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Where to start with OXPs

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:28 pm
by Southwark

Contentious subject - but are there any guides as to which are good ones to start with?

Are there any "collections" that one should try?

Any guides beyond the list on the wiki?


Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:34 pm
by Cody
Hi, Southwark, and welcome to the boards.

You'll get many different views on this. It depends on how you want to play.
You must have System Redux at the very least.

More to follow I expect.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:39 pm
by Disembodied
Hi Southwark, welcome to the forum! There aren't any guides as such, and the list on the wiki is the most definitive.

It all depends on taste, really, and what you're looking for. If you want e.g. some eye-candy and a few new trading opportunities, then Your Ad Here, Commies and Dictatorships all add new in-system dockables. The Convenience Stores from YAH in particular are useful places to find some good deals.

As for ship types, it depends what you want. If you're a starting commander then it's probably best to avoid plugging in too many OXPs with evil ship types (you'll meet them as pirates) or Thargoid-boosters. If you're up to the challenge then it's just a matter of seeing what takes your fancy, and what you think "fits" with your personal Ooniverse. Me, I like Aegidian's, the New Ships, the Old Ships, Wolfwood's Variants and the Wolf Mk II. Neolite and Griff's wonderworks (the latter aren't on the wiki – search the boards, e.g. here) all add to the visuals, if your machine is up to it.

If you've been around the block and want to expand your career opportunities, then Random Hits and Galactic Navy all give you some more things to do. Depending where you are, career-wise and physically in the game, there are numerous mission OXPs which all provide a nice break from trading too.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:13 pm
by Southwark
Thx - that was quick...

I can appreciate there are lots of answers - none of them right.

Just wondered where to start with the OXPs as there are loads of them (thanks to all those who made them).

I also thought - but I cannot find the name there was large OXP that had a few of the other ones combined in it.

Just got a beam laser which makes life so much easier! Already thinking about changing ship/hold more cargo/make more money/buy more bits :-)

I feel 13 again (age when I played Elite 1st time round on a BBC "B")!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:19 pm
by Cody
You're probably thinking of Realistic Shipyards:

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:45 pm
by Commander Learner
Southwark wrote:
Thx - that was quick...

I can appreciate there are lots of answers - none of them right.

Just wondered where to start with the OXPs as there are loads of them (thanks to all those who made them).

I also thought - but I cannot find the name there was large OXP that had a few of the other ones combined in it.

Just got a beam laser which makes life so much easier! Already thinking about changing ship/hold more cargo/make more money/buy more bits :-)

I feel 13 again (age when I played Elite 1st time round on a BBC "B")!
Sigh....childhood... :)
Before installing 200 OXPs like someone did,focus on what you want to be in your game ie: Navy Pilot or Navy Pirate. Bringing in those Navy OXPs will bring a lot of trouble when you're out pirating.

The first OXPs I would recommend are the Fuel Tank&Station, Energy Unit, and Interstellar Help. Assuming you want to be a good guy, install the Navy OXPs (Behemoth,Cataclysm,Condor,Galactic Navy,Herald,Military Fiasco and Navy Starships). All these OXPs arm the Navy with all sorts of Superweapons they desperately need, as well as improving their firepower when assisting you in battle. Just watch out for the Military Fiasco, stolen military artillery ships will come after you once triggered. :P

And welcome to the forums :!: :!: :D

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:06 am
by Cmd. Cheyd
Southwark -
To quote a commander / amateur terraformer (who I think if frankly rather full of himself):
Cmd. Cheyd wrote:
Other OXP's of note:
The Wiki OXP List

I started to list some out, and realized I was listing probably 7 out of every 10 on that list... :P Definitely look at any/all of the ship OXP's by Griff; most anything by Thargoid; Random Hits is a must have; Most of the "flavor" OXPs like Commies, Anarchies, Dictatorships, the upcoming Feudals; the Neolite ships by SimonB; Famous Planets 1 & 2; Your Ad Here is great for flavor and an occasional spot of off-beat humor. There's just SOOOO many.

It depends on if you're looking for ships, missions, scenery, flavor, or just an Argheellian Love Slave in a gorilla suit. Named "Qalskune". (-une being the masculine form of -okw)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:34 pm
by Southwark
Thanks all.

I have just got a docking computer. I smiled at the music. Nice touch!

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 12:22 am
by Chrisfs
Fuel Station, Interstellar Help, Black Monks (optional), are all nice ones to have and help out with the game play, shortening out the long and potentially dangerous/boring bits if needed. (sometimes, you want to grab something to eat while mass locked ALL THE WAY to a Corporate planet just to get fuel, and sometimes you don't)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:20 am
by Kaks
Chrisfs, go 90 degrees from the space lane to avoid traffic, then after a while you won't be mass locked anymore... sometimes, the shortest distance isn't a straight line... :P

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:45 am
by Sendraks
Kaks wrote:
Chrisfs, go 90 degrees from the space lane to avoid traffic, then after a while you won't be mass locked anymore... sometimes, the shortest distance isn't a straight line... :P
Unless you install Deep Space Pirates, at which point being off the space lane isn't necessarily the safest option. :twisted:

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:10 pm
by Chrisfs
Kaks wrote:
Chrisfs, go 90 degrees from the space lane to avoid traffic, then after a while you won't be mass locked anymore... sometimes, the shortest distance isn't a straight line... :P
Thanks, actually I know that trick, but sometimes, it;s good to have a bit of time to do something else (yes I could use the pause but it seems this way like I am getting two things done at once)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 2:20 am
by Diziet Sma
Disembodied wrote:
Hi Southwark, welcome to the forum! There aren't any guides as such
I'm working on this very thing, as a matter of fact.. The first draft of the "Beginners Guide to choosing OXPs" will be posted soon, for critiquing..

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:08 am
by phonebook
well if you are a beginner, the eye candy is the order of the day, so, system redux, system redux, and thrice system redux

MAYBE galactic navy and behemoth- bad for you tho if you arent squeaky clean and land in a system with sector command station!

i rather like the rock hermit locator, but at 15 grand, you are gonna wait to have an iron ass first

the truth is- its so easy installing and uninstalling these things, that you might as well spend half an hour testing them all!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:14 am
by Diziet Sma
phonebook wrote:
the truth is- its so easy installing and uninstalling these things, that you might as well spend half an hour a day or three testing them all!
Fixed that for you! :mrgreen: