Just checking in after a long 'lurking' period. I hope you are all allright.
Nowadays I still play Oolite but only a lot less. But when playing I am having a bast.
I am giving almost all my time in the Trainz forums making a Japan route (see Trainz screenshots/Japan and then my name pagroove) that I started 8 years ago. The route is constantly growing and even made me go to Japan. I went to Japan with my brother last april and we visited Tokyo, Takayama, Osaka, Himeji, .Hiroshima, Kagoshima, Fukuoka and drove with a car over the Kyushu Island. Had a wonderful time (with good food too

I am now back and busy with the route again but also playing other games. Like No Mans Sky
Wait No Mans sky

Yes playing No Mans Sky on my new computer has sucked me in. Despite all the negativity this game got I find it very Oolite like with the added bonus that each planet looks fairly unique and I am loving the terrain and vidvid colours of the game. I am thoroughly enjoying the experience and I am loaded for the upcoming update No Mans Sky Next. I am not doing the community thing though. The community is entered around the Reddit pages and I am just lurking there, reading up, reading the wiki but mostly doing my own thing. It is a space game with space combat.In terms of Space combat though and interaction with ships itself Oolite is still King (even over Elite Dangerous IMO). So if I want to have more of a 'simulated' space game experience then I come to Oolite and not go to ED. For the realistic space moments Space Engine is fantastic. So I have my 'needs' covered.
Speaking of ED. I alsmost NEVER play that game so I am thinking of letting it in the status it is in and that is a basic subscription. Reason for me that it is a too big time investment and it doesn't resonate with me somehow. I rather play Oolite because you can play short but interesting sessions.
Third game I am playing like mad is Project Cars 2. That racing game is fantastic!
So that sums it a bit up what I did lately. O yeah and still making music (only for fun though).
What do you guys do nowadays besides Oolite? I am curious. I miss sometimes the early days before the Kickstarters when this forum was busy.