[WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

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Cmdr Vault
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[WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by Cmdr Vault »

Most recent version 0.3.1 Download:


- initial release

- corrected missing semicolon in shipdata.plist
- removed the UV-Map from the pirates texture

- Changed all scripts to Openstep
- Cargo bay size increased
- External views fixed
- Max number of rockets increased to 6
- Port and startboard weapons position fixed
- Removed pirate ship from shipyard list
- New skins and shaders (shaders code from Simon Bridge)

- Reduced size of textures to 512x512 px
Hi everybody!

A few weeks ago I stumbled over Oolite after recovering my original ELITE game boxes in my basement. I really loved the games 20 years ago and I'm very happy with the recreation of it for new PCs!
After playing around with the game for a few days and installing tons of OXPs I decided to create my own ship. This is the first time I used a 3D modelling software (Blender 3D) so it took quite a time and several tries to create something, at least looking a little like a spaceship.
But now I'm happy to present the result of all the hours of work:

The Trident Spaceyard Corp proudly announces the release of the brand new "Trident Privateer Mark II". It's a allround 'lone wolf' trader, with slightly enhanced stats compared with the Cobra Mark III.

There are different versions available: trader, hunter, pirate (available for players) and police (npc only).

The trader/player:

The hunter:

The pirate:

The police:

Trader, hunter & pirate have the same stats, the standard police version is slightly enhanced and there are rumors that an enhanced intercepter version exists.
Theres a very rare "Trident Privateer Mark I" available, too. Ist has identical stats as the Cobra III, and was the first try in creating a ship for Oolite, which I think looks not as nice as the Mark II versions, but I learned so much while creating it and it took so much time to make it, so I decided not to throw it away.

The OXP is not completely finished. I will probably tweak some stats and perhaps change the textures a bit. I still have a problem with showing the ships within the demoships. Probably you guys will find some problems and 'bad' things I have done, too. Ideas for improvement are very welcome :D

Commander Vault.

Last edited by Cmdr Vault on Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:41 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by Smivs »

Hi Commander Vault, and welcome.
Great-looking ship and great first post! :D
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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by Killer Wolf »

that's a nice sleek looker. not sure a company would openly produce a "pirate" version for criminals tho! :-D
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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by Smivs »

Killer Wolf wrote:
that's a nice sleek looker. not sure a company would openly produce a "pirate" version for criminals tho! :-D
Niche marketing! :D
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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by Ironfist »

Commander Vault.

Nice looking ships. I downloaded the oxp and gave it a run everything seems to work fine. The ships appear in the demo, you just have to wait a while to get through to them.

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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by DaddyHoggy »

Ironfist wrote:
Commander Vault.

Nice looking ships. I downloaded the oxp and gave it a run everything seems to work fine. The ships appear in the demo, you just have to wait a while to get through to them.

Or you could tap the left and right cursor keys to cycle through the ships faster?
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
Oolite Life is now revealed here
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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by Mauiby de Fug »

As Smivs said, an excellent first post! You've got a sturdy looking ship there! I would note that there is already a ship called the Trident Executive Shuttle out there, manufactured by Executive Spaceways, but they're different enough that there should be no confusion.
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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by Eric Walch »

Just downloaded it but will launch it this evening after work to see the ships. I just noticed a syntax error in line 312 of the shipdata.plist. It should be

Code: Select all

 max_cargo = 16;
That is with a semicolon that is now missing. Windows and linux don't bother about this, but the mac is quite strict in this. On the good side is that the mac already does a syntax check on creating the icon for the file, so that wrong plist already drew the attention when opening the oxp folder.
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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by Smivs »

I use Linux, and it won't parse a plist with missing characters, and does log errors like missing semi-colons. It's maybe fussier than you think.
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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by RyanHoots »

I love the shape of the ship. Very nice. When my primary computer is working again I'll try it out. :D
Smivs wrote:
I use Linux, and it won't parse a plist with missing characters, and does log errors like missing semi-colons. It's maybe fussier than you think.
I agree. Linux is NOT forgiving when it comes to .plist files. I need a .plist verifier... I think I remember hearing about one, I need to check the BB archives...
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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

It appears that all operating systems are as fussy as mine. Using Windows XP a missing semi colon will cause the shipdata.plist to fail to parse. It would seem all(or nearly all) syntax errors are brought to my attention using Windows XP. A good OS to make oxps with. :)
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.

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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by Smivs »

CommonSenseOTB wrote:
.... Windows XP. A good OS to make oxps with. :)
Not really. Windows isn't case-sensitive. It thinks ANACONDA is the same as anaconda :roll:
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
Cmdr Vault
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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by Cmdr Vault »

that's a nice sleek looker. not sure a company would openly produce a "pirate" version for criminals tho!
Hi Killer Wolf!

Hehe, I think you're right. I just wanted to make it possible to have the fitting shipdesign if you decide to start a career as outlaw. Perhaps the sale could be explained as sale of a used 'Privateer' which has been painted by it previous owner. :)

Commander Vault
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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by Cmdr Vault »

Commander Vault.

Nice looking ships. I downloaded the oxp and gave it a run everything seems to work fine. The ships appear in the demo, you just have to wait a while to get through to them.

Hi Ironfist,

that's strange. I have tried it several times and I tapped left and right to scroll through the ships, too. Is there any randomness for displaying the ships, or are they shown always? I can only see the "Privateer Mark I", not the other models.

ust downloaded it but will launch it this evening after work to see the ships. I just noticed a syntax error in line 312 of the shipdata.plist. It should be

Code: Select all

max_cargo = 16;
That is with a semicolon that is now missing. Windows and linux don't bother about this, but the mac is quite strict in this. On the good side is that the mac already does a syntax check on creating the icon for the file, so that wrong plist already drew the attention when opening the oxp folder.
Hi Eric Walsh,

I had no errors in the log about that, though I already had some, when I forgot the semicolon at the end of other lines in the shipdata.pslist. Do they only show up, when the ship is spawned by Oolite? Perhaps I had just been so 'lucky' and the game never spaned a trader for me...

Thanks for all the replies! I corrected the typo and the Version 0.2 is now available. I will edit my first posting to keep the newest version always on top.

Commander Vault
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Re: [WIP]Trident Shipyard Corp

Post by Cmdr Vault »


Could anyone tell me, how I get knowledge of the exact size of my models? I want to design a spacestation next: the Trident Shipyards Corp Headquaters, and it would of great help to know the size of my models docking bay. ;)

Commander Vault
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