Docking computer problem, and being hit while docked

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Docking computer problem, and being hit while docked

Post by treczoks »

Fellow spacers,

I just visited L. to give my kudos to Mr Doomsday Asteroid from the Asteroid Storm OXP, and noticed two funny problems, probably not caused by the OXP itself but by some parts of the game engine;

I tried to use the docking computer the way B&B meant it to be used, i.e. with the slow docking sequence.

On one attempt, there was one ship "stuck" in front of the docking bay, and therefor I was stuck in the queue, with the docking computer doing this or that tumbling maneuver with me and my ship. Aborting the docking sequence and docking with shift-D went fine.

On another attempt, L. High greeted me every 5 to 20 seconds and left me hanging in space for half an hour without apparent reasons. I then cancelled and entered with shift-D.

Could it be that the station being hit by an asteroid confuses the stations part of the docking process?

While docked (After taking care of that nasty piece of rock), I regularly got sounds as if being hit, and the auto-targetter set the target to an asteroid, just to tell me "target lost" immediately afterwards.

Could it be that a hit-message was intended for the station object and was mistakenly re-routed/copied and then processed by the player object instead or additional or something like that?

Yours, Christian
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Post by ADCK »

If you have docking computers/autopilot hitting Shift-D will skip the docking sequence and send you stright in. Otherwise it will take avery long time to get into very busy stations. Like ones that are under attack.

The sound of you getting hit is actually the sound of the Station getting hit, notice you're not taking any damage.
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