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Release: Auto-Chaff System

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

Moderators: winston, another_commander

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Cmdr Wyvern
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Release: Auto-Chaff System

Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

From the readme:
Automatic Chaff System: An enhanced chaff-based countermeasure system by Wyvern, based on Thargoid's AMS and Ramirez' chaff dispenser.


- Chaff packages are deployed from a reloadable 25-round magazine. Magazines are reloaded to full, with a cash refund on any unused ammo. Ammo load seems high, but you'll be glad of the extra if your ECM/ACS/Analyzer breaks.

- A chaff ammo counter is visible on the manifest (F5-F5) screen.

- As with the AMS, the Missile Analyzer is required for installation and operation; ACS requires the Analyzer for deciding whether to use chaff or ECM. ECM is also required for installation.

- Smart Countermeasure Selection & Failsafe Modes: ACS is designed with failsafe features.
* In normal operation, it triggers the ECM when standard and Military class missiles are detected, and deploys chaff for all other missiles and torps.
* In case of the Analyzer being damaged, ACS uses both ECM and chaff for all hostile missiles.
* If out of chaff, ACS attempts to pop all missiles with the ECM.
* If ECM is damaged and ammo remains, ACS falls back to chaff for all hostile missiles.

- Panic Mode: When no countermeasure is available due to damage and/or empty magazine, ACS engages "Panic Mode", sending a warning to the Commander to use manual skills to shake the missile.

Protip 1: The Commander is strongly advised to never let his/her/it's manual missile evasion skills go to rust. Murphy never sleeps, and this system is not 100% effective. YMMV.

Protip 2: ACS is great for salvo-fired missiles. The more missiles in flight, the better the chances the chaff will stop them. However, chaff can affect your missiles too.

Protip 3: The chaff is designed to lure missiles away from your ship. It works better at a distance, and may not distract missiles fired at point-blank ranges.

ACS can operate as a stand-alone product, or as a backup or compliment to the AMS.


Unzip the file, and then move the folder "ACS_1.0.oxp" to the AddOns directory of your Oolite installation.
ACS can be installed at TL12+ @2500cr, chaff reloads at TL5+ @500cr for full reload.
Now at an equipment vendor near you.
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Re: Release: Auto-Chaff System

Post by JazHaz »

Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
- As with the AMS, the Missile Analyzer is required for installation and operation; ACS requires the Analyzer for deciding whether to use chaff or ECM. ECM is also required for installation.

ACS can operate as a stand-alone product, or as a backup or compliment to the AMS.
Is the AMS required or not? Little confused here?

Gimi wrote:
drew wrote:
£4,500 though! :shock: <Faints>
Maybe you could start a Kickstarter Campaign to found your £4500 pledge. 8)
Thanks to Gimi, I got an eBook in my inbox tonight (31st May 2014 - Release of Elite Reclamation)!
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Cmdr Wyvern
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Re: Release: Auto-Chaff System

Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

JazHaz wrote:
Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
- As with the AMS, the Missile Analyzer is required for installation and operation; ACS requires the Analyzer for deciding whether to use chaff or ECM. ECM is also required for installation.

ACS can operate as a stand-alone product, or as a backup or compliment to the AMS.
Is the AMS required or not? Little confused here?
The AMS is not required, as the ACS is designed to work as a stand-alone or alongside the AMS. It doesn't hurt to have the AMS as well.
The analyzer and ECM are the only required kit. And of course, a chaff load.
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Post by Chrisfs »

Nifty idea!, the manual nature of chaff deterred me from getting it in the past.
It'd be nice for it to be automated. I remember the AMS was rather pricey. How much does the ACS go for? (wiki down and I'm at work)
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Post by JazHaz »

Chrisfs wrote:
Nifty idea!, the manual nature of chaff deterred me from getting it in the past.
It'd be nice for it to be automated. I remember the AMS was rather pricey. How much does the ACS go for? (wiki down and I'm at work)
Cmdr Wyvern did say:
Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
ACS can be installed at TL12+ @2500cr, chaff reloads at TL5+ @500cr for full reload.
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Post by JazHaz »

Just installed the ACS OXP and but have not bought the equipment yet.

I already have the old Chaff Dispenser, and have it installed. Do not have the Missile Analyzer installed though, but when I fly to a new system I get the following message.

Is this a bug? Or is the ACS not compatible with the Chaff Dispenser?


Gimi wrote:
drew wrote:
£4,500 though! :shock: <Faints>
Maybe you could start a Kickstarter Campaign to found your £4500 pledge. 8)
Thanks to Gimi, I got an eBook in my inbox tonight (31st May 2014 - Release of Elite Reclamation)!
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Cmdr Wyvern
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Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

This is interesting, and shouldn't be happening.

The ACS isn't mutually compatible with the M&B chaff dispenser, but there shouldn't be conflict, either. They use different variables. Also, the ACS code shouldn't be active unless you've bought the kit.

I tested the heck out of it, and thought I nailed all the bugs. I'm baffled. :?
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Post by JazHaz »

Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
I tested the heck out of it, and thought I nailed all the bugs. I'm baffled. :?
In a effort to find out what's happening thought I would post my log (edited out lots of Orbits.OXP messages!):

Code: Select all

[log.header]: Opening log for Oolite version 1.73.4 (x86-32 test release) under Windows at 2010-04-10 11:09:38 +0100.
2 processors detected.
Oolite Options: [Procedural Planets] [Docking Clearance] [Wormhole Scanner] [Target Incoming Missiles]

Note that the contents of the log file can be adjusted by editing logcontrol.plist.

[joystickHandler.init]: Number of joysticks detected: 0
[display.mode.list.native]: Windows native resolution detected: 1280 x 800
[rendering.opengl.version]: OpenGL renderer version: 1.5.0 ("1.5.0")
Vendor: SiS
Renderer: Mirage Graphics3
[rendering.opengl.extensions]: OpenGL extensions (63):
GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_swap_control GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_ATI_element_array GL_HP_occlusion_test GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_point_sprite GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_multitexture GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control 
[]: Shaders will not be used (OpenGL extension GL_ARB_shading_language_100 is not available).
[searchPaths.dumpAll]: ---> OXP search paths:
(Resources, ../AddOns, ../AddOns/ACS_1.0.oxp, ../AddOns/adcks_behemoths_v1.1.oxp, ../AddOns/adcks_bulk_haulers_v1.4.oxp, ../AddOns/adck_galnavy_station.oxp, "../AddOns/AMS 1.10.oxp", ../AddOns/Anarchies2.3.oxp, "../AddOns/Aquatics 2.11.oxp", "../AddOns/Armoury-beta.oxp", "../AddOns/BigShips 1.02.oxp", "../AddOns/BlOomberg Markets v1.0.oxp", ../AddOns/BoaClipper.oxp, ../AddOns/BountyScannerv1.061.oxp, ../AddOns/buoyRepair1.02.5.oxp, ../AddOns/Commies.oxp, ../AddOns/Debug.oxp, "../AddOns/DeepSpacePirates 1.2.4.oxp", ../AddOns/DeepspaceShip.oxp, "../AddOns/Dictators v1.3.oxp", "../AddOns/Dredgers 2.4.2.oxp", "../AddOns/Energy Equipment 1.04.oxp", "../AddOns/FTZ v0.13.oxp", "../AddOns/Fuel Tank v2.2.oxp", "../AddOns/Galactic_Navy 5.2.2.oxp", "../AddOns/Generation Ships 1.1.oxp", ../AddOns/griff_normalmapped_ships.oxp, ../AddOns/griff_orbital_shuttle_normalmapped.oxp, "../AddOns/Hired Guns 1.10.oxp", ../AddOns/hOopyCasino1.1.oxp, ../AddOns/impcourier2.oxp, ../AddOns/kirin.oxp, "../AddOns/MilHUD-v3.oxp", ../AddOns/milmissile.oxp, "../AddOns/Missile Analyser 1.1.1.oxp", "../AddOns/Missiles and Bombs v2.4.oxp", "../AddOns/neolite-companion.oxp", "../AddOns/neolite-wolfies.oxp", ../AddOns/neolite.oxp, ../AddOns/nuke.oxp, "../AddOns/Oo-Haul.oxp", ../AddOns/orbits.oxp, "../AddOns/Ore_processor 1.55.oxp", ../AddOns/OXPConfig1.08.oxp, ../AddOns/pagroove_Aurorav1.0.oxp, "../AddOns/PlanetFall 1.23.oxp", "../AddOns/PlanetFall Link - hOopy Casino 1.0.oxp", "../AddOns/PlanetFall Mission - Oo-Haul 1.00.oxp", "../AddOns/Planetfall Mission - Taxi 1.0.1.oxp", "../AddOns/Pods 1.11.oxp", "../AddOns/Pods-UPS 1.11.oxp", ../AddOns/RandomDockingMusicv1.00.oxp, ../AddOns/RandomHits1.3.6.oxp, "../AddOns/RepairBots 1.10.oxp", ../AddOns/Rock_Hermit_Locator1.3.1.oxp, ../AddOns/Snoopers1.0.1.oxp, ../AddOns/System_Redux.oxp, ../AddOns/TAF_reset.oxp, ../AddOns/total_patrol.oxp, "../AddOns/UPS-courier v1.6.1.oxp", "../AddOns/Welcome Mat 1.06.oxp", ../AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE.oxp, ../AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE.oxp/YOUR_AD_HERE.oxp, ../AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE_set_A.oxp, ../AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE_set_B.oxp, ../AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE_set_C.oxp, ../AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE_set_D.oxp, ../AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE_set_E.oxp, ../AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE_set_F.oxp)
[dataCache.rebuild.explicitFlush]: Cache explicitly flushed with shift key. Rebuilding from scratch.
[shipData.load.begin]: Loading ship data...
  []: Failed to parse ../AddOns/BoaClipper.oxp/Config/shipyard.plist as a property list using Foundation. Retrying using homebrew parser. WARNING: the homebrew parser is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite.
failed to parse as valid XML matching DTD
    [plist.homebrew.success]: Successfully interpreted property list... for now.
[]: Failed to parse ../AddOns/BoaClipper.oxp/Config/demoships.plist as a property list using Foundation. Retrying using homebrew parser. WARNING: the homebrew parser is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite.
Parse failed at line 1 (char 2) - unexpected character (wanted '>')
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: root level element <array> is not <plist> or directive.
  [plist.homebrew.parseError]: ***** Property list parser error: could not find a <plist> element.
[]: Failed to parse ../AddOns/nuke.oxp/Config/equipment.plist as a property list using Foundation. Retrying using homebrew parser. WARNING: the homebrew parser is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite.
failed to parse as valid XML matching DTD
  [plist.homebrew.success]: Successfully interpreted property list... for now.
[]: Loaded 49 world scripts: "ams_system" 1.10, "Anarchies" 2.3, "aquatics_equipment" 1.1, "aquatics_populator" 1.0, "Automatic Chaff System" 1.0, "behemoth" 2.5.4, "bigShips_populator" 1.0.2, "Bounty Scanner" 1.061, "buoyRepair" 1.02.5, "communist_population" 2.09, "deep_space_dredger" 2.4.2, "deep_space_pirates" 1.2.4, "dictatorship_population", "Emergency Energy Unit" 1.2, "free-trade-zone", "GalNavy" Build 0139, "Generation Ships" 1.1, "hiredGuns_system" 1.0, "hofd" GalNavy Build 118 / HOFD Build 55, "hoopy_casino" 1.1, "missile_analyser" 1.1.1, "Missiles & Bombs" 1.0, "OO-Haul Escort" 1.60, "oolite-cloaking-device" 1.73.4, "oolite-constrictor-hunt" 1.73.4, "oolite-nova" 1.73.4, "oolite-thargoid-plans" 1.73.4, "oolite-trumbles" 1.73.4, "Orbits" 1.2, "oreProcessor" 1.55, "OXPConfig" 1.08, "Pi-Forty-Two Con stores" 4.1.1, "PlanetFall" 1.2, "PlanetFall_Oohaul" 1.0.0, "PlanetFall_Taxi" 1.0.1, "Random Docking Music" 1.00, "Random_Hits", "rockHermit_Locator" 1.3.1, "SE-main-script.js" 1.0, "snoopers" 1.0.1, "System Redux 1.2" 1.2, "TAF_reset.anon-script", "total_patrol" 1.2, "ups_container" 1.6, "ups_docs" 1.6, "ups_parcel" 1.6, "ups_slaves" 1.6, "ups_sun" 1.6, "Welcome Information Script" 0.7
[debugTCP.disconnect]: Debug console disconnected with message Lost connection to remote debug console. outStream status: 7, inStream status: 7. Stream error: The operation completed successfully.

[debugTCP.disconnect]: Debug console disconnected with message Lost connection to remote debug console. outStream status: 0, inStream status: 0. Stream error: unknown error.
[debugTCP.connect.failed]: Failed to connect to debug console at
[dataCache.willWrite]: About to write data cache.
[dataCache.write.success]: Wrote data cache.
[bigShips_populator]: 0 big trader(s) added to the Diesdi system.
[script.javaScript.warning.undefinedProp]: ----- JavaScript warning ("Automatic Chaff System" 1.0): reference to undefined property this.acsCount
[script.javaScript.warning.undefinedProp]:       ../AddOns/ACS_1.0.oxp/Scripts/acs_system.js, line 31.
[bigShips_populator]: 0 big trader(s) added to the Bisoaton system.
[script.javaScript.warning.undefinedProp]: ----- JavaScript warning ("Automatic Chaff System" 1.0): reference to undefined property this.acsCount
[script.javaScript.warning.undefinedProp]:       ../AddOns/ACS_1.0.oxp/Scripts/acs_system.js, line 31.
[]: Pending escort count for <StationEntity 0x2b76f878>{"Super Bulk Hauler" "Super Bulk Hauler" ID: 423 position: (-20801.8, -14302.4, 315412) scanClass: CLASS_NEUTRAL status: STATUS_ACTIVE} is 3, expected 0. This is an internal error, please report it.
[bigShips_populator]: 2 big trader(s) added to the Onditi system.
[script.javaScript.warning.undefinedProp]: ----- JavaScript warning ("Automatic Chaff System" 1.0): reference to undefined property this.acsCount
[script.javaScript.warning.undefinedProp]:       ../AddOns/ACS_1.0.oxp/Scripts/acs_system.js, line 31.
[snapshot]: >>>>> Snapshot 1280 x 800 file chosen = oolite-003.bmp
[gameController.exitApp]: .GNUstepDefaults synchronized.

Closing log at 2010-04-10 11:15:14 +0100.

Gimi wrote:
drew wrote:
£4,500 though! :shock: <Faints>
Maybe you could start a Kickstarter Campaign to found your £4500 pledge. 8)
Thanks to Gimi, I got an eBook in my inbox tonight (31st May 2014 - Release of Elite Reclamation)!
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Cmdr Wyvern
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Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

Here's the section of the script that the error log is referring to.

Code: Select all

this.shipLaunchedFromStation = this.shipExitedWitchspace = function()
	this.acsCount = missionVariables.acsCount; // required to prevent "auto refill" after save/quit/load/launch
		case "0":
			player.consoleMessage("ACS - Magazine empty.",5);
		case "1":
			player.consoleMessage("ACS - System ready, 1 package loaded.",5);
			player.consoleMessage("ACS - System ready, " + this.acsCount + " packages loaded.",5);
As can be seen, it shouldn't display anything unless you have an ACS installed and working on your ship. The code checks for that. That's what boggling me about this situation.
Someone smarter with js than I can probably figure it out.
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Post by JazHaz »

Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
As can be seen, it shouldn't display anything unless you have an ACS installed and working on your ship. The code checks for that. That's what boggling me about this situation.
Someone smarter with js than I can probably figure it out.
Am wondering perhaps it needs 1.74+? I'm running 1.73.4...?

Gimi wrote:
drew wrote:
£4,500 though! :shock: <Faints>
Maybe you could start a Kickstarter Campaign to found your £4500 pledge. 8)
Thanks to Gimi, I got an eBook in my inbox tonight (31st May 2014 - Release of Elite Reclamation)!
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Cmdr Wyvern
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Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

JazHaz wrote:
I'm running 1.73.4...?
So am I. :)

PS: I'm noting a lot of fails in your log about other oxps. Not sure if one of those borked oxps could be the cause of the ACS glitch, but it's possible.
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Post by Thargoid »

The bit after the if statement (the bit you want to run if the statement is true) should be surrounded by curly brackets ({}). Otherwise it just takes the first line (up to the CR) as the thing to do for that statement, and then the rest as normal code on the same level as the if statement.

So in your case your code actually says "if the player has the ACS then set this.acsCount to be the mission variable value, and once you've done that check the switch statement anyway".

Amend the code to the following and try that:

Code: Select all

this.shipLaunchedFromStation = this.shipExitedWitchspace = function()
		this.acsCount = missionVariables.acsCount; // required to prevent "auto refill" after save/quit/load/launch
			case "0":
				player.consoleMessage("ACS - Magazine empty.",5);
			case "1":
				player.consoleMessage("ACS - System ready, 1 package loaded.",5);
				player.consoleMessage("ACS - System ready, " + this.acsCount + " packages loaded.",5);
Note the extra pair of code brackets and grouping of the code.
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Post by JazHaz »

Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
I'm noting a lot of fails in your log about other oxps. Not sure if one of those borked oxps could be the cause of the ACS glitch, but it's possible.
Think Thargoid has the answer, but maybe these other fails might help the others.

As a matter of interest, tried ACS with the latest trunk (3136) and got the same message on screen and in the log:

Code: Select all

[script.javaScript.warning.undefinedProp]: ----- JavaScript warning ("Automatic Chaff System" 1.0): reference to undefined property this.acsCount
[script.javaScript.warning.undefinedProp]:       ../AddOns/ACS_1.0.oxp/Scripts/acs_system.js, line 31.
But as I say, think Thargoid has found the bug. :wink:

Gimi wrote:
drew wrote:
£4,500 though! :shock: <Faints>
Maybe you could start a Kickstarter Campaign to found your £4500 pledge. 8)
Thanks to Gimi, I got an eBook in my inbox tonight (31st May 2014 - Release of Elite Reclamation)!
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Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

Indeed he has. Thanks, Thargy. :)

Fix applied and package updated, same link.
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Post by JazHaz »

Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
Fix applied and package updated, same link.
Can confirm that seems to have sorted it! :D

Gimi wrote:
drew wrote:
£4,500 though! :shock: <Faints>
Maybe you could start a Kickstarter Campaign to found your £4500 pledge. 8)
Thanks to Gimi, I got an eBook in my inbox tonight (31st May 2014 - Release of Elite Reclamation)!
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