[RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

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[RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by submersible »

I consider this to be the first non-beta release of Povray Planets. Included are 256 distinct planet textures for Galaxy 1. It can be downloaded from http://swarm.perlide.org/static/Povray_ ... -12-23.zip ~280MB.

Requires oolite 1.74 or greater as all textures are cube maps. This OXP has been tested against Famous Planets 2.5.1 and should not clobber the textures provided by FP2.

Feedback on the balance of planet types, style of textures is very welcome. Please enjoy.

Continental planets (the blue marble)

Rocky barren planets.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by pagroove »

:shock: :shock: :shock: Wow they look good.

Gonna try that out tomorrow!
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by Captain Beatnik »

submersible wrote:
This OXP has been tested against Famous Planets 2.5.1 and should not clobber the textures provided by FP2.
Alas on my imac it DOES clobber the textures provided by FP2. :( I´m using oolite 1.76 on OSX 10.6.8.

According to the log the script has seen that FP2 is loaded and e.g. skipped the planetinfo for Lave, so the texture for Lave should be the texture from FP2:

Code: Select all

Loaded 7 world scripts:
    Famous Planets 2.5.1
    oolite-cloaking-device 1.76
    oolite-constrictor-hunt 1.76
    oolite-nova 1.76
    oolite-thargoid-plans 1.76
    oolite-trumbles 1.76
    POV Planets 0.2
23:52:36.646 [POV Planets] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:247): Initialising OXP 
23:52:36.646 [POV Planets] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:247): seen FP2 loaded
23:52:36.652 [POV Planets] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:247): Startup - Lave 7
23:52:36.652 [POV Planets] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:247): Skipping planetinfo - deferring to FP2 for planet Lave
Nevertheless when I go to F7-screen or start from Lave-station, I see the texture provides by PP0.2. Any ideas what could be wrong? Has anyone encountered the same problem?

Notwithstanding the above, a fantastic ambience OXP with wonderfully beautiful planet textures. I like it! :D Well done, submersible!
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by submersible »

Captain Beatnik wrote:
Alas on my imac it DOES clobber the textures provided by FP2. :( I´m using oolite 1.76 on OSX 10.6.8.
I have upgraded to 1.76 and stripped out all OXPs to match your config. Sadly i cannot reproduce this problem.
Captain Beatnik wrote:
Nevertheless when I go to F7-screen or start from Lave-station, I see the texture provides by PP0.2. Any ideas what could be wrong? Has anyone encountered the same problem?
Without being configured to 'Texture target planets' I don't think the F7 screen shows FP2 textures. This can be enabled with OXPConfig. When I have the same OXPs loaded as you - I see the FP2 texture on F7 if I start at Lave, however other FP2 planets appear with default Oolite procedural textures when targeted and shown in F7 screen.

One idea I have is that the save-game bloat that seems to happen when setting local planetinfo might have something to do with it. Particularly since PP0.2 and FP2 use the same schema for texture names.

I'm a bit stumped to be honest. If launching with [SHIFT] pressed does not have any effect , I am out of ideas for now.
Captain Beatnik wrote:
Notwithstanding the above, a fantastic ambience OXP with wonderfully beautiful planet textures. I like it! :D Well done, submersible!
Thank you. Stay tuned for more galaxies. I am thinking of 3 or 5 as a separate OXP.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by pagroove »

We can maybe solve this problem if I give you the right to use my FP2,5 textures in your OXP. In other words I propose to merge the OXP's.
Reason for this is that I don't have time on my hands to texture anyway and you seem to do it quite fast. Another advantage is that in the future then I can concentrate on writing some specialized texts based on your textures.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by submersible »

pagroove wrote:
We can maybe solve this problem if I give you the right to use my FP2,5 textures in your OXP. In other words I propose to merge the OXP's.
Reason for this is that I don't have time on my hands to texture anyway and you seem to do it quite fast. Another advantage is that in the future then I can concentrate on writing some specialized texts based on your textures.
I would certainly like this as I have already begun contemplating steal/borrow-ing half of FP2 script.js to drive the PP texture replacements.

As far as texturing 'quite fast' - really all I am doing is building colour maps and procedural patterns that look right to me - then using some perl templating and povray macros to mass generate everything based on seed values. The results look quite reasonable IMHO - but it is a very blunt instrument.

I have also been considering heuristics based on current oolite planet descriptions to provide different textures based on phrases like 'vast oceans' or 'equatorial forests' or 'volcanoes' etc.

If it suits you - I will halt releases of PP until we can co-ordinate a merged OXP.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by JensAyton »

Don’t forget pink oceans and vast oceans – you can find a list of these in Oolite’s planetinfo.plist.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by pagroove »

submersible wrote:
pagroove wrote:
We can maybe solve this problem if I give you the right to use my FP2,5 textures in your OXP. In other words I propose to merge the OXP's.
Reason for this is that I don't have time on my hands to texture anyway and you seem to do it quite fast. Another advantage is that in the future then I can concentrate on writing some specialized texts based on your textures.
I would certainly like this as I have already begun contemplating steal/borrow-ing half of FP2 script.js to drive the PP texture replacements.

As far as texturing 'quite fast' - really all I am doing is building colour maps and procedural patterns that look right to me - then using some perl templating and povray macros to mass generate everything based on seed values. The results look quite reasonable IMHO - but it is a very blunt instrument.

I have also been considering heuristics based on current oolite planet descriptions to provide different textures based on phrases like 'vast oceans' or 'equatorial forests' or 'volcanoes' etc.

If it suits you - I will halt releases of PP until we can co-ordinate a merged OXP.
You have my permission to merge the FP2.5 content into your new OXP. You can go on with the work to give all 2056 planets a unique textures
If the script and texture contributors of the FP2.5 oxp are also all right then we merge the oxp's.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by Thargoid »

pagroove wrote:
If the script and texture contributors of the FP2.5 oxp are also all right then we merge the oxp's.
Fine with me as a script contributor.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by Fatleaf »

With the size of the oxp. It might be a good idea to have each galaxy as a separate oxp. It wouldn't be too much hassle to swap to a new oxp for each galaxy hop.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by pagroove »

To get the size down we could reduce the HD planets in the original F2.5 to a smaller scale.
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

This is totally excellent guys. Way to go. :D
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.

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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by submersible »

pagroove wrote:
To get the size down we could reduce the HD planets in the original F2.5 to a smaller scale.
Sizing is the biggest problem. A 128x768 cube map (which is totally inadequate up-close) puts a whole galaxy's texture size to about 40MB. 256x1536 runs out to about 170MB. A full texture run at 512x3096 I expect would be 600MB or greater.

Certainly delivering each galaxy as a separate OXP is desirable, but possibly tricky. Also there is the division of labour between texturing , descriptions , system tweaking , music to consider.

The kind of mechanics I am thinking of would be to have a small oxp that marshals resources from several others.

For the sake of argument - the marshal is called "FP3 zMarshal" and during startup it examines worldscripts for any oxp in the 'FP3*' namespace.

Upon entering a system / exit station ,etc - 'FP3 zMarshal' would interrogate all the FP3 oxps currently loaded to see if it should adjust the music,description,texture,.....other ambience and apply them.

This however begins to take on the feeling of a Grand-System-Of-Everything and I'm just not sure how I feel about that.

Thoughts anyone?
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by Cmd. Cheyd »

I have a working script doing something very close to this that was intended for DH_Systems v2. As I have offered previously, you guys are welcome to take a look at it if you want...
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Re: [RELEASE] Povray Planets 0.2

Post by Fatleaf »

You could have eight separate oxp's. That would be a bit of replication of work but it would save having seven other galaxies in the AddOns folder.

Just a thought. :wink:
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