ubuntu 9.04 oolite 1.73.4 + OXP's works but many errors

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ubuntu 9.04 oolite 1.73.4 + OXP's works but many errors

Post by wildstar »

hi i use ubuntu 9.04 and installed oolite using by adding the repositories:

Code: Select all

Ubuntu 9.04 'Jaunty Jackalope'

Test packages (Official Releases):
deb http://debs.oolite.org/ jaunty test
deb-src http://debs.oolite.org/ jaunty test

the only thing i needed to do was create an AddOns folder

Code: Select all

I got a feel for the game and its controls (key mappings)
I noticed an important limitation:
full screen doesn't work properly as it stretches across both my monitors

i use 2 LCD screens under gnome connected to a

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	BoardName      "GeForce 7950 GT"
using option
	Option         "TwinView" "1"
i currently run Oolite windowed but maximized on ONE of the 2 LCD screens and it works fine however without the mouse mapping get engaging as it is meant only to do so in FULL SCREEN mode.

From the log file it is seeing my video as:

Code: Select all

[display.mode.list.native]: X11 native resolution detected: 2304 x 1024
[rendering.opengl.version]: OpenGL renderer version: 2.1.2 ("2.1.2 NVIDIA 180.44")
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce 7950 GT/PCI/SSE2
[rendering.opengl.extensions]: OpenGL extensions (130):
aside from this the game runs very well until you over load it with many OXP's as the memory use climbs to 900megs and crashes the game.

It is difficult to pinpoint exactly why the game is crashing as i have 3 gigs of ram so i have not topped out of system ram. However I have noticed there are NUMEROUS entries in the log files ranging from 20 to 75k so far on just a few minutes of run time until crashing.

SO I have been removing all suspect OXP's from the AddOns folder then restarting Oolite with shift key held down to refresh cache. This has resulted in less and less error like entries in the log file but oddly I seem to be finding more and more errors.

Now about the errors....
BELOW are SOME excerpts from the log files i have been collecting.

BIG QUESTION BTW = can we setup Oolite to timestamp log files both by filename thus instead of Previous and Latest.log to be 200911300403.log for nov 30th 2009 at 4:03am and timestamp each entry in the log files?? is there some sort of way to do this easily with command lines switches while loading Oolite?

A) error loading some textures (sample excerpts):

Code: Select all

[texture.load.png.warning]: ***** A PNG loading warning occurred for /home/dw/.Oolite/AddOns/all-stars.oxp/Textures/starbelly2.png: Incomplete compressed datastream in iCCP chunk
[texture.load.png.warning]: ***** A PNG loading warning occurred for /home/dw/.Oolite/AddOns/all-stars.oxp/Textures/starbelly2.png: Profile size field missing from iCCP chunk
[texture.load.png.error]: ***** A PNG loading error occurred for /home/dw/.Oolite/AddOns/custpaint1.oxp/Textures/flamekrait_rear.png: Not a PNG file
[texture.load.png.error]: ***** A PNG loading error occurred for /home/dw/.Oolite/AddOns/custpaint1.oxp/Textures/flamekrait_bottom.png: Not a PNG file
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "spear_top.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "starhawk_auv.png". Used default no textures material instead.
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "MOOSE.PNG". Used default no textures material instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning ("yah_station_facing" ): Entity.setOrientation() is deprecated, use entity.orientation = foo instead.
B) parcing issues (sample excerpts):

Code: Select all

[dataCache.upToDate]: Data cache is up to date.
[plist.parse.foundation.failed]: Failed to parse /home/dw/.Oolite/AddOns/Asteroids.oxp/Config/script.plist as a property list using Foundation. Retrying using homebrew parser. WARNING: the homebrew parser is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite.
Parse failed at line 26 (char 743) - reached end of string
  [plist.homebrew.parseError]: Property list isn't in XML format, homebrew parser can't help you.
C) script errors (sample excerpts):

Code: Select all

[script.unpermittedMethod]: ***** SCRIPT ERROR: in Plannets, method 'addmoon:' not allowed. In a future version of Oolite, this method will be removed from the handler. If you believe the handler should allow this method, please report it to [email protected].
[script.javaScript.exception.unterminatedString]: ***** JavaScript exception (<unidentified script>): SyntaxError: unterminated string literal
[script.javaScript.exception.unterminatedString]:       /home/dw/.Oolite/AddOns/neocaduceus.oxp/Config/script.js, line 5: this.version = "0.3;
[script.javaScript.load.failed]: ***** Error loading JavaScript script /home/dw/.Oolite/AddOns/neocaduceus.oxp/Config/script.js -- compilation failed
[script.debug.syntax.badComparison]: ***** SCRIPT ERROR: in assassins, unknown comparison operator 'less', will return NO.
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]:       /home/dw/.Oolite/AddOns/orbits.oxp/Config/script.js, line 102.
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning ("Orbits" 1.2): The property Entity.ID is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite.
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning ("Orbits" 1.2): The ability to pass four numbers instead of a quaternion is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite. Use an array literal instead (for instance, replace q.multiply(w, 1, 2, 3) with q.multiply([w, 1, 2, 3]).
D) Property list parser error (excerpt):

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  [plist.homebrew.parseError]: ***** Property list parser error: invalid token structure.
[plist.parse.foundation.failed]: Failed to parse /home/dw/oolite-saves/wildstar2.oolite-save as a property list using Foundation. Retrying using homebrew parser. WARNING: the homebrew parser is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite.
Parse failed at line 1 (char 1) - extra data after parsed string
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (contracts) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (market_rnd) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: expected <key>, got <integer>. Allowing for backwards compatibility, but the property list will not function as intended.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (max_cargo) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: expected <key>, got <integer>. Allowing for backwards compatibility, but the property list will not function as intended.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (max_passengers) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: expected <key>, got <integer>. Allowing for backwards compatibility, but the property list will not function as intended.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (missile_roles) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: expected <key>, got <array>. Allowing for backwards compatibility, but the property list will not function as intended.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (missiles) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: expected <key>, got <integer>. Allowing for backwards compatibility, but the property list will not function as intended.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (missionDestinations) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (mission_vector_cpods) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: expected <key>, got <string>. Allowing for backwards compatibility, but the property list will not function as intended.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (mission_vector_epod) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (passengers) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (speech_gender) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: expected <key>, got <false/>. Allowing for backwards compatibility, but the property list will not function as intended.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (speech_on) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: expected <key>, got <true/>. Allowing for backwards compatibility, but the property list will not function as intended.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (speech_voice) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: expected <key>, got <string>. Allowing for backwards compatibility, but the property list will not function as intended.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (starboard_weapon) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: expected <key>, got <integer>. Allowing for backwards compatibility, but the property list will not function as intended.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (target_coordinates) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: expected <key>, got <string>. Allowing for backwards compatibility, but the property list will not function as intended.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (trumbles) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: expected <key>, got <array>. Allowing for backwards compatibility, but the property list will not function as intended.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (wormholes) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.success]: Successfully interpreted property list... for now.
This last excerpt is most puzzling because I have used an app called XML Copy Editor which has validated the save file to be formatted well and except for adding some EQ items has not undergone much changes other than those which Oolite writes itself while saving game. So if it saves the file this way then why is it that we encounter so many errors or log entries implying some incompatibility is present?

So for now i am removing suspect OXP's and tossing the save files so to start over then I want to test each suspect OXP by itself and try to fix them and then re-introduce/test suspect OXP's one at a time amongst the others and bug fix them again if needed so they can be updated for others to enjoy.

BIG QUESTION HERE... is it the fact that Oolite is loading so many OXP's (100?) the reason for the massive memory use? (900mbs) or is there a memory leak happening here?
I have noticed that my firefox does much of the same memory leaking since i have many extentions/addons loaded on it as well.

I hope i can be of some help to others here.
I did try searching the forums for some of the errors i have mentioned above but aside from seeing some similar entries in posts of unrelated topics i have not seen these or others like them addressed individually. However if i have simply not looked hard enough and someone could point me to any of them i would be much appreciative.


Last edited by wildstar on Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:05 am, edited 3 times in total.
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list of bugs and oxp's working on fixing

Post by wildstar »

this space (reply) reserved for future list of oxp's and bugs and links to updates

once have identified specific bugs or errors will post status for each which i am collaborating on here while currently looking into the ones mentioned in originating post above.

it is just me trying to be overly organized is all.

i would also like to clarify (as i have been reading other threads) that this thread i have created is not intended to be an adopt an OXP thread. I wont personally provide the finalized updates/bug fixes to the community as a whole but instead offer my findings to the originating author of any OXP's which have been altered in order to eliminated the errors i and or anyone else is finding in the log files.

Also this is not an OXP only related errors based thread.

also note that i have no intentions at this time to test windows based installations of Oolite and i do not have a mac. So for the most part it is UBUNTU platform based but i have intentions of running things in a virtualbox if it will work that way sometime in the future.
another_commander wrote:
wildstar wrote:
i also would like to force oolite into a super verbose error logging mode if possible as some of the errors in the log are not specific as to what is causing the problems.
Open logcontrol.plist. You will see at the top a commented line:

Code: Select all

// _override			= yes;
Uncomment this line and restart Oolite. This will produce an extremely verbose log (watch out, it gets REALLY big very fast).
Image B4 = Elite on c64 & now = Oolite1.73.4repositories UBUNTU OpenGL2.1.2 NVIDIA180.44 & vertex shaders eVGA GeForce7950GT512 P4-3.2mhz/3gb
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Post by Getafix »

wildstar wrote:
BIG QUESTION BTW = can we setup Oolite to timestamp log files both by filename thus instead of Previous and Latest.log to be 200911300403.log for nov 30th 2009 at 4:03am and timestamp each entry in the log files?? is there some sort of way to do this easily with command lines switches while loading Oolite?
To have timestamp filenames, copy the following line of code in a new script and put the oolite call after that.

Code: Select all

cp -p ~/.Oolite/Logs/Latest.log ~/.Oolite/Logs/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.log
NOTE: Replace "~/.Oolite/Logs/" by the path where your logs are located.

Following to that, you just have to call the newly created script.

EDIT: The autopackage package users may just put this line of code in the existing "/usr/bin/oolite" script,
at a line just before the "./oolite.app/oolite" call.
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Post by Micha »

Without seeing the actual files which Oolite is complaining about it makes it a tad difficult to identify the errors.

Exact version numbers or, failing that, download locations + md5sums of the downloaded OXPs would be an alternative.

Oolite does not support automatic timestamping of Logfiles or their contents - something to put on the Wishlist I suppose.

Finally, not all OXPs have been updated to be 1.73 compatible (heck, some aren't even 1.7x compatible) so errors, or at least warnings, are to be expected. Test releases are exactly that :)
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Post by Kaks »

D) Property list parser error (excerpt):

Well, just because something parses as valid xml, it doesn't mean is a valid Oolite save file.

Just looking at the first 2 lines

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 [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (contracts) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (market_rnd) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>. 
I can tell that you must have deleted the lines before

You need to add the missing lines. Removing information from a save file isn't generally a particularly good idea.
Oolite has no way of reconstructing the missing information out of thin air, and in this case it's trying to tell you where it's expecting the missing information to be.

You could always try to perform some unholy reconstructive surgery between that poor butchered save file and a fresh 'jameson.oolite-save' if you really really want, but it might have so many inconsistent values inside it might well kill Oolite.

Hope this helps.
Hey, free OXPs: farsun v1.05 & tty v0.5! :0)
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Post by wildstar »

Kaks wrote:
D) Property list parser error (excerpt):

Well, just because something parses as valid xml, it doesn't mean is a valid Oolite save file.

Just looking at the first 2 lines

Code: Select all

 [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (contracts) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>.
  [plist.homebrew.parseWarning]: ----- Bad property list: <key> element (market_rnd) found when expecting a value, treating as <string>. 
I can tell that you must have deleted the lines before

You need to add the missing lines. Removing information from a save file isn't generally a particularly good idea.
Oolite has no way of reconstructing the missing information out of thin air, and in this case it's trying to tell you where it's expecting the missing information to be.

You could always try to perform some unholy reconstructive surgery between that poor butchered save file and a fresh 'jameson.oolite-save' if you really really want, but it might have so many inconsistent values inside it might well kill Oolite.

Hope this helps.
ok, thank you, but i did not delete such lines however i think it is posisble the one before me may have as i resaved/renamed a previous save from someone else which i had found in one of the oxp zips so i will dump all saves start over THANK YOU!
Image B4 = Elite on c64 & now = Oolite1.73.4repositories UBUNTU OpenGL2.1.2 NVIDIA180.44 & vertex shaders eVGA GeForce7950GT512 P4-3.2mhz/3gb
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