Naturally I cannot just reskin any more ... and went back to basics, making simple modifications to the classic models, and keeping very close to the original shapes rather than trying to imagine the most complex form that could possibly have been oversimplified to the forms we are used to. I decided I'd concentrate on textures that would be good no matter what ... and minimize shaders. Grabbed a shot-glass a a bottle of Jamesons, and set to work.
Morning comes and I've completed the entire classic ship set - so I'm obviously onto something.
I note however that the obj files that come with trunk are for a different bunch of ships to the dat files. This means that I have some ships to redo ... if there is a demand for this sort of thing. Specifically the adder, asp, and moray are wider than the ones in the game ... probably others too.
However, to test them out I put together some vipers. (There's an OXP waiting for hosting someplace.) Here's a taste:

Since the existing textures are all <shipname>_redux, and this re-does those, then these must be re-re-dux which is re-squared.
I figure I'd supply either a static-glow map or a specular map in the alpha-channel ... allowing for good-looking ships with only one texture.
IMO - the griff effects that work best in terms of in-game experience are the paint and decal stuff, along with fancy glows ... so I could add another texture for that. Let me know what you think.