Stuck at Estiri
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Stuck at Estiri
Made it to deadly but seriously stuck in Assassins Guild with, of course, The Supergrass Bi Xea'Nu whacking. I've been at it for 2 weeks, at least an hour every night. I have tried everything my 68 year old brain can come up with. ( laughter, I can hear little creeps..) But at any rate this is getting to be like Super Mario or Candy Crunch or some other mindless task instead of a freewheeling, pirate killing, fast action, independent motive, greed and slaughter quest.
I do not like to jump thru hoops, I hate hoops, they smell bad and get fur on the rugs.
Need help; Rot 13 is fine. I just have to figure out how to get back to my own
By the way, an Amiga veteran of Elite.. You kids have done a wonderful and much longed for job on this beautiful concept of a game..God Bless,
I do not like to jump thru hoops, I hate hoops, they smell bad and get fur on the rugs.
Need help; Rot 13 is fine. I just have to figure out how to get back to my own
By the way, an Amiga veteran of Elite.. You kids have done a wonderful and much longed for job on this beautiful concept of a game..God Bless,
- Cody
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Re: Stuck at Estiri
<snorts> Kids? Hah! Welcome aboard, old man - from an old BBC Elite veteran!EmperorPenguin wrote:You kids have done a wonderful and much longed for job on this beautiful concept of a game..
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
- Fatleaf
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Re: Stuck at Estiri
One of the things to remember as an assassin is the only thing that matters is the taking out of the mark. How that is done matters little.
Gur zbfg rssrpgvir jnl V sbhaq vf gb gbehf ebhaq gur gur bccbfvgr fvqr lbh ragre gur flfgrz gura pnershyyl naq fybjyl urnq sbe gur fgngvba (abg gur znva ohg gur bar arne gur frpbaqnel cynarg) eha njnl rirel gvzr gur zvffvyr ynhapuref sver naq whfg ybat enatr favcr gur svtugvat ynfre obgf. Gura bapr lbh unir qbar gung (gnxr lbh n yvggyr juvyr tbvat onpx naq sbegu) lbh jvyy or pybfr rabhtu gb gur fgngvba gb or noyr gb qrgrpg gur Znexf fuvc. Erzrzore ur jvyy or gur bar genafzvggvat fb hfr gur ` xrl gb svaq uvz vs lbh ybfr uvz. Bapr sbhaq ghea 180` naq tvir uvz n shyy fnyib bs gur erne (lbh jvyy trg nyy xvaqf bs jbaqreshy nggragvba abj), syvc ebhaq naq sver rirel uneq urnq lbh unir ng uvz juvyr tvivat uvz n shyy qbfr bs sebagny ynfre. Nagv zvffvyr bkc'f uryc jvgu guvf bar, vs gung'f lbh guvat. Gura vtabevat nyy ryfr vawrpg gb pybfr gur qvfgnapr naq hfr sebag ynfre jura lbh pna fhccyrzragvat jvgu gur fvqrf.
Hope it helps. And Welcome To the Friendliest Forum this side of RiedquatTM.
Gur zbfg rssrpgvir jnl V sbhaq vf gb gbehf ebhaq gur gur bccbfvgr fvqr lbh ragre gur flfgrz gura pnershyyl naq fybjyl urnq sbe gur fgngvba (abg gur znva ohg gur bar arne gur frpbaqnel cynarg) eha njnl rirel gvzr gur zvffvyr ynhapuref sver naq whfg ybat enatr favcr gur svtugvat ynfre obgf. Gura bapr lbh unir qbar gung (gnxr lbh n yvggyr juvyr tbvat onpx naq sbegu) lbh jvyy or pybfr rabhtu gb gur fgngvba gb or noyr gb qrgrpg gur Znexf fuvc. Erzrzore ur jvyy or gur bar genafzvggvat fb hfr gur ` xrl gb svaq uvz vs lbh ybfr uvz. Bapr sbhaq ghea 180` naq tvir uvz n shyy fnyib bs gur erne (lbh jvyy trg nyy xvaqf bs jbaqreshy nggragvba abj), syvc ebhaq naq sver rirel uneq urnq lbh unir ng uvz juvyr tvivat uvz n shyy qbfr bs sebagny ynfre. Nagv zvffvyr bkc'f uryc jvgu guvf bar, vs gung'f lbh guvat. Gura vtabevat nyy ryfr vawrpg gb pybfr gur qvfgnapr naq hfr sebag ynfre jura lbh pna fhccyrzragvat jvgu gur fvqrf.
Hope it helps. And Welcome To the Friendliest Forum this side of RiedquatTM.
Find out about the early influences of Fatleaf here. Also his OXP's!
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Holds the Ooniversal record for "Thread Necromancy"
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Re: Stuck at Estiri
Fatleaf seems to like good ale and rich food, I intend to provide such should he ever visit, provide in abundance. !!
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Re: Stuck at Estiri
FatLeaf; I will try suggestion, Poor poor pitiful me. I will relate results. 11pm thursday and 2 chess moves pending befor I get to the REAL game..
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Re: Stuck at Estiri
Sharp Shooter; thank you for the welcome as well as the help from lifers ; .Good buddies ,help in times of need, English beer and Las vegas women ; what could go wrong?
- Fatleaf
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Re: Stuck at Estiri
Looks a nice location East Aurora, I might just take you up on that if there is plenty of Beer and Food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EmperorPenguin wrote:Fatleaf seems to like good ale and rich food, I intend to provide such should he ever visit, provide in abundance. !!

Las Vegas women? Eerrmmm............ She sounds expensive. I'm too much of a cheap ass Scotsman

Just a pointer, if you want to say something else and your post is the still the last post in the thread use the edit button. Keeps things tidier. Use a tag like,
Edit: Like this to add extra stuffs.
Find out about the early influences of Fatleaf here. Also his OXP's!
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Holds the Ooniversal record for "Thread Necromancy"
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Re: Stuck at Estiri
Thanks for the advice, Tried it, but it is still too much trial and error for my taste. OOLITE is a game where the player is in control, not the game controlling the player; that is why it is so beautiful. There are other missions where the hoops are not so small and the hurdles are not almost impossibly high. Games are supposed to be fun, not work. AG wiped from my add ons. I do NOT rcecommend this oxp to anyone except the diehard closet gamer.
- Fatleaf
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Re: Stuck at Estiri
Well don't judge it too harshly yet as with the current version the ships are harder and more deadly than they were before. Also the mission was designed when there was the energy bomb and assumed that you had one for each hit. Might be good to wait for the next version when things will be toned down a little. Alternatively just for this one you might want to install (just for this once to move the story along) Killit. Then once you have killed the mark uninstall it. I know it is cheating a bit but take the viewpoint that the mission is unfairly balanced at present beyond the intentions of the writer, which is an accurate statement.
Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.
Find out about the early influences of Fatleaf here. Also his OXP's!
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Holds the Ooniversal record for "Thread Necromancy"
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Re: Stuck at Estiri
Fbeel lbh tbg fb fghpx jvgu va. Gur vzcebirzragf va Zvyvgnel Ynfref jvyy znxr vg uneqre, ohg gur vagraqrq fbyhgvba jura V jebgr vg qvqa'g vaibyir gnatyvat jvgu gur Qrsraqref ng nyy. V'z nffhzvat lbh unir n ernfbanoyl dhvpx fuvc (Pboen Zx VVV be snfgre) naq unir fuvryq obbfgref, zvyvgnel fuvryqf naq na raretl havg. Znxr fher lbh nccebnpu gur onfr jvgu shyy gnaxf (gbc hc ng gur fha be hfr n shry pnavfgre orsber tbvat gb gur onfr). Nf fbba nf lbh pbzr jvgu va gur 25xz mbar uvg lbhe vawrpgbef naq urnq gbjneqf gur fgngvba. Vtaber gur zvffvyrf naq onggyrobgf. Nf lbh ernpu gur fgngvba gur Znex jvyy cvpx lbh hc naq nggnpx. Uvf NV (sbbyvfuyl) gryyf uvz gb nggnpx naq sbyybj lbh. Nf uvf fuvc unf n gbc fcrrq bs 0.5YZ ur'yy bhgeha gur onggyrobggf. Qba'g gel gb svtug uvz, whfg xrrc vawrpgbevat njnl ohg xrrcvat uvz ba gur fpnaare. Bapr lbh'ir tbg nobhg 50xzf jvgu uvz sbyybjvat ur'yy or ba uvf bja jvgu ab zvffvyr ynhpuref be obggf. Ba uvf bja, juvyfg uvf fuvc vf qrprag ur bayl unf n fvatyr zvyvgnel ynfre gb qrsraq uvzfrys jvgu naq lbh pna qrfgebl uvz ng lbhe yrnfher.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
- CommRLock78
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Re: Stuck at Estiri
I've been noticing that! I'm going to have to change some of my tactics - but probably for the best.Fatleaf wrote:Well don't judge it too harshly yet as with the current version the ships are harder and more deadly than they were before. ...

Good luck Emperor!

"I'll laser the mark all while munching a fistful of popcorn." - Markgräf von Ededleen, Marquess, Brutal Great One, Assassins' Guild Exterminator
At the helm of the Caduceus Omega, 'Murderous Morrígan'
At the helm of the Caduceus Omega, 'Murderous Morrígan'
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Re: Stuck at Estiri
Well, in a fit of temper, plus other libations last night, I dumped AG. But now you overly gracious gentlemen come to my assistance with very wise and practiced tactics. It is a good thing that I back up my saves to the BEAR and ISA; I will persist, thanks for your advice !
Driving a CADDY-O with everything on it except an 8 track. Slightly modified speed. Well, perhaps a bit more than "slightly". Got it cheap too; my brother in law works at the dealership. I'm not gonna live forever so a good deal is a fast deal.
BIG RULE: Never touch the laser temp, never adjust the jump range. All that and I still am a dufus.
Is Elite Dangerous playable as single player? Graphics are outstanding.
PS probably won't do KILLIT.. I may adjust my caddy's speed but omnipotence is a bit scary.
Feb 26 th.. tried all advice..still hacking away at this mission 7-8 times a night. I even hired 2 hired escorts. They did very well for a long while, kept up with my speed and whacked about 6 or 7 of the robot fighters before they met their demise. Still, when I went full speed towards the mark and beyond, the laser fire was withering, aft shields gone in seconds ( Naval shields) . Q bombs inert, Ebomb discharged at the base; ineffective. The mark follows but to keep him in range is to die under the 8,000 degree hate heat lasers of the robots. I'll give it 2 more sessions and if I don't nail it I will seriously consider that online course in interior decorating that is on Utube.
Or I could cheat..I don't know squat about complimentary colors.
Driving a CADDY-O with everything on it except an 8 track. Slightly modified speed. Well, perhaps a bit more than "slightly". Got it cheap too; my brother in law works at the dealership. I'm not gonna live forever so a good deal is a fast deal.
BIG RULE: Never touch the laser temp, never adjust the jump range. All that and I still am a dufus.
Is Elite Dangerous playable as single player? Graphics are outstanding.
PS probably won't do KILLIT.. I may adjust my caddy's speed but omnipotence is a bit scary.
Feb 26 th.. tried all advice..still hacking away at this mission 7-8 times a night. I even hired 2 hired escorts. They did very well for a long while, kept up with my speed and whacked about 6 or 7 of the robot fighters before they met their demise. Still, when I went full speed towards the mark and beyond, the laser fire was withering, aft shields gone in seconds ( Naval shields) . Q bombs inert, Ebomb discharged at the base; ineffective. The mark follows but to keep him in range is to die under the 8,000 degree hate heat lasers of the robots. I'll give it 2 more sessions and if I don't nail it I will seriously consider that online course in interior decorating that is on Utube.
Or I could cheat..I don't know squat about complimentary colors.