Am I right in thinking that this.shipDestroyedTarget (and this.shipLostTarget) were deprecated back at 1.74?
They are still listed on the Event Handler pages on the Wiki and I've just spent a good hour of head scratching trying to work out why they weren't firing when expected. I think they are now this.shipTargetDestroyed and this.shipTargetLost?
If someone in the know can confirm I'll edit the relevant wiki pages.
Might just do that. For the time being I've updated both the worldscript and shipscripts event handler pages on the wiki for those particular handlers.
Am I right in thinking that this.shipDestroyedTarget (and this.shipLostTarget) were deprecated back at 1.74?
They are still listed on the Event Handler pages on the Wiki and I've just spent a good hour of head scratching trying to work out why they weren't firing when expected. I think they are now this.shipTargetDestroyed and this.shipTargetLost?
If someone in the know can confirm I'll edit the relevant wiki pages.
That is the problem when you split pages with mainly identical info. I remember that I updated one of the two some time ago, but apparently only on the ships-handler page not on the one with worldScripts.