lave: This OXP requires Oolite v1.75. You are advised to upgrade, as v1.74.2 is well outdated now and soon there will be very few OXPs still compatible with it.
Ah right lol.
I am going to upgrade but I don't want to miss out on all the oxp's I have so once everything is 1.75 compatible, I will upgrade.
I have over 180 oxp's and the thought of having to download and install them all over again is rather daunting.
I am running 131 OXPs and it did occur to me a while ago that some must be redundant or at the very least causing conflict with other OXPs being run.
Whilst my game runs very well (especially on my new updated, much faster laptop than my old laptop ) I did begin to wonder if there was any way of telling if one OXP causes another to not run or perhaps if one OXP over-rides another etc.
Yeah. Thanks. I understand I have a log. Perhaps you would be so kind as to point me to a keyword or something within that log that would help me pinpoint any conflicts.
Most of the real conflicts won't manifest themselves in the log.
First and foremost you have to know which OXPs you want, and for what reason. So you have to know your OXPs, at least at the time you're installing them. Two words (or one with a capital inside): readMe.
If most of your OXPs are just more additional ships, there's no way they could conflict. If two or more OXPs attempt to replace the core ship set with their own, that's already another matter. Which of them will succeed, and what's it going to do to the other OXP?
If your OXPs are about changing aspects of game play, it's up to you to supervise which aspects are changed in which way. Again, this requires you to know for every single one of them what it's doing. For instance, you would hardly install an OXP which makes the sky brighter together with another OXP which makes it darker by accident. You would have to know which way you want to go, as obviously you can't go both at the same time.
By definition actively expanding your game requires a little more knowledge and involvedness than playing the unexpanded game.
Absolutely right Commander McLane, but some of us less well endowed individuals will still get it wrong, anything can happen in the heat of excitement! It's not for want of trying though.
The Grey Haired Commander has spoken!
OK so I'm a PC user - "you know whats scary? Out of billions of sperm I was the fastest"