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Mounted Autoguns?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:14 am
by shodex
This may or may not be part of the game already, I'm new and still figuring things out.

I've played Space Sims with a sort of, mounted turret, which allowed me to turn it on and let it fire laz0rs at surrounding enemy ships. I always thought this offered a nice bonus against swarms of pirates.

I think this would make a nice addition to Oolite, don't you?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:57 am
by Cmdr Wyvern
We got 'em. :D Not any in the core ships, but there's a few oxp ships fitted with turreted plasma guns.

Griff Boa

To name a few.

Do note, plasma turrets are point-defense weapons, short-ranged and not very accurate. Your hardmounted lasers pack a meaner whallop.

Re: Mounted Autoguns?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:05 pm
by Commander McLane
shodex wrote:
I think this would make a nice addition to Oolite, don't you?
I think it wouldn't. What's the fun in fighting if you're not, well, fighting? Because your ship does it for you automagically?

Therefore I personally think that the introduction of plasma turrets for player ships (that's what Wyvern is referring to) actually was an awful and loathsome addition to Oolite.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:39 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
Turrets provide an extra countermeasure layer against missile attacks, although they fail more often than not at stopping hardheads. They can hammer on a nippy fighter that got within your turning radius, or try to scare a kamikaze - or at least keep that nut busy till he burns up his fuel.

But I don't recommend using them as primary weapons, as their shooting is so poor that they can barely hit the broad side of a Python, and let's not forget the range limitation. It's like having Mr. McGoo as a gunner.

Plasma turrets will never trump a well aimed laser for effectiveness.

Re: Mounted Autoguns?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:28 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Commander McLane wrote:
shodex wrote:
I think this would make a nice addition to Oolite, don't you?
I think it wouldn't. What's the fun in fighting if you're not, well, fighting? Because your ship does it for you automagically?

Therefore I personally think that the introduction of plasma turrets for player ships (that's what Wyvern is referring to) actually was an awful and loathsome addition to Oolite.
And of course - if the player has access to it so would the NPCs so players will start whining that they're being tracked and blown away by highly accurate turrets...

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:59 am
by Chrisfs
The autoguns provide a nice little bonus. If a ship comes at you on an attack run, and you get part of it, sometimes the auto guns will finish it off, saving you the trouble of having to turn around.

Re: Mounted Autoguns?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:40 am
by Dave McRoss
shodex wrote:
I think this would make a nice addition to Oolite, don't you?
Yeah, I think so. We have already NPC ships with turrets, like Dragon M and personally I learned to deal with them (they make the game more challenging!), so the introduction of add turret instead of laser (I'm thinking of change starboard and port laser with turrets) would be a nice add.

Re: Mounted Autoguns?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:43 am
by another_commander
Dave McRoss wrote:
shodex wrote:
I think this would make a nice addition to Oolite, don't you?
Yeah, I think so. We have already NPC ships with turrets, like Dragon M and personally I learned to deal with them (they make the game more challenging!), so the introduction of add turret instead of laser (I'm thinking of change starboard and port laser with turrets) would be a nice add.
The introduction of turrets on player ships as you describe has already happened.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:44 am
by Dave McRoss
Last time I checked I could not buy plasma turrets for my Cobby :

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:47 am
by another_commander
Dave McRoss wrote:
Last time I checked I could not buy plasma turrets for my Cobby :
And I'm afraid that you never will. Turrets are strictly OXP ship equipment and do not have place in the core game ships, neither by default design, nor as buyable equipment. You can always tweak the Cobra III model, though, and add turret subentities on it or buy one of the already made ships with turrets, mentioned in Cmdr Wyvern's post earlier.


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:50 am
by Lestradae
Dave McRoss wrote:
Last time I checked I could not buy plasma turrets for my Cobby
That you can't do, but there are player ships with pre-installed turrets and if you buy one of them they will fire at hostiles or your target.

That's where this list comes from: Griff Boa, Caduceus, Kirin, Dragon, Xarik.

Turrets as equipment items don't exist (yet, at least).

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:51 am
by Dave McRoss
So it's impossible to do an OXP capable to let the player install turrets on his/her/its ship?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:27 am
by Cmdr James
Currently ships either have or do not have turrets.

Some ships you can buy have them, some do not.

You cannot add or remove turrets.