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Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:25 am
by Bugbear
Don't know whether this belongs in Discussions or Suggestions to be honest...

Just spent an idle 20min at work watching some Oolite videos on YouTube. Watching a ship closely following, then passing another ship got me thinking...would it be cool to have some turbulence effects as ships get close to each other?

As we all know, our ships propel themselves through some sort of non-Newtonian medium. It could be argued that if your torus drive won't work when there's another ship in scanner range, then surely there would be an effect on your sub-light(?) speed drive as engines from different ships get close to one another.

Something to think about post-MNSR?

Re: Turbulence

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:57 am
by Commander McLane
You already get some kind of effect when two ships come very close to each other. To be precise if one ship gets in the way of the other and is recognized as an obstacle. In this case the second ship will change course to avoid the obstacle.

Re: Turbulence

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:56 am
by Zireael
Commander McLane wrote:
You already get some kind of effect when two ships come very close to each other. To be precise if one ship gets in the way of the other and is recognized as an obstacle. In this case the second ship will change course to avoid the obstacle.

Re: Turbulence

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:06 am
by Screet
Commander McLane wrote:
if one ship gets in the way of the other and is recognized as an obstacle. In this case the second ship will change course to avoid the obstacle.
Not always...especially Arn from the vector mission has friends who like flying so close that they all the time hit each other with their ships and when I fly close to the leader, I often hear a little bang when they hit my ship :D

Re: Turbulence

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:08 am
by Thargoid
Umm, what's there to actually be turbulent? Space is a vacuum...

Re: Turbulence

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:19 am
by Screet
Thargoid wrote:
Umm, what's there to actually be turbulent? Space is a vacuum...
If I understood it properly, the idea is that whatever makes the sub-light work, something like a gravitational field, EM or whatever, does also effect nearby ships when they are too close.

However, I'm afraid that all those ships which previously rammed me on injectors and now pass by so close that I'm still afraid of being rammed will then actually hit me again :D