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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Smivs »

spara wrote:
I have no problem with the errors in the log. Someone else might be scared away from the oxp though.
Not if they read the readme :wink:
the Readme wrote:
N.B. You may see the following log error if Griff's Boa and Boa2 are not installed:-
" [shipData.merge.failed]: ***** ERROR: one or more shipdata.plist entries have like_ship references that cannot be resolved: griff-boa-pitbull, griff-boa2-rottweiler "
This is due to the OXP looking for ship types which are not installed. This is not significant and can safely be ignored.
(Thinking about this reminded me that this issue was always there - it is unavoidable if the OXP is going to 'work' in all situations. I must be getting old - memory fade :roll: )

Edited to add - Thanks Svengali, I'll have a look at that.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Smivs »

Hopefully all is now fixed.
I have updated the standard TG3 by adding the 'is_external_dependancy' key to the relevant parts of shipdata, and have amended the readme to suit. It is now at version 1.1.
Also updated are the Wiki (OXP page and OXP Table entry) and the entry on Smivsonline.
Thanks to both Spara and Svengali. :)
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Disembodied »

I'm enjoying the extra challenge (just using TG3-Anarchy), but I'm seeing several ships which seem to have two forward-firing lasers. Is this intentional? I don't have any multi-laser ship OXPs, and I can't see any reason for it in the shipdata-overrides.plist - unless somehow the ships are able to fire their front and rear lasers at me at the same time ...
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Smivs »

Disembodied wrote:
I'm enjoying the extra challenge (just using TG3-Anarchy), but I'm seeing several ships which seem to have two forward-firing lasers. Is this intentional? I don't have any multi-laser ship OXPs, and I can't see any reason for it in the shipdata-overrides.plist - unless somehow the ships are able to fire their front and rear lasers at me at the same time ...
Hmm, that's not right and it is certainly not intentional.
Can you please confirm the ' edition' of TG3 you are using (Griffs, Smivs or the standard one) and which (if any) shipsets you currently use? It might give some clues as to what's happening - early versions had a problem with Griffs ships which have a separate gun sub-ent and this might be the case here.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Disembodied »

Thanks, Smivs. I'm just using the standard TG3 edition. The only shipset is Griff's No Shaders Shipset.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Smivs »

Ah, OK. That's the one Solo did isn't it? My guess is it's the same problem I had with Griff's when I first released the original ToughGuys.

<Goes off to download the shipset to take a look...>

Yeah, what's happening is that some of these ships use a separate gun sub-ent, and TG3 affects the built-in gun the core ships have. So the sub-ent gun is as usual but TG3 is adding the 'built in' gun the ship would normally have, are both are firing. :P
As far as I can see the naming of the sub-ents in the non-shader version of Griff's is the same as the normalmapped version, so my first suggestion would be to grab the ForGriff's edition of TG3 and try that - I hope that will be the answer.
Please let me know how it goes.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Disembodied »

Thanks, Smivs! That's got it - I've installed the "for Griff's" version and now they're down to one forward-firing laser apiece. Not so tough now ... :twisted:

(Actually, they're tough enough ... I've had more than a few fights where I've been more than happy to see an opponent bugger off into the distance, and call it a draw!)
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Smivs »

OK big D, that's great. :) I'll update the documentation to make this clear for future users as well. Thanks.
P.S. You'll enjoy the EveryDayMayhem level even more... :evil:
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Tichy »

I'm using the griff all-in-one replacement shipset and TG3 Anarchy and it seems that I have the same problem. Sometimes, there are ships that shoot with double lasers.

If I remember correctly, this one was a Cobra 3. Sometimes, they shoot me with double red lasers, sometimes with one red and one yellow laser :D

Do I have to use the "for Griffs" version? I thought it was only for the all-in-one addition shipset.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Disembodied »

Tichy wrote:
I'm using the griff all-in-one replacement shipset and TG3 Anarchy and it seems that I have the same problem. Sometimes, there are ships that shoot with double lasers.

If I remember correctly, this one was a Cobra 3. Sometimes, they shoot me with double red lasers, sometimes with one red and one yellow laser :D

Do I have to use the "for Griffs" version? I thought it was only for the all-in-one addition shipset.
This was my problem - switching to the "for Griff's" version fixed it though. Smivs says a few posts up:
Smivs wrote:
Yeah, what's happening is that some of these ships [i.e. Griff's] use a separate gun sub-ent, and TG3 affects the built-in gun the core ships have. So the sub-ent gun is as usual but TG3 is adding the 'built in' gun the ship would normally have, are both are firing.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Smivs »

Tichy wrote:
Do I have to use the "for Griffs" version? I thought it was only for the all-in-one addition shipset.
Yes. Both addition and replace version of Griff's ships have a gun subentity. This means that if the standard TG3 is used the sub-ent gun and the built-in gun the 'normal' ship has both fire, which explains the two colours. The ForGriff's versions affect the sub-ent gun, so should be used with all Griff ships (I think!), including the non-shader version.
Can you try the ForGriff's and let me know if it's OK? I notice the documentation is a bit ambiguous, so if you can confirm this for me I'll clear up the documentation as well.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Tichy »

Now it's ok. No more double lasers. However, they feels less though... Maybe is time to pass to EveryDayMayhem :D
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Smivs »

Excellent! Glad it's sorted. You'll like EveryDayMayhem :D
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Smivs »

I've updated the documentation (smivsonline and the Wiki) to make it clear that the ForGriff's is for all versions of Griff's ships.
I am interested if anybody is using Griff's addition set with other shipsets such as my own Smivs'Shipset...has anybody tried using more than one version of TG3 simultaneously? As far as I can see it should be possible to run say TG3 ForGriffs and TG3 ForSmivs' if both shipsets are used at the same time. Has anybody done this, and is it working as intended with ships from both sets being affected?
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by spara »

I went through my installed oxps and looked more closely on griffs replacement set (1.34) and TG3forGriffs (1.1). According to the wiki (of TG3), these should work together, but there's something that puzzles me. Please, educate me if there's I have understood wrong :). Here it goes:

Griff's replacement set uses shipdata.plist to define ships using datakeys "adder", "boa" etc. To my understanding, this redefines the original ones. Right?

TG3forGriffs uses shipdata-overrides.plist to override ships using datakeys "griff_normalmapped_adder_NPC", "griff_normalmapped_boa_NPC". To my understanding, this overrides wanted properties of the ships already defined by given datakeys. Right?

If this is correct, I don't understand how TG3forGriffs does anything to griffs replacement set. What have I understood wrong?
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