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Assassin Mission - witness removal. Advice required

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Assassin Mission - witness removal. Advice required

Post by Svenson »


really stuck with the removal of the witness for the triads.

I can't find the ship in all the scanner noise, so I decided to take out the bot mother ship to remove some of the clutter, but the robots carry on functioning.

have adopted a hit and run technique to removing the remaining bots and then repeatedly triggering the missile ship things. Many trips to the sun involved in this, but I still can't find/lock on to the mission target.

What am I doing wrong?

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Post by LittleBear »

He's near the Navy Station fairly close to the where the bots mother ship is stationed. He should hail you when you come within 5km or so. Holding down ¬ will mark his ship on the scanner after he's hailed you. He will attack and chase you and he's much faster than the bots or any of the other Navy ships nearby. His ship is the only ship in the area with blue laser beams and the only Aaron Class Frigget present. You're on the right lines with hit and run. Make sure you bring plenty of fuel (3 ly should be more than enough - so take a fuel tank or one trip to the sun before you head to the base will do it). Don't try to fight him in the mine field (and whatever you do - don't even think of an energy bomb - you'll regret it!). Just injector in and ingnor all the hardheads locking on. They can't catch you as long as you have fuel for your injectors. Positioning yourself on the other side of the base will ammusingly cause most of them to strike the base instead and as they have only enough fuel for 1 minutes flight a few dabs of the injectors if they get too close keeps them at bay until they run out of fuel. Don't try and fight him in the mine field. You need to get out of there quick, but ensuring that he follows you. Don't get drawn into a fight with the bots or Navy Ships as its pretty hopeless. As they are Navy Ship, fireing on them is a crime and when the Base spots you at this, it'll launch Navy Asps to intercept you and you get overwealmed. Just try and get an ID Computer lock on him so you know where he is and don't lose him. Injector out and let him chase you. He'll soon leave his escort and the mine field behind as he's much faster then they are. Once he's on his own, turn and take him out. Without the escort and the mine field he's dead meat! :wink:
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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