Try installing Griff Shipset Addition 1.22.oxp.From The Internet wrote:Firstly, the alternative Coriolis station is not working for me. Oolite still uses the one from the all-in-one package (which shouldn't be the case if I've unterstood correctly):
21 years old eh, i too am only young, 42 years young to be exact.From The Internet wrote:Secondly, I can see the weapon of my Cobra Mk3 in the viewport:
The weapon issue was bugging me only yesterday as it was right under the scanner. I resolved it by going to C:\Oolite-Trunk\AddOns\Griff Shipset Replace 1.33.oxp\Config\ and opening shipdata.plist line 2745 and changing "old-cobra3-player" to "cobra3-player".
I've pm'ed Griff with regards to the weapon on screen, maybe he'll post on the forum explaining in detail. I'm hoping he's too busy working on the final station.

I use notepad ++ to view and edit the files. And it's free, just google it.