Respray for Griff's allows players with Full Shaders and flying one of Griff's ships to change the paint job within the game via OXP.
Dependent on Ship_Storage_Helper v.20 which can be downloaded from
Requires Oolite 1.77 - Trunk builds after revision 5025 (nightly build 23/06/12).
Again this is a test on new features in trunk so please back up your save game before testing.
I'd imagine it will be quite sometime - but there's nothing stopping you trying a nightly and a few of the test OXPs to get any bugs in trunk ironed out sooner rather than later.
Right I've scrapped the idea of trying to extend this beyond Full Shaders - nothing pretty will come out of that approach for Griff's shipset and we have Solo's excellent Griff for No Shaders shipset already. But what can be and is implemented on my local copy as of this morning is direct RGB mixing of a colour scheme in game as an alternative to using the Doolux code (in reality entityPersonality) method to get starting colours.
This also means that a potential 1.76.1 Respray OXP for NPCs can be made so that for example a Griff trader and it's escorts could all share a common (if randomly generated) colour scheme etc. Will need careful thought - my inclination at the moment is that such an OXP would only amend a small percentage of NPCs default random colour schemes, with criteria for selection based on role, and potentially government type of the system, as-well as a random factor.
I'm just starting work on the Decal switching/adjustment section of the code for this OXP. Does anyone who's made there own decals for Griff's shipset want to donate them for inclusion as choices? If so post a link to a download or PM me.
Thanks both - It's fixed on my local copy due for release as soon as I've sorted the decal customisation. It's the same essentially harmless error message you get at start-up when the Griff Cobra is the default player cobra, as you are showing a player ship as an NPC demoship.
Feel free to post some screenies of your creations JazHaz...
Tricky wrote:
Fragment shader and ship data are the 2 files to look at.
Temporary removal of that uniform definition via script when the ship is being displayed on a missionScreen is the fix here, as I wouldn't want to remove it entirely from the player ship entries.
Last edited by Capt. Murphy on Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
... It's fixed on my local copy ... It's the same essentially harmless error message you get at start-up when the Griff Cobra is the default player cobra...
Can that be fixed in the Griff shipset replace OXP as well?
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
... It's fixed on my local copy ... It's the same essentially harmless error message you get at start-up when the Griff Cobra is the default player cobra...
Can that be fixed in the Griff shipset replace OXP as well?
Apparently there is a permanent fix that could be applied to shipdata.plist - Svengali pointed me in the direction of this post.