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Who has oolite-linux running?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:20 am
by dajt
I know winston and I have oolite-linux running, but does anyone else?

I made an assumption that if you have it running, you love it ;)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:10 am
by aegidian
I get Tiger and a second HD to bolt into my G5 this week. Then I can install Ubuntu and Tiger and work on both.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:28 am
by Zorath
I have Downloaded Ubuntu to try and see if I can get Oolite-Linux working :)

So far I onlu have vague ideas of what I need to do to make it work.. get GnuStep from where ever that lives on the net..
Make it so that it works...
downloade the oolite stuff..
make the oolite test app thingy to make sure Gnustep thing works...
make oolite and...

PLAY!!!!..... :)

I will like the last step best I think :) *grin*

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:54 am
by winston
aegidian wrote:
I get Tiger and a second HD to bolt into my G5 this week. Then I can install Ubuntu and Tiger and work on both.
That will be very useful - I'd like to know how well the port runs (especially sound since I made some assumptions about the endian-ness of how NSSound normalizes the buffer when it loads the AIFF - however, I suspect it'll Do The Right Thing; I think AIFF is normally a big-endian format, but the buffer we get at least on Intel hardware is made to be little-endian which means we don't have to swap bytes when manipulating it).

If Ubuntu has a GNUstep package it'll also be interesting how it runs with the already-packaged one. The only trouble is if you've got NVidia graphics or certain ATi graphics cards, there are only closed source x86 drivers available :/

In other news, at least 7 people have downloaded the package of, I think, so there's hopefully a few others.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 12:57 pm
by Zorath
Hmmm slight hickup in my plans... Unbuntu would not start :( well at least the 'live' cd version..

wonder if its my PCI Express graphics card (Ati X600)

or serial ATA..

Hmmm.. Soooo.. I guess I will try something else..

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:12 pm
by winston
You can always try Knoppix as an installer - if you install it to hard disk you can apt-get update/apt-get upgrade to bring it up date too.

I think PCI-E (or is it PCI-X?) was only recently supported (as at 2.6.10?). Unfortunately, ATi aren't very good about supporting Linux - this is why I'll only buy nVidia graphics cards because at least they do a reasonable job of supporting my chosen platform (I do not have Windows installed anywhere at home). If ATi improve their support, I'll consider them, but not until.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:50 pm
by Flying_Circus
As for myself, I'm having trouble even getting GNUstep-base to complie... Loads of pointer conversion errors - presumably because it's 64bit AMD. I shall try it on the ancient Pentium 3 (which I haven't even turned on in about six months), but it will be with a certain amount of relectance that I do so, since that machine only has a 64MB graphics card in it.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:25 am
by tgape
So where's the poll option for "No, I'm too busy fighting *other* compilers and libraries?"

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:47 pm
by Rxke
Still out in the woods on this one...

And I'm sure it's me doing something over-obviously wrong, grrrr...

Peole telling me installing it using synaptic (debian/ubuntu) works without a hiccup, but here it does not...
Probably because I installed older versions, and only halfway etc etc...
And now synaptic throws me a 'will not install terminal' unsolvable dependency, huh?
Apt-get install same...

why does it need an app called terminal, which it won't install, huh huh huh? *brain explodes* terminal? how many terminals are there??? This makes no sense...

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:20 pm
by Ian Malone
Running, although I haven't patched the GNUstep XML yet. I was slightly suprised to see stations rotating the opposite way to I remember in Elite Plus (although not suprised enough to crash). No sound, there's some message about being unable to set the requested buffer size, but I'm not at my machine atm.

What keys quit/save? (Or is this something I need the XML patch for, I can see a .plist file with references to dtd) Might also explain why other ships don't seems to do anything...

BTW, festival under linux is a just-about-endurable speech synthesizer.

GNUstep source download with a home directory install seems fairly reliable (I tend to put stuff like that in /home/ian/opt/).

Nice to finally see oolite running on a mainstream os :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:41 pm
by Rxke
From a friendly chap caled Nikola on the Ubuntu-fora:
Yeap, GNUStep has it's own terminal, called Terminal
My problem was that XFce4's terminal app is also called Terminal, so GNUStep overwritten it. You can live without GNUStep's terminal.
Woohoo, I guess installing GNUStep from XFce4 is just asking for trouble, and that's eggs-actly what I attempted...

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:22 pm
by winston
Ian Malone wrote:
Running, although I haven't patched the GNUstep XML yet. I was slightly suprised to see stations rotating the opposite way to I remember in Elite Plus (although not suprised enough to crash). No sound, there's some message about being unable to set the requested buffer size, but I'm not at my machine atm.

What keys quit/save? (Or is this something I need the XML patch for, I can see a .plist file with references to dtd) Might also explain why other ships don't seems to do anything..
You don't need to modify your GNUstep - I have not patched my GNUstep install and it runs great on my machine (including AddOns). GNUstep just whinges it can't get the DTD and the document is not valid, but it still loads the plist files anyway. If it didn't the game wouldn't even run because pretty much everything is specified via those plists.

What sound card do you have? I just made a stab of a guess at what would be an acceptable buffer size - it's likely that your sound card has a really miniscule buffer - I think I'm only asking for 4K. There are ALSA calls that set the buffer size to the nearest possible value to the requested (I'll look at that tonight since it's now a known problem), so I'll do battle with the appalling ALSA docs again :/

Quit/save is on the F2 menu and only available when docked.

I will eventually add the Cmd-keystrokes (so Cmd-Q quits, or on most PCs, that'll be Windows-Q, but I have an Apple keyboard on my PC :-))

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:54 pm
by Star Gazer
Ian Malone wrote:
Nice to finally see oolite running on a mainstream os :wink: someone hold me back.....'s no good...

....bbblbllllllllluuuuuurrrrrrggghhhhhh... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:15 pm
by mterlouw
Been too busy fighting mythtv, but if this is playable now, I'll probably give it a shot.

Thanks for the hard work you guys have put into it!

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:54 am
by Ian Malone
Quit/save is on the F2 menu and only available when docked.
Found it. Another Elite Plus thing; there F12 gives you the option to quit immediately (far too easy, quitting Elite should be demanding). Notes on sound in the "New beta:" thread.

Generally over the moon that this works. Will be rooting through the source this weekend to make stations spin the other way though.[/i][/quote]