[RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

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[RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by dertien »

Ladies and gents,

To finish off the bunch I put this one up as a beta. It is not as polished as the others, merely made this to have a "complete" set. Maybe Griff will dish out a very nice Icosahedron station when he is ready and has time for it.

You will need the coriolis station made by Griff to have all textures show up correctly.
http://deephorizonindustries.com/griffi ... t_v2.0.zip


This is not a Z GrOovy Release, just a beta.



Changed the name in the shipdata.plist file to icosahedron-station, and works like a charm now. If you go to Zaonce and you see a vanilla station, download the new version please. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Last edited by dertien on Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by Duggan »

Thankyou for your continued dedication in producing the positive aesthetic impact on the game that these new stations have had dertien.

I have downloaded the link above listed and find the folder entitled Source SML Stations to contain two folders one for the Tetrahedron and one for the Octahedron both entitled version 2..How do I install this particular oxp as currently adding both these folders from the zipped folder to my add ons is having no impact on the vanilla Icos whatsoever?

I have the deephorizons coriolis installed already to make the Z GrOovy SML Stations work.

Kind Regards Duggan.
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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by Cody »

I PM'ed dertien about that link a while ago, but he hasn't seen it yet.
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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by dertien »

Looks like I added the wrong link again, I assure you this has nothing to do with alcohol consumption.

changed it now to the correct one.

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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by Kaks »

Of course not! :D With heavy-to-moderate alcohol consumpion perhaps? ;)

Oh, and yay, more graphic goodness! :)
Hey, free OXPs: farsun v1.05 & tty v0.5! :0)
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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by Cody »

That works fine now, dertien. The station numbers are off-centre (more alcohol?), but that's a minor problem.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by Duggan »

Excellent Station, Thanks for developing it, These stations add to the immersive experience of the game significantly :)
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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by Duggan »

Just a small enquiry..

Tezaeded and Erreenen in Galaxy 2 are Icosahedron Stations but even with this new oxp , they still appear as a vanilla Ico's ..Ergere in the same Galaxy is an Ico but bears the new oxp out to perfection.

Its not a big issue. I can easily live with the isolated Vanilla Ico here and there, but thought it worth a mention for the oxp developers in case they wanted to iron out the creases as I am aware that this is a beta release. :)
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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by maik »

added it to the WIP section of the [wiki]OXP List[/wiki]
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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by Tichy »

Hi! I'm new here :)
I'm using some Griff's oxp and I really missed an Ico station with the same style, so I tried this beta version. :)
I found a problem with some textures. Don't know if I am doing something wrong, maybe some missing or conflicting oxp...

There are some screenshots of Zaonce station.

I'm using Oolite 1.76.1 on Arch Linux. This is my oxp list:

Code: Select all

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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by Cody »

Hi Tichy and welcome aboard. I've no idea what's wrong with those textures - were there any errors in the Latest.log?
As an alternative, I use the updated [EliteWiki] Torus stations to replace all the core Icos - they sort-of fit my totally Griff'ed Ooniverse.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by Tichy »

Hi El Viejo, thank you :)
In my Latest and Previuos logs, the only errors I see are from griff_alloys_and_wreckage.oxp, I suppose:

Code: Select all

  22:50:54.900 [shader.link.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL shader program linking failed for griff_spark.vertex/griff_wreckage.fragment:
>>>>> GLSL log:
error: fragment shader varying scrollvTexCoord not written by vertex shader

22:50:54.901 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader griff_spark.vertex/griff_wreckage.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
22:50:54.909 [shader.load.fallbackSuccess]: Simple mode fallback successful.
Maybe the logs written when I was at Zaonce, were alredy gone. If it could be useful, next time, I'll go back to Zaonce to check the logs better.

I tried the torus stations. They have low resolution textures (compared with the others), but looks quite good. :)
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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by Cody »

Tichy wrote:
... I'll go back to Zaonce to check the logs better.
Anytime you see the faulty texture on any Ico, check the log then, yes.

The griff_alloys_and_wreckage.oxp was updated a couple of days ago - if you haven't updated, you should. If you have updated, then Griff may be interested in those errors (if they are linked to that OXP). I know what you mean about the Torus stations, but they look great from a distance - and they are the most fun to dock at.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by Tichy »

Just docked at Zaonce :)
The log file says that there are two missing textures:

Code: Select all

[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "icofront_Diffuse.png".
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "Icogalcop_Diffuse.png".
The two files are there, but with different cases (linux filesystems are case sensitive): Icofront_Diffuse.ong and IcoGalcop_Diffuse.png

I renamed them and the problem was partially solved.

There is still one error:

Code: Select all

[gnustep]: 2012-07-13 01:14:14.413 oolite[10942] File NSData.m: 3032. In -[NSDataMappedFile initWithContentsOfMappedFile:] unable to open /home/stefano/.Oolite/AddOns/griff_Ico_normalmapped_alt_v2.0-Z.oxp/Textures/Icofront_Diffuse.png - ront_Diffuse.png
I made a softlink from icofront_Diffuse.png to "Icofront_Diffuse.png", and now the Ico Station looks right. :D
Last edited by Tichy on Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RELEASE] - Ico Station with Griff's textures V2 BETA

Post by Cody »

Tichy wrote:
... and now the Ico Station looks right.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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