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sending Ian and David a late Christmas pressy

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:16 pm
by ClymAngus
OK this is one I've been mulling over over Christmas. I realised it's too big becuase it might possibly effect many more people than me. Basically I thought it would be really cool to send the creators of Elite a copy of the vector maps we all just finished before Christmas.

I realise that this is controvertial considering the slightly unsettling legal too and fro over the years. That said it all seems to be calming down a bit. So Last time I'll ask and I'll abide by the forums disision.


Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:37 pm
by Cmdr James
It might be a nice gesture to get ian bell a small gift ( if anyone would like to say thanks for elite.

I would say the same for Braben, but I am unable to find a similar link.

Neither of them provide any info for people wishing to send "elite fanmail", so I suspect they arent that interested, but you never know.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:37 pm

Ian, cause he's super-crazy. (He breeds cats, likes to face paint and who knows what else. I'm serious, check out his web page!)
Sending him pressies may incite him to stalk you!

David, cause he's evil. (He made Frontier and FFE make me want to gouge my brains out...
and you just know he's going to make Elite4 have silly things like Newtonian Physics
and do stuff like put Lave in our galaxy and ruin the Lore in other ways...)
Sending him pressies may make him believe we're happy with him "ruining the classics"


Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:32 pm
by ClymAngus
Tis a sad day when the makers are excluded from the continured joy of their creation by the nature of their own action. So basically we fear David, and think Ian is a bit weird.

Poll will run for 50 days. In the event of a draw or close call we will err on the side of caution. Unless of course we get an oolite god decree, in which case those with the most to loose have the biggest say.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:14 pm
by Cmdr James
I think (hope) Ian being crazy is a joke.

I dont see it as denying them, but seriously, look at Ians webpage, he specifically says, please read before emailing him, and doesnt once mention fanmail other than to say if you want to thank his, here are paypal and amazon wishlist details.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:38 pm
by ClymAngus
Yeah, I get you. I was being a touch retorical regarding the strangness of the situation. You have to admit that it is a little sad (tragic, ironic) that there is even a need to ask a question like this.

Still these are the times we live in. Unfortunate. :(

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:39 pm
Cmdr James wrote:
I think (hope) Ian being crazy is a joke.
Check out the background pic and the pic at the bottom. :P

Here's his page about cats:

You decide lol.
He's spent more time on his cats that he has releasing games, at least Braben still works in the industry and has released stuff since Elite...

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:48 pm
by ClymAngus
So the man is a bit of a closet witch. Takes one to know one, he seems perfectly harmless to me. Well mostly harmless anyway.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:46 pm
by JeffBTX
If had had the property and the resources, I would breed cats (at present only ONE cat "owns me", he's a bit of an oldster, 11+ years).

I want a super attack cat... with mutations! Say, tranquilizer glands in it's claws (or worse); one that can take on an intruder while quoting Shakespeare and Carl von Clausewitz!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:00 pm
by DaddyHoggy
JeffBTX wrote:
If had had the property and the resources, I would breed cats (at present only ONE cat "owns me", he's a bit of an oldster, 11+ years).

I want a super attack cat... with mutations! Say, tranquilizer glands in it's claws (or worse); one that can take on an intruder while quoting Shakespeare and Carl von Clausewitz!
You mean like a certain board member? Image

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:06 pm
by Cody
JeffBTX wrote:

I want a super attack cat... with mutations! Say, tranquilizer glands in it's claws (or worse); one that can take on an intruder while quoting Shakespeare and Carl von Clausewitz!
You need a 'Treecat' from the planet Sphinx in the Honorverse.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:20 pm
by JeffBTX
DaddyHoggy wrote:
JeffBTX wrote:
If had had the property and the resources, I would breed cats (at present only ONE cat "owns me", he's a bit of an oldster, 11+ years).

I want a super attack cat... with mutations! Say, tranquilizer glands in it's claws (or worse); one that can take on an intruder while quoting Shakespeare and Carl von Clausewitz!
You mean like a certain board member? Image
The Cylon Cat is more of a construct than a mutation, but I'd take one. If he is anything like MY cat, He would probably call HIMSELF "Imperious Leader", though.
El Viejo wrote:
JeffBTX wrote:

I want a super attack cat... with mutations! Say, tranquilizer glands in it's claws (or worse); one that can take on an intruder while quoting Shakespeare and Carl von Clausewitz!
You need a 'Treecat' from the planet Sphinx in the Honorverse.
On Earth (present time) we do have a Tree cat of sorts... catlike anyway... for making coffee. NOT that I would try this stuf:
(EDIT: They changed the page since I saw it last. Up until now, I hadn't heard of "Barking Deer Coffee"... towards the bottom under "Similar coffees")

EDIT: Sorry, getting off topic (severely)... it happens. I hereby chastise myself.
... and I finally cast a vote.

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:31 am
by ClymAngus
JeffBTX wrote:
I want a super attack cat... with mutations!
Oh, so you'll be wanting a displacer beast then?


Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:19 am
by Kaks
ADCK wrote:
You decide lol.
He's spent more time on his cats that he has releasing games, at least Braben still works in the industry and has released stuff since Elite...
Yep, he's been devoting his time to his passion instead of releasing a stream of 'innovative' games like Roller Coaster Tycoon, Darxide & Thrillville.(FD's release of Rollercoaster Tycoon was a particularly wtf moment for me)
And, afaik, he's always been supportive of all Elite's incarnations, including Elite:TNK.

Definitely mad. Absolutely. No doubt there.

So he's not that keen on old Mammon as others. Hey, if I'd had the money he got for Elite, I'd semi-retire too.

Integrity, madness, they can be so difficult to tell apart sometimes! :twisted:

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:13 am
by Killer Wolf
"and you just know he's going to make Elite4 have silly things like Newtonian Physics
and do stuff like put Lave in our galaxy and ruin the Lore in other ways...) "

where was this mentioned? i suspected the Newtonian might be there given the other sequels but i haven't heard the Lave thing.