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auto changing MilHud(Switcher)

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:58 pm
by Malcul
Commanders can transfer Wyverns excellent Military Head-Up display to their subsequent craft as they purchase them from the showrooms.
... But would it not tickle their egos (and of course attract many more buyers) if the milhud recognised their new commander and his shiny new galleon (as the Galcops can) and placed this info onscreen?
A brief moment of recognition for the unworthy! Irresistable?

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:42 pm
by Uncle Reno
Hi Malcul, welcome to the forum, according to all sources the friendliest this side of Riedquat!

Now ye olde traditional greeting is done unfortunately I have to admit that I don't know if what you suggest is possible, hopefully somebody with more knowledge than me will be along shortly to help.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:35 pm
by Thargoid
It is possible to display a mission-type screen with some suitable blurb on it when a new ship is bought.

If you've a couple of million credits kicking around and you can find one, for an example of such a screen just go buy a Vortex ;)

In that case not a welcome from your HUD, but from the ship's MAC.

Re: auto changing MilHud(Switcher)

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:01 pm
by Malcul
Thanks for your response Thargoid, but I put my suggestion badly. What I was thinking of was the commander's name and ship placed automatically on screen in the HUD. Changing ship and even flying as your alter ego would be noted automatically and be acknowledged by your HUD.

Below is an illustration of what I was thinking of, but as you see, I am not knowledgeable enough to implement it.


You can probably see what I did, perhaps you could tell me how to get it right.

Thanking you in anticipation

Re: auto changing MilHud(Switcher)

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:05 pm
by Thargoid
I've never looked at how HUDs are coded or work, so I can't help so much. I'm sure someone else will be along shortly who is more knowledgable than me in this area, about what can and cannot be done, and how...

Re: auto changing MilHud(Switcher)

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:06 pm
by Malcul
Thanks for your response, Thargoid.

While I await someone else's answer, may I take my helmet off to you for your oxp ideas, they are not only imaginative, but generally they seem to work first time. You're to be congratulated.


Re: auto changing MilHud(Switcher)

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:18 am
by Phantom Hoover
From my poking into the MilHUD's internals, the highest level of control in it appears to be a JS script, so it could be possible to pass some information over to the plists that actually specify each HUD outlay from it.

Re: auto changing MilHud(Switcher)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:23 pm
by Zireael
I find the idea of adding the name of the commander and ship to the HUD really nice!