Battlefield Heros

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Battlefield Heros

Post by Frame »

BF:H was supposed to be the old mans shooter, however it has failed miserably in this goal.

I just got into Beta this day, and I'm not going to mention bugs, I appllied for beta Months ago, but was not let in until yesterday...

After a laborious task of entering security passwords and tie my key to my EA account and waiting some time to download the firefox client, i Finally got to play.

First Turn off... 3rd person only...

With all the common problems that 3rd person has.. you often end up getting your view obstructed by trees or tanks and sometimes when you back up against a wall, you end up viewing the wall instead of what you should see, this happens alot in the urban settings.

Next Turn Off... Micro Management...

There is Experience Points (XP) Valor Points (VP) and Battle Funds (BF)

now VP and XP you earn, while BF is bought for real life money... you can get certain clothe for BF

XP of course means leveling up, and levels dermine what weapons and abilities you can buy for your Valor Points

All this adds up into spending more and more time to manage your stuff... for your 4 heroes... And each Hero carry his own XP, shares his VP and BF.

Final Turn off..

for 3-4 hours of play, My team never won.. We where run over by more experienced players that had amazing abilities. My conclusion was that the games goal must have shifted from being the old mans shooter, to being just another Web game money Maker...

and as such, I prefer not to be a part of it...

I think i can transfer the account if anybody wants the Beta Spot... I'm not sure if my 4 heros are staying in though (you cant delete)

You need an EA Game login to be able to receive the spot drop me a PM if you want it..

Cheers Frame
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