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Returning Pilot with combat equipment questions

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:22 pm
by DanielCoffey
Well folks, it seems like an eternity ago that the Vipers caught me running Bellefleur and heavy assault rifles into Tionisla but the psych-cops have finally signed off on my latest batch of hex-editing and passed me as fit to fly again. Now here's my problem...

Twenty-five years ago (BBC Elite) we just jumped into our Cobbies, lined up the punks in our crosshairs and pressed Fire until either the other ship melted or our own lasers did. Apart from lobbing the odd missile, that was about it. Now my licence has been returned (Oolite) and the insurance has finally coughed up for a new Mk III, I find things have changed. All the new-fangled electronics for a start. Sure I read the brochures so I know what the new gear is for, but how the heck am I supposed to use the dratted advanced, multi-targeting mega-computer doohickies that the cockpit is filled with these days? My beloved Cobby looks like some kid took it down to UltraRadio-Shack and bought one of everything! With extra blue LEDs!

In short, as a returning pilot, I need someone to explain HOW you use the new gear such as the Multi-targeting System and the Targeting Enhancement units. I've bought them but don't know how to use them. There is even a button here labelled "Activate ID Computer" but I don't know if will help identify my enemies or subject me to a Thargoid Alien Probing!

Here's the scenario - you have been jumping towards the planet and beep, you are mass-locked. A group of hostiles on your starboard side lets you know they want all 35T of your Thrumpberry Flavouring cargo (boy is that stuff unlucky!). What is your normal combat sequence now? What do you light up to ID or lock them? How do you cycle through targets or assign them to missiles? How do you decide if you can take them on or if it is better to dump the cargo and run?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Returning Pilot with combat equipment questions

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:15 pm
by Smivs
DanielCoffey wrote:
Well folks, it seems like an eternity ago that the Vipers caught me running Bellefleur and heavy assault rifles into Tionisla but the psych-cops have finally signed off on my latest batch of hex-editing and passed me as fit to fly again. Now here's my problem...
Hi, and welcome to the board, reputed to be the friendliest this side of Riedquat. :)
DanielCoffey wrote:
Twenty-five years ago (BBC Elite) we just jumped into our Cobbies, lined up the punks in our crosshairs and pressed Fire until either the other ship melted or our own lasers did. Apart from lobbing the odd missile, that was about it. Now my licence has been returned (Oolite) and the insurance has finally coughed up for a new Mk III, I find things have changed. All the new-fangled electronics for a start. Sure I read the brochures so I know what the new gear is for, but how the heck am I supposed to use the dratted advanced, multi-targeting mega-computer doohickies that the cockpit is filled with these days? My beloved Cobby looks like some kid took it down to UltraRadio-Shack and bought one of everything! With extra blue LEDs!

In short, as a returning pilot, I need someone to explain HOW you use the new gear such as the Multi-targeting System and the Targeting Enhancement units. I've bought them but don't know how to use them. There is even a button here labelled "Activate ID Computer" but I don't know if will help identify my enemies or subject me to a Thargoid Alien Probing!
Your best resource is this Wiki section which outlines all the equipment options and gives you a good idea how to use them. I could start to explain, but it would take forever :?
DanielCoffey wrote:
Here's the scenario - you have been jumping towards the planet and beep, you are mass-locked. A group of hostiles on your starboard side lets you know they want all 35T of your Thrumpberry Flavouring cargo (boy is that stuff unlucky!). What is your normal combat sequence now? What do you light up to ID or lock them? How do you cycle through targets or assign them to missiles? How do you decide if you can take them on or if it is better to dump the cargo and run?

Thanks in advance,

Generally, if you've got the gear, I'd suggest targeting all the hostiles using the scanner targeting enhancement (which will tell you what they are and their status} and the multi-targeting system (the 'r' key activates the targeting computer - get a lock then 'r' again for the next one and so on)...the target memory expansion will remember them all...then decide which order you want to attack them. You can cycle through your targets with the + and - keys, and lock missiles (the 't' key if I remember correctly) onto any of them that you choose if that's appropriate.
Normally I'll go for the most dangerous first (Asps, Cobra MkIIIs, FerDeLances), then maybe the fighters (Mambas and Kraits, that sort of thing). I save the Big Boys (pythons etc) till last, but that's just my preference.
There are several threads here regarding dogfighting worth having a look at those too.

Anyway, welcome to Oolite, and enjoy! :lol:

Re: Returning Pilot with combat equipment questions

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:17 pm
by Commander McLane
First of all, welcome to the boards, and of course to this great game! :D
DanielCoffey wrote:
Twenty-five years ago (BBC Elite) we just jumped into our Cobbies, lined up the punks in our crosshairs and pressed Fire until either the other ship melted or our own lasers did.
Actually, that is still a very effective method. My advice: stick to it (if necessary, get some new practise in manoeuvering and aiming; but in my experience it's pretty much like driving a bicycle: even if you haven't done it in a very long time, you still can). Personally it has made me ELITE pretty well. 8)

Re: Returning Pilot with combat equipment questions

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:52 am
by caracal
DanielCoffey wrote:
In short, as a returning pilot, I need someone to explain HOW you use the new gear such as the Multi-targeting System and the Targeting Enhancement units. I've bought them but don't know how to use them. There is even a button here labelled "Activate ID Computer" but I don't know if will help identify my enemies or subject me to a Thargoid Alien Probing!
Welcome back to the spacelanes, Commander!

You might want to install the Lave Academy OXP: It has a gunnery range where you can practice using your combat equipment without risk of getting your tender parts shot off in the process. See what all the switches, knobs, and levers do without risk of Thargoid probing.

Or you could try my almost re-released Target Range OXP, which is also a target-practice shooting range, but with real ships, who just happen to not shoot back. You'll probably need an Advanced Space Compass (only 650Cr!) to find a Range, in any rich stable system.

Further, I found this recent discussion about tactics to be very illuminating. Of my enemies' hinder parts, with coherent light. And this thread to remind us that it's all fun and games until you put an eye out.

Happy hunting, Commander! And be sure to ask any specific questions you come up with. We'll be happy to mislead educate you at very reasonable rates!