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Vintage Computing Festival UK

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:47 pm
by winston
Just to let you all know...

The UK's first Vintage Computing Festival will be at Bletchley Park this year. It takes place on the 19th/20th June.

Highlights include:
* Talk by Sophie Wilson, one of the original designers of the BBC Micro and the ARM CPU (the ARM CPU is the world's most popular CPU, having Sophie Wilson give a talk is more significant than if the head CPU designer of Intel showed up).
* Talk by Chris Smith, who has reverse engineered the Spectrum ULA (and the Ferranti ULA technology in general)
* Amiga anniversary
* Acorn World, more Beebs than you can shake a stick at, if Retro Reunited in Huddersfield last year was anything to go by.
* Of course, it's *Bletchley Park* too, the home of the Colossus
* And of course, I'll be exhibiting the Spectranet there (an ethernet card for the Spectrum, so even 8 bits get online). for more details.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:21 pm
by JazHaz
Funnily enough, I have been invited by friends to go to this event. Not sure I will though, need to get a job first.

I'm involved in retro computing, have an interest in Atari 16/32bit computers. Still have an Atari Falcon030 (vintage 1993) 32bit computer here at home! Plus am involved with the Cheshunt Computer Club, which still has committed Atari supporting members.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:51 pm
by DaddyHoggy
JazHaz wrote:
Funnily enough, I have been invited by friends to go to this event. Not sure I will though, need to get a job first.

I'm involved in retro computing, have an interest in Atari 16/32bit computers. Still have an Atari Falcon030 (vintage 1993) 32bit computer here at home! Plus am involved with the Cheshunt Computer Club, which still has committed Atari supporting members.
<Clicks fingers>I still own an original fake wood finished Atari 2600, 2x C64s (one original tan breadbin + 1541 Floppy, the other Amiga-like remodel + Evesham Micros Excellerator+ floppy drive), 3x Commodore Amiga A500s (#1 Original c. 1989 with 1/2 meg upgrade, #2 Original c. 1990 with A590 20MB HD and 2MB expansion, #3 A500+, Modified/upgraded to have Fatter Agnus and internal soldered 2MB upgrade - bit flaky - but it fired up OK last time I slipped it out of its box...)

As you can see - Commodore man through and through - and I still regret flogging my A2500 (I had aspirations to recreate B5 on my own, using Raylab - while I saved up for a video toaster - but post-uni debts and a poorly car put an end to that)

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:24 pm
by Micha
Looks interesting... might have to see if I can make it.

Thanks for the info.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:57 pm
by winston
Funnily enough - talking of Commodore, I was in Sheffield a week and a half ago (for Retro Reunited at Sheffield Hallam Uni students union) and picked up my first ever Commodore - an Amiga 1200. I was never interested in the C64, but I always wanted (but never got) an Amiga.

If you want to see what retro project I'm working on now, you just have to look here ....

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:58 pm
by DaddyHoggy
winston wrote:
Funnily enough - talking of Commodore, I was in Sheffield a week and a half ago (for Retro Reunited at Sheffield Hallam Uni students union) and picked up my first ever Commodore - an Amiga 1200. I was never interested in the C64, but I always wanted (but never got) an Amiga.

If you want to see what retro project I'm working on now, you just have to look here ....
Ah the A1200, lots of incompatibilities with the A500 stuff, but we all wanted one just the same.

I have watched your Youtube video - Winston - you're a genius, a crackpot loon, but a genius and I love it - I've posted it on FB because more people need to see it!

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:31 am
by Killer Wolf
i've still got an a500 + half-meg and an A1200 up in the loft, boxed, and a bag full of games. Elite, Alien Breed, Dune 2, Thunderhawk...ah, the memories.