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by Arch Stanton
Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:27 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Elusive big contracts
Replies: 20
Views: 9636

Re: Elusive big contracts

Sorry for the huge gap folks, been a disturbing amount of real life in the way this week! Thanks for all the help and explanations - will try to make use of all this now I can escape back into the ooniverse :)
by Arch Stanton
Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:54 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: Elusive big contracts
Replies: 20
Views: 9636

Elusive big contracts

Hi folks, I've been playing a while now, in a decent ship and am the most renowned cargo contractor in the galaxy or somesuch...but having real trouble figuring the reasoning behind the gem/gold/platinum contracts. I've done a couple of them for muuuuuch gain, but they seem very sporadic. Reading ar...
by Arch Stanton
Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:03 am
Forum: Testing and Bug reports
Topic: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures
Replies: 27
Views: 11792

Re: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures

Thanks for the help all, I think the max texture size cracked it, triple-buffering in the ATI options seemed to help too. Game now very playable, full shader model back on also, sooooo pretty! another_commander, it's definitely an ATI Mobility 2400, sorry for the confusion - thought it was Intel GMA...
by Arch Stanton
Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:51 pm
Forum: Testing and Bug reports
Topic: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures
Replies: 27
Views: 11792

Re: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures

It's setting "use-texture-lod-bias" = NO; in my .GNUStepDefaults that turns off the nebulae. If I set it back to YES (as below) I get stars and nebulae but then playing is a bit like the old a-bear-walks-into-a-bar joke, the bartender says, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... "Why the...
by Arch Stanton
Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:32 pm
Forum: Testing and Bug reports
Topic: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures
Replies: 27
Views: 11792

Re: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures

Hi another_commander, here's my latest log from the test build - can't see anything obvious in it but still no nebulae. A few JS errors towards the end but they don't look likely to cause texture problems. Ahem, feel free to ignore the Snakes Onna Plane OXP - it's just my own shipdata.plist for cobr...
by Arch Stanton
Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:22 am
Forum: Testing and Bug reports
Topic: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures
Replies: 27
Views: 11792

Re: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures

Ahhh, sadly stuck with a windows machine - I'm a heavy Lightroom user and both my other half and I need a Win machine to remote log into work. Could dual boot I guess, but the SSD's not huge. Having said that I have an I5 desktop I do bulk photo work on plugged into a big screen, I can move Oolite o...
by Arch Stanton
Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:46 pm
Forum: Testing and Bug reports
Topic: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures
Replies: 27
Views: 11792

Re: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures

New drivers installed but I think the default settings are a little beyond my poor ol' Radeon 2400! Currently hacking off detail levels until it runs smoothly again - think I've turned a texture setting down beyond the point where it renders the nebulae, but at least I have a star field! Thanks folk...
by Arch Stanton
Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:45 pm
Forum: Testing and Bug reports
Topic: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures
Replies: 27
Views: 11792

Re: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures

No joy with -nosplash, but turning off texture level-of-detail in the .gnustepdefaults has brought back the starts/nebulae! It's noticeably jumpy though so will have a go with updating the drivers - now I think about it I'm on a recently re-installed Vista here after adding an SSD so probably on old...
by Arch Stanton
Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:37 pm
Forum: Testing and Bug reports
Topic: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures
Replies: 27
Views: 11792

Re: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures

Many thanks Diz, I'll give that a go when I'm home. Svengali, is there a particular GNU default I should look at? Bit lost looking through all the params. Although now I look, I do recall seeing a message in the log saying something like it couldn't find gnu step defaults? EDIT - ahh, followed Diz's...
by Arch Stanton
Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:15 pm
Forum: Testing and Bug reports
Topic: V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures
Replies: 27
Views: 11792

V1.77 - Missing star/nebula textures

Hi folks, firstly thanks for the huge pile of work, recently came back to Oolite after the Braben kickstarter news reminded me of it! V1.77's looking great :) I seem to have a problem with missing stars/nebulae on my Windows Vista 64-bit laptop (ATI Mobility 2400 graphics). On a clean v1.77 install ...
by Arch Stanton
Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:12 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: First post and scripting question
Replies: 8
Views: 2149

Re: First post and scripting question

They are pretty much always directly behind you when you exit witchspace, normally just beyond Scanner Range. Flick to rear view to see if one is there. Ah! Thanks Murphy, I assumed they'd be obvious, they're probably there but as they're not on the scanner I'm just carrying on in to the system...w...
by Arch Stanton
Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:31 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: First post and scripting question
Replies: 8
Views: 2149

Re: First post and scripting question

Definitely something up then - I've been thru dozens of stations since adding YAH and not seen a constore at the witchpoint
Currently tooling around between Tianve (pop ~6bln and Tianrebi and just don't seem to see them.
by Arch Stanton
Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:43 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: First post and scripting question
Replies: 8
Views: 2149

Re: First post and scripting question

Thanks for the replies guys, hadn't spotted the "i" button - really helps for route planning! I've even updated my keymapping and didn't notice it <facepalm> Shame about the dynamic keymapping, it's not *important* as you can eventually learn the swap round, just figured it could make life...
by Arch Stanton
Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:53 pm
Forum: Discussion
Topic: First post and scripting question
Replies: 8
Views: 2149

First post and scripting question

Hi folks, first post! Love rediscovering the game, although I only remember being rubbish at it on my BBC B! Really enjoying Oolite's level of customisation and vibrant community that's build up over the years it's been running, huge effort from all and an amazing world that's been built. I have cou...