pagroove wrote:To get the size down we could reduce the HD planets in the original F2.5 to a smaller scale.
Sizing is the biggest problem. A 128x768 cube map (which is totally inadequate up-close) puts a whole galaxy's texture size to about 40MB. 256x1536 runs out to about 170MB. A full texture run at 512x3096 I expect would be 600MB or greater.
Certainly delivering each galaxy as a separate OXP is desirable, but possibly tricky. Also there is the division of labour between texturing , descriptions , system tweaking , music to consider.
The kind of mechanics I am thinking of would be to have a small oxp that marshals resources from several others.
For the sake of argument - the marshal is called "FP3 zMarshal" and during startup it examines worldscripts for any oxp in the 'FP3*' namespace.
Upon entering a system / exit station ,etc - 'FP3 zMarshal' would interrogate all the FP3 oxps currently loaded to see if it should adjust the music,description,texture,.....other ambience and apply them.
This however begins to take on the feeling of a Grand-System-Of-Everything and I'm just not sure how I feel about that.
Thoughts anyone?