Well, I'm still here, although I didn't play Oolite from many years. But definitely I will be back! I'm really shocked, OXPs are still created. It's for me really nice surprise.
Now I'm playing Elite: Dangerous, sometimes No Man's Sky and X-Wing.
I presented my thoughts about it only. I still consider Oolite for one of the best space-sims ever and enthusiasm to creating new OXPs is simply amazing.
Newtonian physics - oh no! But landing on planets - why not? I know, this is (will be) hard, and Oolite is an ELITE clone, but I think, when Oolite gain such possibility will be better than Pioneer (more playable for sure).
As conspired Pioneer agent I would to say, Pioneer has something, what Oolite doesn't (yet I hope,or I'm wrong?) have: landing on planets. Not simply landing like in space station, but possibility to see all planet surface. Will be this available?
It's possible (in theory) your computer will be infected by virus, which came out of virtual machine environment into host. But the chance is really small, so I think, you don't have to worry about it...