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Newbie too.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:14 am
by sectoid
It is also funny that You can sell narcotics to any base in Oolite, just can't take them out of the base. Another funny nuisance, You can pick up slaves from the void of space and You don't even need a passenger Berth. I mean, come on. How many deleted by moderator makes a tonne of slaves :D


Re: Newbie too.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:48 am
by Chrisfs
sectoid wrote:
It is also funny that You can sell narcotics to any base in Oolite, just can't take them out of the base. Another funny nuisance, You can pick up slaves from the void of space and You don't even need a passenger Berth. I mean, come on. How many deleted by moderator makes a tonne of slaves :D


First off, I would be very careful of your choice of words when discussing slaves. Some words can be very emotionally charged and lead to upset people. If you say the term 'nigger' even in jest in pretty much any place in the US, you will gain at best uneasiness and more likely stern disapproval. It is not a neutral word.

To my knowledge,slaves are kept in cryogenic chambers so they take up less space and don't require a berth and there's no reason the slaves would necessarily be human.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:22 am
by another_commander
sectoid: Chrisfs has said it already, I just want to emphasize that you were out of line. Usage of words such as the one you used so lightly is not acceptable. I believe English is not your primary language, but please avoid such terms in the future.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:29 pm
by CptnEcho
To answer the question:

Scooping one escape capsule from space will subtract 2 tonnes of cargo capacity from your ship's cargo hold.

Scooping a cago container which contains slaves from space will subract 1 tonne of cargo capacity from your ship's cargo hold.

Departing from a Station with slaves or narcotics or firearms aboard is considered a violation and will adversely affect your ship's legal status.

U5A :p

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:08 pm
by sectoid
Sorry If my reply offended anyone..
It was NOT written to offend any people, race or other culture.

In my own country it is very normal to state one persons nationality or race.

Didnt know this was an taboo on this board. Very sorry I broked this rule and i should have known better.

Persons who replied to my post should know me before calling me an racist, which Im not.

If You study the worlds history of slaves, though,
you could understand that my bad word was not racism, just a simple remark. Still, when Im reading my post, I do understand what this fuss is all about. Sorry.

Who's bleeding ?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:53 pm
by Rustybolts
wow :shock: sly edit above

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:59 pm
by sectoid
Rustybolts wrote:
wow :shock: sly edit above
Off topic ?