As an aside, from a programming perspective, I'd prefer to have this information - and all the rest too: tech level, economy, sea colour, vector describing direction of sun from planet, etc. generated from the seed once, then stored in the core planetinfo.plist, because it makes it a lot easier to make adjustments to the system generation routines without having to worry about keeping exactly the same number of RNG calls in exactly the same order, and without having to worry about apparently unrelated changes breaking this.
Wildeblood wrote:The planet descriptions are a joke - they are cartoonish and puerile, and greatly detract from the game.
There are certainly a few where the influence of Douglas Adams on Bell and Braben is a little too obvious (but then, the same could be said for the combat ranks), but I find the random generation of the planet descriptions so that they're almost all unique does a far better job of presenting a varied and interesting universe than many other approaches.
Random fact of the day: in 1.76-style generation - I haven't checked if it's also true in the original Elite - there is one government type for which the component "unusual mating traditions" does not appear: Corporate States. That raises a lot of questions in-universe even though out-of-universe it's obviously just coincidental.
another_commander wrote:I agree with Wildeblood. The text of the descriptions is in about 95% of the cases there for laughs and certainly can't possibly change the gameplay if it's changed.
I thought that about the nebula positioning, too, but that file is covered in comments warning of the need to keep the nebula generation consistent between versions, to the extent of noting that a bug has been preserved for that purpose... similar notes elsewhere for sun colour, and other such apparently trivial stuff.
Tiared got my attention because I know of a few non-core resources which expect Tiared to play hockey. Assassins OXP, though that does set the description anyway, the vector maps which have the Zero-G Hockey Road, which is then incorporated into New Cargoes and BGS-X (and Liners? Or does that only do the G1 spacelanes?). ... and that's just one planet.
El Viejo wrote:I wonder how many would get changed?
At a rough count, about 1 in 11 are potentially affected, though a few of those might not actually change.
Wildeblood wrote:The "random" descriptions seem tuned to the standard galaxy seeds.
That's almost certainly true. The Elite-style RNG is not very good for this sort of chain (there are, for instance, 25 sports theoretically possible, but only 6 of them actually show up, and two of those are extremely rare)