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Betatesting: Upgraded to Oolite Shipyards Extension V0.67

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:09 pm
by Lestradae
@ OSE WiP Betatesters,

The downloadable (at the beginning of this thread) test version has been upgraded to Oolite Shipyards Extension WiP V0.67.

Most relevant changes since the 0.65 version:

* OSE WiP now includes all equipment oxps in existence for Oolite in one go, plus the option to re-sell most of it (the items for which it makes sense that they are sellable), too.
* The Hyperradio was included! Listen to the music while flying! It's an affordable version, with all five (!) music packs already preinstalled. Plus it has the option of adding even more music yourself (see Svengali's hyperradio site for that - final OSE will have a manual that will include infos like that)
* Every single player ship in OSE (and therefore almost any player ship in existence for Oolite) has had its external views enabled & fully working
* Orisis class ferry oxp included, there is now also a player version of the Orisis Ferry
* Misjump Analyser 0.1 included
* MilHud V3 - upgraded the military hud used by some OSE ships to the newest version available
* Some bugs were fixed that kept a few newly merged ships from appearing as NPCs or in the shipyards
* The ships from the older Wolfwoods Variants oxp have been upgraded with Simon's excellent new models made for them

Download from here:

Have fun @testing 8)


PS: You need a good system to run the OSE WiP. 2GHz dual-core and 3GB RAM are recommended as a minimum. There are efforts running atm to get the big load on systems down. With the specs mentioned you should be fine anyways.

PPS: Svengali's hyperradio sites are here:

... and here:

... and here: ... Musicpacks


Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:36 am
by Lestradae
* bump * :idea:


Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:50 am
by Lestradae
*cough* V0.67 *cough*