[Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

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[Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by Captain Beatnik »


Coluber works and shipyards proudly presents the new Coluber HUD No.1. The Coluber HUD No.1 is a fully featured HUD with individual scales for each gauge and additional control lights for important equipment.

This HUD has individual crosshairs with long guidelines. Up to 6 MFD´s are avaliable. On red alert, the gauges for shields, energy, weapontemperature, the control lights for injectors, E.C.M. and escapepod and the weapon display are grouped around the crosshairs.

Download link: https://app.box.com/s/q9chv7w2q85wzdwmko77

If you find any bugs, please report them.

Best regards

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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by Diziet Sma »

Wow.. VERY impressive.. might even draw me away from the NumericHUD. :shock: 8)

One suggestion, if you haven't already done so.. please make it compatible with the HUD Selector.. it's only a handful of lines of code, and doesn't affect the normal HUD operation if someone doesn't have HUD Selector installed.
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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by Smivs »

Nice HUD. Complex but clear and not fussy.
Just one minor point <pedantic nerd mode> but you have calibrated the temperature gauges in Kelvins, and Kelvins don't have a 'degree' symbol. Zero degrees Celcius are 273 kelvins, not 273 degrees Kelvin.
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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by Thargoid »

[mode="even more pedantic physicist"]273.15K=0 degrees C, to be even more of a pedantic science nerd.

But it is indeed an absolute scale, not a degree one so has no degree symbol in it as Smivs rightly says.[/mode]
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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by Zireael »

DAT crosshair. Love it!
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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by ClymAngus »

Ooooo that's very clean.
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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by Redspear »

That is a nice looking HUD...

Does the crosshair always extend to the screen edges?
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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by Captain Beatnik »

Thargoid wrote:
[mode="even more pedantic physicist"]273.15K=0 degrees C, to be even more of a pedantic science nerd.

But it is indeed an absolute scale, not a degree one so has no degree symbol in it as Smivs rightly says.[/mode]
Ooops... :oops: I will delete the degree-symbol in the next version.

Diziet Sma wrote:
One suggestion, if you haven't already done so.. please make it compatible with the HUD Selector.. it's only a handful of lines of code, and doesn't affect the normal HUD operation if someone doesn't have HUD Selector installed.
That´s a good suggestion, I will try to implement compability in the next version. But I have no experience with JS-coding, so I might need some help with that. I have read the Hud-Selector requires to rename the hud.plist. If I do so, how does the HUD work if someone doesn't have HUD Selector installed?

Redspear wrote:
Does the crosshair always extend to the screen edges?
Yes, this is intended. If you want shorter guidelines, the length can easily be adjusted. You only have to change four values in the "Guidelines" section of each crosshair. E.g. Changing

Code: Select all

		(0.30,   0.000,   9.000,	0.30,  0.000,  1.300),
		(0.30,   0.000,  -5.000,	0.30,  0.000, -0.100),
		(0.30,  13.200,   0.000,	0.30,  0.100,  0.000),
		(0.30, -13.200,   0.000,	0.30, -0.100,  0.000),

Code: Select all

		(0.30,   0.000,   1.800,	0.30  0.000,  1.300),
		(0.30,   0.000,  -1.800,	0.30,  0.000, -0.100),
		(0.30,  1.800,   0.000,	0.30,  0.100,  0.000),
		(0.30, -1.800,   0.000,	0.30, -0.100,  0.000),
will cause the guidelines to start just outside the outer 16-sided-figure.
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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by Norby »

Captain Beatnik wrote:
how does the HUD work if someone doesn't have HUD Selector installed?
Following the descriptions in the [EliteWiki] wiki (right below the screenshots) you put a worldscript into your package which will set the hud at startup if HUDSelector is not installed.

Rename your hud.plist to coluberhud.plist and make a script.js file in your Config folder with this content:

Code: Select all

this.name = "coluberhud";
this.startUp = function () {
   player.ship.hud =  this.name + ".plist";
   var h = worldScripts.hudselector;
   if( h ) h.$HUDSelectorAddHUD("Coluber HUD", this.name);
Test with and without HUDSelector. Done! ;)

I do not see any bugs in your code but I have suggestions:
- your console and comms show very few information, wider ones would be better,
- the identifier in manifest.plist should not contain the version number (cause problems later),
- if you plan to make some widescreen support then you can align the MFDs to the sides using x_origin=1 and -1.
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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by Knotty »

PPP, like!
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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by Captain Beatnik »

Norby wrote:
Rename your hud.plist to coluberhud.plist and make a script.js file in your Config folder with this content:

Code: Select all

this.name = "coluberhud";
this.startUp = function () {
   player.ship.hud =  this.name + ".plist";
   var h = worldScripts.hudselector;
   if( h ) h.$HUDSelectorAddHUD("Coluber HUD", this.name);
Test with and without HUDSelector. Done! ;)

I do not see any bugs in your code but I have suggestions:
- your console and comms show very few information, wider ones would be better,
- the identifier in manifest.plist should not contain the version number (cause problems later),
- if you plan to make some widescreen support then you can align the MFDs to the sides using x_origin=1 and -1.
Thanks for the code Norby, it works perfect! I made the console and comms a bit wider and have aligned the MFDs to the sides using x_origin=1 and -1 as you have suggested. Works fine! :D The "1" in the identifier is not the version number but part of the HUDs name so it will not change in later versions.

Thanks to Diziet Smas All-in-One Guide to OXZ Packaging and Distribution and with help from Maik I also managed it to set up a wiki page and make the HUD downloadable via the OXP-manager.
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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by ffutures »

How do I change the scanner to non-linear? I took a look at the OXZ file, but I'm seeing gibberish.

Would it be possible to add in something to the game that would let users configure stuff like this from the F4 menu while docked?
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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by Norby »

ffutures wrote:
How do I change the scanner to non-linear?
Put the followings into the coluber_hud_ch01.plist, either right after the first { or just before the last } but not within any other brackets:

Code: Select all

scanner_non_linear = yes;
scanner_ultra_zoom = yes; //if you want 16x zoom also
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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by ffutures »

Can't find coluber_hud_ch01.plist at all. I'm assuming it should be in oolite/00lite.ap/resources/config but it isn't showing up on a search anywhere else either.
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Re: [Release] Coluber HUD No. 1

Post by Norby »

Find within the .oxz: if you downloaded from the box url in the first post then Coluber_HUD_No.1_v1.0.0.oxz, if you downloaded within the game then oolite.oxp.captain_beatnik.coluber_hud_ch01.oxz. Unzip, edit, zip, rename to oxz, put into the AddOns. If you know Total Commander or Midnight Commander then you can edit files within an oxz (enter to step into then F4).
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