac OpenGL support is abysmal nowadays, the shaders currently in use are quite simple and very clear in the fact that shininess is not utilized.
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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by cbr »

I’d very much like to see an example of how you compose this specular gloss map, take it apart and learn..
Here is the specular/gloss map used in the mixed krait recently posted in the screenshots thread

As how to make them...

Without Another Commanders formula ( cannot imagine he's only using a graphical editor ) one has to make them by hand in raising and lowering
the levels ( brightness / contrast / curves etc ) of the ( grayscale ) diffuse map until the desired values ( or so do I :roll: )
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Re: [WIP] Iron Ass OXP

Post by Cholmondely »

cbr wrote: Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:13 pm
I’d very much like to see an example of how you compose this specular gloss map, take it apart and learn..
Here is the specular/gloss map used in the mixed krait recently posted in the screenshots thread

As how to make them...

Without Another Commanders formula ( cannot imagine he's only using a graphical editor ) one has to make them by hand in raising and lowering
the levels ( brightness / contrast / curves etc ) of the ( grayscale ) diffuse map until the desired values ( or so do I :roll: )
Is this stuff any use?

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