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Post by Smivs »

This is an old version of this OXP. The thread for the current version (ToughGuys 4) can be found here

Following on from the previous ToughGuys OXPs, TG3 has some new features and brings the OXP up to date.
Versions are still available for general use, Griff's Shipset 'Addition' * and Smivs'Shipset.
All versions now have a new level. Following discussions with various users, it was suggested that a new 'every day' version was desirable, pitched between Apocalypse and Armageddon levels, drawing on features of both.
'TG3 EveryDayMayhem' therefore has pirates of a similar toughness to 'Apocalypse', and adds witchpoint ambushes at random (roughly one in five systems visited), with extra pirates added to all other systems. The War Dogs (pirate Boas and Boa2s) will appear from time to time, and the GalCop Constrictor will also be seen in Anarchy systems occassionally.
The previous version of ToughGuys did not work with the (newly introduced) 'Add' version of Smivs'Shipset. The forSmivs version will now work with both replace and add versions, and also has the interactive features of Smivs'Shipset applied to the War Dogs. They will now show visible damage when throwing sparks, and progressively become derelict if the pilot ejects. They also explode dramatically when destroyed. If the 'Add' version of Smivs'Shipset is used, both the Smivs and default ships will be toughened.
Full details and downloads from Smivsonline
*Users of Griff's 'Replace' ship set should use the standard edition of TG3. Users of Griff's 'Addition' set will need to install both the standard and forGriffs editions.
Last edited by Smivs on Tue May 14, 2013 9:56 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [RELEASE] ToughGuys 3

Post by Duggan »

I am persuaded to try this oxp ..I hope it's not going to be curtains for Duggan :) I'll let you know how I get on.
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Re: [RELEASE] ToughGuys 3

Post by Smivs »

Hope you enjoy it. Work up through the levels though - to start with even the first level can seem like hard work from time to time. The new level, EveryDayMayhem, although intended for regular use, is not for the faint-hearted. :wink:
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Re: [RELEASE] ToughGuys 3

Post by Solonar »

I found a typo in this oxp. The world script for the Armageddon part of this oxp reads TG2_Armageddon.js which prevented this script from properly executing. I corrected this to read TG3_Armageddon.js, which is the name of the script associated with this oxp, and it resumed its normal function.

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Re: [RELEASE] ToughGuys 3

Post by Smivs »

Solonar wrote:
I found a typo in this oxp. The world script for the Armageddon part of this oxp reads TG2_Armageddon.js which prevented this script from properly executing. I corrected this to read TG3_Armageddon.js, which is the name of the script associated with this oxp, and it resumed its normal function.
Good spot Solonar, thanks for reporting this.
Just to clarify this is the standard edition of TG3, not the Griff or Smivs ones, and only effects 'Armageddon' level.
If anybody wants to fix this for themselves, open the OXP and in the Config folder, open the worldscripts.plist in a text editor (usual not-notepad warning here). Replace the 2 with a 3 so it reads

Code: Select all

The download has now been corrected.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by spara »


This oxp gives the following error:
23:41:37.145 [shipData.merge.failed]: ***** ERROR: one or more shipdata.plist entries have like_ship references that cannot be resolved: griff-boa-pitbull, griff-boa2-rottweiler, griff-galcop-constrictor
No other oxps are loaded. Oxp version is the first one from wiki (the other two are labeled as tg 2?). I'm trying to use the Apocalypse-level. Game version is 1.76.1 on linux.

Otherwise this oxp hits the spot quite nicely :D. As an idea, it would be nice if the level of hardness could be scripted to change (with a little randomization) when your elite-status rises.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Rese249er »

With my ironassed Serpent, I installed Armageddon level. It's providing the inspiration for my take on G2 in my fic.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Thargoid »

spara wrote:

This oxp gives the following error:
23:41:37.145 [shipData.merge.failed]: ***** ERROR: one or more shipdata.plist entries have like_ship references that cannot be resolved: griff-boa-pitbull, griff-boa2-rottweiler, griff-galcop-constrictor
No other oxps are loaded. Oxp version is the first one from wiki (the other two are labeled as tg 2?). I'm trying to use the Apocalypse-level. Game version is 1.76.1 on linux.

Otherwise this oxp hits the spot quite nicely :D. As an idea, it would be nice if the level of hardness could be scripted to change (with a little randomization) when your elite-status rises.
Your comment actually gives the root cause. The TG OXP is using ship entries from some of Griff's OXPs, which aren't installed.

Try installing Griff's shipset and it should resolve itself.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Smivs »

I think Thargoid might have hit the nail on the head, or maybe not.
ToughGuys3 (which is the current version) has three editions available, one general-purpose one for the core game and all/any shipsets, one edition for my own Smivs'Shipset and one specifically for use with Griff's shipset. This is because the Griff versions of the ships all have unique names in the shipdata.plist, and TG3 needs to know the names of the ships it is altering. Therefore using the 'for Griff's' version will not work without Griff's ships.
Having said that I know Griff has been doing some housekeeping around his OXPs and it could be that he has changed some of the names.

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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by spara »

I was a bit vague with my report, sorry for that. It was getting late :D. Again.

At first I downloaded (which by the way is labeled as "ToughGuys 2 for Griff's all-in-one set" in the wiki), as I was using griff's shipset among others. After installing and shift-starting it gives the error.

Next I downloaded and removed all other oxps from the AddOns folder. After installing and shift-starting it still gives the same error.

I only tried the apocalypse level.

Hope this helps.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Smivs »

OK, I think this might be the answer - are you using the 'replace' version of Griff's ships? This version uses the 'default' shipdata names for the core ships, and could throw these errors. If you are using the 'replace' version, I think you will need to use the standard TG3 which should work fine, and only use the 'forGriffs' version if you are using the 'addition' Griff set.
If this is the case I might need to update the documentation of ToughGuys to reflect this...could you please keep me posted?
Also, thanks for the heads-up on the Wiki. That has now been corrected. :)
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by spara »

Thanks for a quick response.

I'm using the 'replace' version of Griff's ships. I installed the standard version (named and it still throws the same error. Quick peek to the shipdata.plist (in TG3- Apocalypse.oxp/Config) shows that there is a ship called "griff-boa-pitbull" which has a definition like_ship = "griff_normalmapped_boa_NPC_template". There are also ships defined as "griff-boa2-rottweiler" and "griff-galcop-constrictor" that have same kind of like_ship definitions. Are these some leftovers? Should I just remove them?
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Smivs »

Ah, yes. I'd forgotten I'd done that...the entries in the standard TG3 are to allow for the standalone versions of Griff's ships if I remember rightly. The original version of this OXP goes back to a time before the replace/addition shipsets and when Griff had an all-in-one set and individual ships, and it probably needs updating.
I think I will have to go back to TG3 and try to bring it into line with the current situation.
The good news is these errors are pretty meaningless - it suggests the OXP has been trying to affect ships which are not installed but what should happen is that it will just do the same magic to one that is installed instead. If you can live with the log errors it is probably best (and easiest) just to leave things as they are.
Thanks for your help with this and apologies for the problems.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by spara »

This is a great oxp. I should have tried it a lot earlier. This combined with all the other game hardening oxps gives a nice challenge :D.

I have no problem with the errors in the log. Someone else might be scared away from the oxp though.
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Re: ToughGuys 3 OXP

Post by Svengali »

Use the is_external_dependency flag in shipdata.plist for these entries.
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