I'm not sure if the files spara has found are more recent, but I've found a 'griff_thargoids_normalmapped oxp' from 2009/2010 with this in the readme:
"..added alternate shaders & new rare 'silver' thargoid warship. slightly tougher than the usual ones"
It sounds like this might be the OXP we're after
I gave it a test in Oolite V1.90. it seemed to work OK but the ships were constantly glowing with the laser firing effect, I had to change
Code: Select all
laser_heat_level = "laserHeatLevel";
Code: Select all
laser_heat_level = "weaponRecoveryTime";
which after a bit of hunting i found in an oxz version, it's weird i can't see weaponRecoveryTime listed in shader-uniform-bindings.plist and i don't think it's listed in the Shader bindings page in the wiki either, is it a valid shader binding? what's really confusing me as i could have sword the turrety boa should be using this for the turret recoil animation, but they all just seemed to be using the standard laserHeatLevel binding when i checked the oxp in my workfolder, which i don't think is correct. hmm, will have to check that
i've taken the opportunity to change the vertex shaders too as i'm sure the original ones used some sort of depreciated modelmatrix or something, not totally sure, the ships look bumpy anyway
2009 Thargoids are here:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ub-PYD ... sp=sharing
to download i think you follow that link, then there's a download arrow up in the top right of the screen, i think if you just click on the folder looking icon in the middle of the page, it'll just open the folder and let you peek inside and not actually download the files
edit: also, 2009! flipping heck where did the time go!?!