Persistent convoys would also be a plus, even if the convoy is only persistent in relation to the player. Skilled players would be able to create their own small trading empire if convoy negotiations for a percentage of profit were somehow implemented.
Those players who focus completely on bounty hunting could also fall in as escorts for a set fee based on ranking, or even take point in a bounty hunting wolf-pack. Pirating players could do the same, assuming a meeting place for the offenders and fugitives was established.
Rese249er wrote:...Vega Strike had a drive similar to Oolite's Torus Drive... gradual ramp-up and ramp-down based on nearby objects and their gravitational field.
My earlier point exactly, Disembodied. Thanks for explaining it better.Disembodied wrote:...masslock deceleration could begin when the object is further away? At scanner range + X the torus speed begins to fall, until finally bump! you're masslocked.