It was more of an administration oversight. The planning committee, which put forward the original development proposal, did include a request for the station to "ensure it was suitably marked in accordance with local regulations, but also to provide a simple navigational heading for mourners, sightseers, researchers and any other requisite craft that might need to travel to the site."
Unfortunately, the construction company tasked with building and deploying the station simply read this instruction as "make the station big enough to be seen from Oresrati". They also were trying to cut corners on the not-insignificant sum involved in building and launching a station of that size, and the beacon was one of the first things to go. (Along with toilet paper. Visitors are asked to remember to bring your own.)
Since that time, the administrators at both the graveyard orbital, as well as the main station, have received regular complaints that the graveyard station is not quite as big as the construction company boasted it would be, and without said beacon it can be hard to find without local knowledge and/or a long-range telescope. Politicians from Tionisla have occasionally tried to force the situation to be rectified, but there has always been push-back from GalCop to allow a space navigational issue to be turned into a political stoush. Instead, they have repeated stated that they are looking to the situation and will install a beacon if deemed necessary.