Mission cancel

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Mission cancel

Post by Alex »

Hi all,
Just a wee thing. I was in G3 and had an assassination and a order to go to a planet for a briefing. But wanted to get back to G1. So G jumped through the rest of G's Just stopping in each long enough to buy a HyperG drive.
On arrival in G1 I went to pick up a wee kill mission at the nearest bar, but it wouldn't let me as it still had the one from G3 on the books. And the briefing mission was still on too.
I thought it was supposed to cancel the missions when you hyper jumped?

Everything else is working perfect and find it hard to stop playing once I launch. Loosing weight from missed meals... Maybe not such a bad thing.
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Post by LittleBear »

Was the G3 mission definatley a Random Hits assaaination? If so that's a bug. I'll go and test it and try to squosh it. R_H should always cancel a mission on a Galactic Jump. Three effects should happen. 1) As soon as you arrived in G4 you should have got a message come up say somthing like "You have given up the assigment to terminate [whoever it was]. Visit your local space bar for a new mission." 2) The F5 (twice) entry should have changed from "Kill [whoever] flying a [whaterever type of ship] at [where ever he is]." to "Your fellow killers for hire regard you as [your current rank in ther bounty hunters guild]." 3) The cross on the Long Range Chart (F6 twice) should have been removed. Did any / all of these things happen.

When you try to take a hit in the new galaxy, whats the text of the message you're getting from the poster? Remember you will be unable to take a hit if you do not have a high enough Elite rating to qualify for it and the qualifying rating depends on how difficult / well paid it is. Are you getting the "Sorry you cant take this hit as you already have one to do" message or the "Your too green to be considered for this job" message?

OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Alex »

Definite Random hit mission plus the goto brief mission which is the one you take the thargoid plans across G3, which brings up another Q.
I had saved the ship in G3 before buying another to bolt through the G's to get back to G1. So I've been playing the saved one to do it all over again.

The Question is, why doesn't killing thargoid war ships count on my kills score?? And are the robot ships supposed to count?

Ooops.. forgot to mention it's version 1.72.2

I don't remember a message of mission cancel.
Didn't know you could look at different G from the one you were in. So dunno if wee cross was still there.
I had to go through my saved games to find out where the mission came from.

The message is "you already one..." Also have Deadly rating.

Unrelated matter; How do you get the bar with your quote or message under it in posts??
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Post by Screet »

Alex wrote:
The Question is, why doesn't killing thargoid war ships count on my kills score?? And are the robot ships supposed to count?
Both should definitely count, unless you were cloaked while doing the terminal hits. I especially had fun with galactic navy fleet missions when Thargoids launched their Thargons (the robot fighters) away from the navy fleet (I did speed ahead). Once the area was clear of allies, I did use an e-bomb to clean up. That often returned up to 60 kills and a nice bounty, but the cheaper way is to use them for lasering practice ;)

However, exactly in that situation, fighting a thargoid fleet, I sometimes observed that when I shot down the Thargoid Invaders (they look like the warships), I did not get a bounty/kill. At first I thought someone else might have done the final hit upon them, but it happened several times and also without me seeing any fire from allies in that area. It might have been bad luck, but I got the impression that sometimes they would not properly count for some reason.

If you do get the bounty message, you also scored the kill!

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Post by Eric Walch »

Screet wrote:
I sometimes observed that when I shot down the Thargoid Invaders (they look like the warships), I did not get a bounty/kill.
That is a bug in thargorn_Threat version 1.1 that adds those invaders. From the read me I read:
-experiment with variable bounties using expandable [d100_number].
It is this experiment that never worked and the file was released without a proper test. You do get a bounty but it is just 1 credit. Should be corrected in the current version 1.2
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Post by Screet »

Eric Walch wrote:
That is a bug in thargorn_Threat version 1.1 that adds those invaders. From the read me I read:
-experiment with variable bounties using expandable [d100_number].
It is this experiment that never worked and the file was released without a proper test. You do get a bounty but it is just 1 credit. Should be corrected in the current version 1.2
Hmmm...I've just checked it...either I did upgrade in the time in between (didn't fly navy missions due to assassins and now cataclysm) or I always had the 1.2 version and it's something else.

I tried a find in files but it appears that the bounty is set to a constant amount everywhere. One interesting thing did show up, which I don't understand:

Code: Select all

      "NOTHING_FOUND" = ("sendScriptMessage: clearBounty"); 
is pretty often occurring in some AI script. I fail to understand what this is meant to do...any ideas?

Ohhh....and a Leviathan with it's Rattlecutters did help me out quite nicely when exiting witchspace with a cargo hold full of refugees and two battleships with many tiny ships around. It was nice to see those Quad-Beams do their work 8)

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Post by Eric Walch »

The word Thargoid Invaders was introduced in Thargon Threat as shipname. Bounty for this invader should even be 200 instead of the normal 100. But other oxp's like galactic navy could have added copied of these ships based on that older 1.1 version. That is the downside in using copies and not a like_ship dependency. With a like_ship your oxp gets corrected when the original gets fixed. (and the other way around).

Code: Select all

"NOTHING_FOUND" = ("sendScriptMessage: clearBounty");
means that is calls the function clearBounty within its shipscript.js That's a private script and can do different things for each autor or even ship.
UPS uses it for one special target ship to clear the bounty when the player is far away to make sure no police will attack it first.
Ohhh....and a Leviathan with it's Rattlecutters did help me out quite nicely
Yes they can be quite nice when clean.
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thargoid count

Post by Alex »

Hi guys,
Fraid I only knew enough about script to be dangerous, ie if it could be done wrong I would find that way of doing it.

I don't remember if it was giving me the bounty for killing them. It was the ships that were sent to stop me delivering the message in G3, The mission that gets you the navy energy unit.

Dunno if that makes any difference. Now that the mission is complete, I'll go look for some more tharggys to shoot and see what happens.

Oh and I don't have a cloak, come to think of it I don't know how to go about getting one either.
Do you really need it for some missions?

There have been a couple of times when I've left a space bar where I got seriously mauled but couldn't find who was doing it, had to hyprespace out. Does that mean some NP's have cloaks??

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Re: thargoid count

Post by Screet »

Alex wrote:
Oh and I don't have a cloak, come to think of it I don't know how to go about getting one either.
Do you really need it for some missions?
It can help, as it can buy some time to regenerate the shields and soften up another ship - if you shoot it down while cloaked, there's no reward. There are some missions (e.g. Assassins oxp) where the cloak is being disabled for the mission duration because it would be too unfair ;) It's nice to have, but not more.

The cloak comes from a built-in mission, check the Wiki for the built in and additional oxp missions, then you can also plan when to include which oxp or where to search for another mission! With Realistic Shipyards, the cloak also is available at a very high price as an easter egg. The best use for it is as an anti-missile system as missiles lose their target and explode, thus it also works on hardheads where the ECM does only help a little bit.
Alex wrote:
There have been a couple of times when I've left a space bar where I got seriously mauled but couldn't find who was doing it, had to hyprespace out. Does that mean some NP's have cloaks??
Hmmm. With some older version of RS I had a problem that the bar was targeting me with it's cannons accidentally. That's solved in the latest version as far as I can see.

Usually, only the NPC ship from the cloak mission has it, but there are rare occasions of NPCs using it, especially Thargoids. Someone reported being able to scoop a cloaking device from a Thargoid warship that was equipped with it! NPCs with the cloak can be seen, but it's tough as they only become visible for very brief amounts of time. As it drains the ships energy banks quickly, it's sometimes easy to shoot them down - if find that ship and keep it within your sight, not taking too much time shooting it.

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