(Release) Ship Configuration

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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Devium wrote:
I have been test fighting mainly Galcop in Aegis who seem unphased by this oxp
Ah, yes, the one group I was hesitant to apply the logic to. If you look in "shipconfig_npc.js" you'll find an array called "this._includeRoles". This lists all the roles that I'm applying the config to. I left off the police roles. If you add

Code: Select all

"police", "police-station-patrol", "police-witchpoint-patrol"
that should make it apply to all the core ship roles. I'll include this in the next version, but if you add these roles yourself let me know how it goes.
Devium wrote:
Are Thargoids affected by this OXP?
No, I left off Thargoids - I assumed their technology was sufficiently different to avoid the whole equipment space and weight issues!
Amah wrote:
Btw.is it possible to add "Lira":[0.1825], to your this._shipPowerToWeight array.
Sure, but you can do this yourself if you prefer. Add the following to the Lira's shipdata:

Code: Select all

	"script_info" = {
		"power_to_weight" = 0.1825
Either way should work. If you'd prefer me to add it to the core routine I can do that too.
Redspear wrote:
Is it possible to make the new items only visible on the confiuration screen and not on the F5 screen?
I think all that I'd need to do is set "visible = no;" for all the config items, but I'm not sure of the flow on effects. I'll check it out.
Redspear wrote:
I expanded the list for engines and hyperdrives but ended up not using it on account of wanting to avoid more pieces of equipment; you'd we welcome to use them if you like?
I'd love to include them. The descriptions for each item are still being used if you have the Email System installed, as you'll get an email of any config changes and what you purchased. If I can work out names for everything I could potentially use the adjusted names on the F5 screen, rather than my current programmer names. If you could PM me the details that would be awesome.

To Amah, Devium and Redspear: Thanks for trying it out and giving your thoughts to the development of the idea. Your input has been extremely valuable!
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by Amah »

hej phkb,

cool, thanks for the answer. I'll put it into the shipdata.plist, this way I can play with the value, and you don't get bothered by me too much, when I think it can be altered yet again.

Btw. I changed it to 0.0825. So, a completely stripped down and downgraded Lira, where everything is trimmed to the lowest possible value and only the couplings and engines related values are maxed is able to reach top speed 0.370ls. A newly bought ship with class seven energy banks and the rest with class two equipment is around 315ly. Ironassing this ship with everything I can buy at a tl14 shipyard reduces speed further to 250 and turn rates like a subborn muli. I have yet to see if I upgrade from class two to class seven how it fares, but all in all it's like what I was thinking how it should be. (The platemail, twohander analogy)

I have yet to see what I'll do with the yasen. I have scaled it up by 1.75 which was a step into the right direction, but it turns and rolls too good with all the equipment I packed into it. I think the turn and roll rates are too good for the ship anyway, so I might fix them in shipdata.

The Ophidian was like I thought it should be - a slow, sturdy trader (well it was like that before).

got to go to bed now,

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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by Norby »

Amah wrote:
mass around 348t (comparing them to a bigger Trader like a Python or Boa2)
Mass is directly proportional to the volume so in theory a ship with 348t mass could hold almost double cargo than a boa (mass:182t cargo:125t). I think a smaller rescale is enough.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by Devium »

Seem to have lost equip space after installing 2 passenger berths. It was fine until I docked at next station then I was overloaded and it showed I had 18 max cargo space to equip instead of 26. Selling passenger berths fixed but they showed in sell equip screen as taking 0T space 5T weight. Only odd log error I found was as follows -

01:45:48.158 [ShipConfiguration_Core]: cargoUsed = 22
01:45:48.158 [ShipConfiguration_Core]: maxCargo = 26
01:45:48.174 [LogEvents]: Player gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_EQUIP_SHIP to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: % . (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: %뜠. (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: %@. (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: %뜠. (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: %뜠. (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: %뜠. (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: % . (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: %렠. (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: % . (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: %렠. (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: %렠. (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: %렠. (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: %렠. (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: %렠. (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: % . (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)
01:45:48.176 [strings.expand.warning.unknownPercentEscape]: ----- WARNING: Unknown escape code in string: %렠. (To encode a % sign without this warning, use %% - but prefer "percent" in prose writing.)

*edit typos
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

OK, version 0.0.11 is now available, which addresses the bug noted by Devium above, where equipment items that use up cargo space were throwing the available space calculations out.
  • Fixed Javascript bug when dumping cargo.
  • Added police roles to NPC list.
  • Fixed spelling mistake for the heat shield when applying base equipment.
  • Fixed issue where equipment items that take cargo space were incorrectly adjusting the maximum cargo space available for equipment.
  • Added hyperdrive names, courtesy of Redspear.
  • Added passenger berth equipment item to matrix (although it isn't necessary now that the bugs above have been fixed).
  • Damaged core items now appear red on the Ship Configuration main menu.
  • Code refactoring and cleanup.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by Amah »

haven't got much time atm, but just gave the new version a quick test. Launched right into a furball and I really liked the way the ship behaved... I tested some other weights but I seem to come back to 2.

Thanks a lot for all your efforts..
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

That's good news, Amah! Thanks for testing!
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by Devium »

:D Looking good phkb :) I haven't had a lot of time either but pluggin away when I can. I decided to upload some vids tonight of my testing battle while doing courier runs to youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUuZ_m ... PJG2QO018g See for yourself :D I think I might have damaged engines on a couple ships and then accidentally rammed them lol there's a third Vid uploading now but will be a couple hours probably as my upload speed is slow. Best viewed at 1080p or it starts to look fuzzy.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

I'm playing around with the idea of having laser temperature affect cabin temperature. So, if you have 4 lasers fitted, and you switch to each view and put each laser into an overheated state, the cabin temperature will rise as well, potentially causing damage if it gets too high.

This opens the way for additional configuration options, like equipment that will dump excess cabin temperature, but will take up precious cargo and/or equipment space (this equipment item can be used in an auto or manual mode - auto would mean the equipment would fire automatically as soon as the cabin temperature reached a certain point, while manual would mean needing to prime equipment an activate it).

Obviously I'd need to make this work for NPC's as well. But what are people's thoughts on having laser temp impact on cabin temp? Would this be more immersive? It would certainly make dog-fighting in the sun's corona more difficult. Would it be valuable to have?

Edit: Another thought is to have fuel injectors raise the heat level as well, with higher-classed injectors not having as much impact as lower-classed ones.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Another thought in relation to heat build up and dispersion: should heat shields play a part? Would it make sense for heat shields to act as a form of heat sink for internal heat build-up? My thinking is it should, and if you install a higher class of heat shield then laser heat transfer won't happen as much. Thoughts?
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by Amah »

Good questions... I have to ponder on that idea a bit. I always saw laser and cabin temperature handled by two different independent cooling circles. But now as you say it...Different heatshields as a heat sink sounds interesting nevertheless.

What I ever wondered, shieldless laserhits on the hull actually should have a slight effect on cabin temperature, imho.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

I guess I'm trying to think of way of making the different parts of your ship more inter-dependent. The separation of cabin temp and laser temp in the core game looks like an area where depth can be added and the process of equipping your ship becomes more real. Do I really want to fit fast-heating military-style lasers, or will it make more sense to stay with beam lasers? If I go with military lasers, and add the higher-class heat shields and extra heat sinks, what impact does that have on performance? These seem like ways of making the game richer.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by Zireael »

Argh, I really should find some time to play. Phkb, your pictures in the first post are broken, and I'd love to see how it looks!
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by Day »

Regarding separation of cabin heat and laser heat...
Space is cold, so a heat circuit is necessary for the cabin, as well as an isolation shell.
Yet, space around the ship is mostly an isolant (very little heat conductivity), and space temp is constant. So, in a non-fighting environment, the shell is built to endure a constant heat draw.

Now, when the ship is near a star, the shell has to endure a constant heat addition, with a very high temperature.

Finally, when in laser fight condition, the shell has to endure a violent heat addition, with wery high temperature.

So I would say that a ship shell is built to endure passively very low temperature and a constant heat draw ; to endure thanks to an active device (so it needs energy) near-star conditions and laser fight conditions.

A ship could be certified to endure XXX watts/m² for near-star conditions, and certified to endure one peak of YYY watts/m²/s for fighter ships.

Now, the most fragile item in the cabin is the pilot.
So the next thing you know is a new certification appears, with a highest guaranteed cockpit temperature in the beforesaid conditions.

So... yes I think that in laser fights, those temps are linked :-)
And that this is a major weapon of big ships against small agile ships: one laser shot may make a pilot faint if the ship isn't equipped with a top-notch heatsink.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Zireael wrote:
your pictures in the first post are broken
Hmm, that's odd. Those pictures are stored on my public website, so there shouldn't be a display issue. Does anyone else see a broken image links?

@Day: Thanks for your input. Very interesting thoughts.
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