I really need as much feedback as possible on the following:
* How does it run on various systems, with different speeds (OS, Cores, RAM, GHz, Graphics Cards etc.)
* Are there bugs visible or noticable ingame, does something not work perhaps, is there strange behaviour that does not seem intentional somewhere?
* Is it playable, if playing as green Jameson, experienced player, or Elite veteran? Or are there any sore spots?
* Do any problems with inbuilt or oxp missions appear?
* Does the included equipment work as intended?
* Does the buying and selling, and visiting of player stations work as intended?
* If you replace the original oxps OE consists of with OE, does everything including any old savegame continue to function in the same way you are used to?
* Are there any error reports in the log?
What Oolite Extended does: Everything!
OE is a bundle of oxps for the "Aaaaaall-of-it"-crowd. Players who, asides from purely tongue-in-cheek oxps like KillIt i.e., consider the Ooniverse to be all that which oxp'ers have included, and perceive the core game as the canvas onto which the actual picture is painted. In other words: If your motto is "If it's potentially in there, I want to have it" then this could be of interest for you. Playing like that means that the Ooniverse is perceived as a living, growing entity, that might one day have moved far away from the original Elite.
So anything - really anything - someone has once done in earnest for Oolite, is here bundled in one giant meta-oxp. Including some features not yet available outside OE, as players buying stations and getting income from them, all sorts of new equipment, special systems beyond tech level 15, player carriers etc.
The oxps bundled have usually not been tempered with in any way. There are four exceptions that may be the case:
* Expansions on the original - the original is still untampered in there, but with extensions to its contents. This is never done with missions!
* Repricing and - accordingingly - "TL-ing" of ships according to a formula that calculates from the ship's stats in comparison to the Jameson's Cobra Mk III.
* NPC ships have lost nearly all disadvantages against players - the Oolite Extended game is noticably harder than the vanilla game.
* Some things have to be changed to simply allow this giant bundle of oxps to work together, missile speeds i.e. have to be three times higher or missiles will often be without any effect.
If you install for testplaying, please keep the following in mind:
* This is for people who want everything ever done for Oolite in their game. Please do not post or PM me requests "to take things out again". If you want that, do it yourself or use the conventional oxp system, as otherwise, this meta-oxp probably isn't fitting for your tastes.
* This is still a beta WiP, not even a release candidate. Have your savegames backupped at all times if you use OE for normal play. It should take over from any savegame, any mission, any ship you are flying, any equipment you have without a glitch - but, again, it is here for testing if it really does that - always!
* You need a fast, good computer to run Oolite Extended! About 2GB RAM and a 2GHz processor plus a decent graphics card are sorely recommended. Ahruman has done a great job in optimising Oolite, so with the above specs OE will run decently. But you need them at least for FPS 40+

* This WiP needs "1.74" trunk Oolite to run, and it better be a version of SVN 2717+! It won't run properly under 1.73.4 or lower versions.
* Please do not install any of the oxps below in addition to Oolite Extended. The reason being, OE already contains them as a bundle, and you would double-install them, which could crash your game or lead to massively unexpected behaviour!
* The DebugReport is part of this meta-oxp. It will leave a more detailed error & bug report in your log as usual. If you find reports of problems in your log, please post your log here in this thread! (And don't open new threads about them)
So, I let anyone still reading off the hook, here is the download already:
* Download temporarily removed until contentious issues have been resolved *
Have fun @testing

The 264 (!) oxps included (status quo 05-11-2009) are:
AAACrooks (Chaky-fixed), Aegidian-Special, All-Stars, Amen_Bricks_Megaships, AMS V1.1, Anarchies V2.2, AphidV2, Aquatics V2.11, arachnid, Assassins Guild V1.3, Asteroid Storm, att1, A-Wing
Bandersnatch, Behemoth Spacewar, BigShips V1.02, black_baron, Blackjacksbullion, Bounty Scanner, Boyracers, BuoyRepair1.02.5, buzzer, B-Wing
Capisastra (aka Seosu), Captured Thargons V1.0, Cargo & Wrecks V1.4, Cataclysm, Cobra3Njx, Cobra35, CobraClipperPC, Combat Computers, CombinedSounds, Commies, CompactHUD, Condor, custsounds
DebugReport, DeepspaceHud, DeepSpacePirates, Deposed V1.3.4, Dictators, Diso, dodo_stations, Dr_HUD, Dr_HUD_CMkIII, Dragon V1.72, Dredgers V2.2.5, Drones V1.1, Dreams01Beta, Dredger V1.0, DWCobra3
e5amigasoundpack, Eagle2, Energy Equipment V1.04, ettBeaconLauncher, Executive Spaceways V2.2
Famous Planets V2.0, Far Star, Ferdelance_NG, Ferdepai, FighterHud, Firewasp, Flying Dutchman, FP Liners 1.00, Freaky Thargoids V3.1, FTZv0.13, FuelCollectorV0.06, Fuel_Station V1.23, Fuel Tank, fsr
Galactic Navy, galcops, Galcop_trade_outpost, Generation Ships V1.1, G-HUD_Mk2, globestations2, Grass_Snake, Gritty Coriolis, Greekshipset1, Griff_Adder_normalmapped, Griff_Anaconda_normalmapped, Griff_Cobra_Mk1_normalmapped, Griff_Cobra_Mk3_normalmapped_less_scuffed_texture, Griff_Cobra_Mk3_normalmapped_original_scuffed_texture, Griff_Coriolis_normalmapped, Griff_Fer-de-lance_normalmapped, Griff_Fer-de-lance_normalmapped_scuffed_texture_version, Griff_Krait_normalmapped, griff_python_normalmapped, Griff_Sidewinder_normalmapped, Griff_Thargoids_normalmapped, Griff_Thargoids_organic_normalmapped, Griff_Vipers_normalmapped, Griff_Worm_normalmapped, Griff_Normalmapped_ships, griff_planetexpress, griff_shady_station, griff_ships_remixed, Griffin2, gwxstations
halsis, Hammer, Hawksound, Herald, hOopyCasino 1.1, Hotrods, hud_ng, hyperradio V1.16
Icarus, Illicit_Unlock_FIX1.56, Impcourier (new ship model), Impcourier2 (new), Interceptor, Interstellar help, Ionics-1.2.3, Isisinterstellar, Ixianfreighter, Ixianships V1.1
Kestrel&Falcon, kirin, kirin_sport, kleptohud
Lambda, Lane_Legal, Lave V1.70, Lave Academy, liberator, Llama, Longshot, Long Way Around V1.1, Lovecats V1.2
Manta, MaegilsMissiles, Marett_Vol1, Marett_Vol2, MedusaHud, megawalnutdash, Merlin, MildAudio, MilHud V3, Military Fiasco, milmissile, Misjump Analyser V1.0, Missile Analyser V1.1.1, Missiles and Bombs V2.2, Missile Rack V1.02, Missionaries, Monument, Morrigan, MPakRedux, Murgh's replacement sounds, Murgh_XShips
NavyStarships, Neocaduceus, Neolite, neoliteCompanion, neolite-Megaships, Newships, nukes V0.9, nuvipers
Oldships, Oo-Haul, Ore_processor V1.53d, OsirisV1, Outrider
P.A. Groove Stations, Pallas, Pelamis, Phoenix, Pirate_coves1.2.1, piratetraps, Planetfall V1.23, PlanetFall - Black Monks, PlanetFall - hOopy Casino, PlanetFall - Oo-Haul, Planetfall - Taxi, playerstations, Pods V1.1, Pods-UPS 1.1, Probe_1.1, PTI, PythonClassCruiserV2.6
Racers, Random Hits V1.3.6, Realistic Shipyards V4.0, Renegade Pirates V3.0, Renegade_Viper, Repair Bots V1.1, Ring Racer, ringpod, RoC, Rock_Hermit_Locator1.3.1
SalezaV2, Santa, Second Wave, Sell equipment, Shady_blackmonks, Shield-Tail, Shreddies, snark, Snoopers, Spearhead_1, spyhunter1.1, Status_Quo_Q-bomb, Ste3c, s-ships, Stingray, Stingray_Mk_II, Sung's Textures, sunskimmers, Supercobra, Superhub, Swift, System Redux
Taranis Corporation HQ, Tardis, Target Autolock, Target Reticle, Taxi_Galactica, Terrapin, Tesoura, Thargoid Carrier, Thargoid Wars V4.3, Thargorn Threat V1.3, Tianve, TIE, Tiger, Tionisla Graveyard, Torus Station, Total patrol, Traffic Control, Trans-Hab Station, Transports, TrekHud, Tribant, Trident Down V1.4, tty, Tugships, typhoon
uber, U.P.S. Courier, Urutu_IV, UrutuMkIII
Vector V1.3, Velocity
wakapiko0109, wakatoro0109, Weeviloid, Welcome Mat V1.06, Wiggy's replacement sounds, WolfMk2, Wolfwoods_Variants (neolite version)
Xaotiks replavement sounds, xarik, X-Ships, X-Wing