I've noticed an odd graphical effect - this Ico station OXP seems to affect Griff's own newer Coriolis station.
First thumbnail is with this Ico OXP installed, the second is without it (the same station, btw):
I've no idea why - but this OXP has always had some problem, which is why I've uninstalled it - yet again!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
I took a shot at this and possibly managed to achieve something . At least on my machine this ico seems to work ok now and I notice no odd graphical effects. I think the problem is somewhere in conflicting/corrupted fragment-files. Here's what I did:
- Downloaded and installed the fixed oxp from this thread by "From The Internet."
- Replaced the file Shaders/griff_coriolis_mainhull_diamonds.fragment with the one from the griff_coriolis_normalmapped_alt_fullsize_tex_v2.02.oxp
- Renamed the file to griff_ico_mainhull_diamonds.fragment
- Edited the line 27 from the shipdata.plist to point to the renamed file.
yeah, this is conflicting fragment shader files, the ones in the ico oxp probably have the same names as the ones in the coriolis - this didn't used to be a problem but the coriolis oxp was re-done a while back to remove the big number that used to be drawn on the hull and replace it with the flower-ish cargo pod design, at this time the shader was re-written to remove the number and the texture that used to drive this effect was removed from the oxp.
The weird graphical glitch is the new coriolis using the old coriolis shader and making a mess of trying to draw the number (probably because the distance map texture is missing and something else is being used)