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Realistic Shipyards problem

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:28 pm
by Lysander
Hi all you experts

Having loaded Realistic Shipyards OXP into my Add Ons, it lookred terrific (the shipyard itself is a great graphic), but sadly my whole system turned jeky with very poor control. :(I presume this means my hardware is not up to the additional load with a paltry 256k RAM and 2 GB ROM so is it simply that I need to boost either of these, or could it be something else? I speak as a complete nerd on the software hardware side and just enjoy Oolite as a great new game.

Thanks for any advice


Re: Realistic Shipyards problem

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:58 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Lysander wrote:
Hi all you experts

Having loaded Realistic Shipyards OXP into my Add Ons, it lookred terrific (the shipyard itself is a great graphic), but sadly my whole system turned jeky with very poor control. :(I presume this means my hardware is not up to the additional load with a paltry 256k RAM and 2 GB ROM so is it simply that I need to boost either of these, or could it be something else? I speak as a complete nerd on the software hardware side and just enjoy Oolite as a great new game.

Thanks for any advice

What are you running on? You can't really have 256K of RAM - even 256MiB of RAM seems a little low - 512MiB seems to be the minimum (on a PC) for even the vanilla version of Oolite.

If you give the spec of your machine I'm sure you'll get all the advice you can handle! :wink:

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:09 pm
by Cmdr James
Sounds like a netbook to me. I think mine has something silly like 256Meg and 2GB of "hard drive"

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:48 pm
by Lysander
Cmdr James wrote:
Sounds like a netbook to me. I think mine has something silly like 256Meg and 2GB of "hard drive"
Hi yes you are quite right 256Mb RAM with 40gb memory, running Windows XP home edition on windows on a standard Dell laptop. The Hard drive is currently about 25% full> probanble solution is to upgrade the ram

Apologies also about 'jery' should have read 'jerky' basically, instead of a smooth flow on any action, I get a series of still freezed frames at a rate of about 6 / second.


Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:21 pm
by Kaks
Well, Lestradae himself recommends at least 2GiB ram to run RS on, and running it on a graphic card with less than 128MiB is something I personally wouldn't like to do either... As said elsewhere, some of the stations can be pretty hard on any system...


Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:21 pm
by Lestradae
Hi Lysander,

I'm very sorry, but below at least 1GB (1000 MB) of RAM according to the experiences with RS I have been feedbacked by players you have as good as no chance of playing with a decent FPS :(

So there are only two options available there: Either, upgrade your computer to 1GB+ of RAM, or leave RS out and choose from the singular ship oxps those you like the most.

Hope that helps


RAM Size for realistic Shipyards

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:08 pm
by Lysander
Hi Lestradae (and others)

You are absolutely right, best plan at this point is to pick out the OXPs I really want and wait until I upgrade my PC next time around to something with a decent kick at 1gb +

As a returned entrant to gaming after many years away, it is staggering how far things have developed. Bear in mind you are talking to someone who started on Spectrums and graduated to Amiga 500 (Model T Fords in your parlance!)

But a huge compliment to what all you guys have done to tweak up the original Elite into Oolite and the fantastic OXP add ons. Realistic Shipyarfds looks to be something fantastic to add in due course.



Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:30 pm
by govert
Is it possible to extract just the ship pricing model out of RS, and use only that?

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:05 pm
by Eric Walch
govert wrote:
Is it possible to extract just the ship pricing model out of RS, and use only that?
I think you than have version 1.0 of RS. At least that is all my 1.0 version of RS does.


Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:25 pm
by Lestradae
govert wrote:
Is it possible to extract just the ship pricing model out of RS, and use only that?
There is a very dirty hacking way of doing this, I'll be getting it from Ahruman for all the error messages that is going to create in the log ...

You have been warned. You could delete everything of RS except the shipyard.plist in RS's Config folder. Then install all the singular ship oxps you really want to have.

This will overwrite only the pricing/TL stuff, but with any other effects of RS gone.

I was already thinking of, when OSE comes out, to perhaps offer tomorrow's equivalent of what was RS 1.0 again. A purely repricing oxp, but without any of the additional RS/OSE features. (OSE = the next version of RS, effectively RS 4.0)

@Eric & co.:

Perhaps one of the experienced scripters can answer this: Would it be possible to just rename the remaining shipyard.plist from the above dirty hack suggestion into shipyard-override.plist to get around a flood of error messages in the log?

Re: ...

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:33 pm
by JensAyton
Lestradae wrote:
There is a very dirty hacking way of doing this, I'll be getting it from Ahruman for all the error messages that is going to create in the log ...
Um? Oolite 1.72 introduced shipyard_overrides.plist for exactly this purpose.

Re: ...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:16 am
by Lestradae
Ahruman wrote:
Lestradae wrote:
There is a very dirty hacking way of doing this, I'll be getting it from Ahruman for all the error messages that is going to create in the log ...
Um? Oolite 1.72 introduced shipyard_overrides.plist for exactly this purpose.
Which is why I am asking if it is possible to just rename the remaining shipyard.plist from the above dirty hack suggestion into shipyard_overrides.plist and put that in as an oxp?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:21 am
by JensAyton
Oh yes, so you did. Um.

The correct way to use shipyard_overrides.plist is to include only price information. That said, using entire definitions should work, with the side effect of overriding any other conflicting information.


Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:31 am
by Lestradae

Thanks. I can imagine it can get a tad frustrating to have to tell people some things over and over again :oops:


Do as I stated above then (keep only the RS/Config/shipyard.plist) but rename the shipyard.plist into shipyard_overrides.plist. That way, no flood of error messages, you get the RS pricing/TL change but nothing else. Remember that you will have to install the singular ship oxps instead of RS in addition, then!

Good n8 anyone


Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:09 am
by govert
thx guys!
I'll report back once I have this tested, which may take some time :)