Galactic NavySpec ops...

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Galactic NavySpec ops...

Post by Screet »


maybe someone has a clue...when I docked at a station and accepted a mission against thargoids, I was afterwards also asked to find that missing Admiral. Even though the planet name where I should search was missing, two planets were marked as targets. I first went thargoid-hunting, then did head for the other planet.

When I arrived, I found nothing, the text is still displayed that I should find him, but the mark has vanished from the planet. Did I accidentally break something or do I have to look in some special location?

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Post by Capt. Slog »

You were given the name of his ship when the mission was offered.
Is there a good way of searching entire systems though?
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Post by Capt. Slog »

OK I've found Kurtz but there may be problems. I don't want to post more without advice since I don't want to give too much away. How should I proceed?
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

Capt. Slog wrote:
OK I've found Kurtz but there may be problems. I don't want to post more without advice since I don't want to give too much away. How should I proceed?
Often easiest is to go to type your query and hit the "cypher" button - the post the content of the newly screwed up text here on the forum - those who have completed the mission and paste your text back into rot13 and reverse the process - while the rest of us who haven't will be able to leave well alone lest we be fools for being tempted to use rot13 to reveal the spoliers!



PS - Then you can resort to PMing once you've established one or more good POCs.
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
Oolite Life is now revealed here
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Post by Capt. Slog »

Thanks Hoggy.
The search for Kurtz.
Fperrg cbffvoyl cbfgrq gur ceboyrz (?) svefg. Gur qvssvphygl va svaqvat Xhegm. V,ir orra frnepuvat ybat naq uneq naq svanyyl raqrq hc qhzcvat ragvgvrf. Nygubhtu Aryyvr nccrnef va gur ybt nsgre yrnivat gur znva fgngvba nsgre n juvyr vg nccrnef gb unir qvfnccrnerq. Qbpx naq qrcneg, fur ergheaf.
Naljnl V riraghnyyl nggnpxrq naq hygvzngryl qrfgeblrq Aryyvr, gur ivcref yrsg naq V yrg gurz tb; V nffhzrq Xhegm jbhyq hfr na rfpncr pncfhyr, zvfgnxr. Naljnl nsgre n ulcrefcnpr whzc naq erghea V pbhyqa'g svaq gur ivcref ohg V qhzcrq gur ragvgl yvfg naq Aryyvr jnf gurer, onpx gb yvsr. Nsgre erfgnegvat guvf zbeavat V pna ab ybatre svaq Aryyvr be gur ivcref. Vf gurer n ceboyrz?
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Post by Tivva »

I'm just about to catch up with kurtz too :

edited to add - I found him & replied in Rot13 mode later on...
Last edited by Tivva on Sat May 16, 2009 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by matt634 »

Lbh znl or bar bs gur srj gb npghnyyl nggrzcg guvf zvffvba. Orpnhfr bs gur ynpx bs srrqonpx naq frireny vagreprqvat Bbyvgr irefvbaf, vg znl abg jbex nf vg fubhyq, ohg urer'f fbzr uvagf ba jung'f fhccbfrq gb unccra onfrq ba zl vavgvny cynlgrfgvat.

Svefg, Bapr lbh svaq gur Aryyvr vg fubhyq fgnl gurer, hayrff lbh qrfgebl vg be punfr vg bss. Gurer jvyy or arjf hcqngrf gb vasbez lbh vs gur zvffvba jnf pbzcyrgrq fhpprffshyyl/hafhpprffshyyl, ohg erzrzore, arjf geniryf fybj. Lbh jba'g trg vzzrqvngr pbasvezngvba.

Frpbaq, lbhe zvffvba vf gb "pncgher" Xhegm. Guvf vf irel qvssvphyg naq gbbx rira zr frireny nggrzcgf gb trg evtug (naq V xarj jung gb qb!). Vs lbh oybj hc gur Aryyvr jvgu Xhegm fgvyy ba obneq, gura bs pbhefr ur qvrf naq lbh snvy. V fhttrfg xrrcvat n fnir svyr nsgre lbh svaq gur Aryyvr orpnhfr trggvat guvf evtug jvyy gnxr njuvyr. Or perngvir.

Tbbq yhpx
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Post by Capt. Slog »

Thanks for the reply. This mission is also referenced on another thread, outworld->missing?, I think. The problem is the difficulty in finding Kurtz, perhaps more messages would help, to reassure commanders that he is still there for the taking? One poster was also confused by the other mission that had been accepted before this mission was offered, perhaps that mission could be withdrawn?
The mission seems promising to me, perhaps if there are satisfied customers out there, they could post some feedback?
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Post by Tivva »

Cap'n Slog
Thanks for the pm

Heres my attempts so far-

V'ir sbhaq Xhegm & uvf sybgvyyn. N ovg gbb zhpu sver cbjre gb gnxr urnq ba.
Fb V gevrq qbpxvat & tbg na vaivgr gb wbva uvz...
V gevrq obgu bcgvbaf & jnf njneqrq shtvgvir fgnghf sbe qbvat fb...
V gevrq fuubgvat gur Aryyvr gb nyzbfg qrfgehpgvba va na nggrzcg gb crefhnqr Xhegm gb nonaqba fuvc..
hayrff ur qvq fb va bar bs gur fgq ivcref be nfcf ynhapuvat ur qvrq va gur nggrzcg.

Nz v ba gur evtug genpx?
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Post by Capt. Slog »

Lbh'er nobhg jurer V nz. Unir obgu npprcgrq naq qrpyvarq uvf bssre. Gur ynggre yrsg zl fgnghf pyrna naq gurl rira nyybjrq zr gb ershry. Hasbeghangryl V qbpxrq (gb trg n fnir) naq ybfg gurz. V nz pheeragyl nffhzvat gung vs lbh nggnpx tragyl ur jvyy gel gb rfpncr va n ivcre. Fubbg gung tragyl gb nyybj na rfpncr cbq naq ovatb! Unir lbh ernq zngg'f nqivpr?
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Post by Tivva »

Capn Slog
Extreme measures...

Ubjf guvf?
V svanyyl jrag va pybnxrq & raretl obzorq gur sybgvyyn- guvf qrfgeblrq nyy gur nfcf, ivcref & zvarfjrrcref, yrnivat gur 2 orurzbguf qnzntrq. V qrfgeblrq gur Ngynf & qbpxrq jvgu gur Aryyvr nsgre qr pybnxvat (fgnghf fgvyy pyrna) fgvyy gur fnzr pubvprf- guvf gvzr ur yrg zr yrnir & V jnf fgvyy pyrna.

V fubg uvz fgrnqvyl gb trg gur cynfzn onyyf pbzvat bhg tragyl ohg abguvat pbzrf bhg- ab ivcref, nfcf be rfpncr cbqf??

Znlor V'yy gel guvf ntnva ohg qr-pybnxrq gb gel & crefhnqr uvz gb pbzr bhg?
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Post by Capt. Slog »

V'ir whfg fubg uvz pybnxrq naq n ahzore bs fuvcf rkvgrq. Hasbeghangryl PCH jrag gb 50%+ naq V pbhyqa'g nvz cebcreyl ba gubfr fuvcf. Fhofrdhrag nggnpxf ba Aryyvr ab ybatre jbexrq. V gubhtug nobhg qbpxvat ntnva ohg unq cerfhznoyl hapybnxrq naq nf n shtvgvir pbhyq abybatre nhgbqbpx. Gelvat ntnva.
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Post by Tivva »

V qba'g hfr nhgbqbpx.
Ur rira fbyq zr n arj raretl obzo :-)
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Post by goran »

You guys are getting pretty good in ROT13. :D
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Post by Tivva »

gorans wrote:
You guys are getting pretty good in ROT13. :D
Yup, almost fluent in Klingon too :wink:
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