Custom OXP ship images wanted for wiki

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Custom OXP ship images wanted for wiki

Post by bulrush »

Who wants to post EXTERIOR images of ships in OXP files? You can post them here. They will be resized to 640x480 if needed. Please be sure to post the OXP the ship comes from. I will then post these to the wiki.

"Ship and Ship Variants" here only please. I will make another thread for "Dockable objects".

Thank you.
Last edited by bulrush on Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Lestradae »

Are you also adding ship`s data to the wiki or "only" :) pictures?
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Post by bulrush »

Could someone move this to the "Expansion Pack" forum please? Thanks.
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Post by bulrush »

If you have ship data post it here also. I will add it if someone posts it in this thread.

If your OXP has multiple ships, please post a description and image for each ship, if possible.
Last edited by bulrush on Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
System: Gateway GT5056, AMD dual CPU, Nvidia Geforce 8600 (unknown subtype), Win XP, 1GB RAM, color LCD monitor
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Ship Data

Post by Lestradae »

Ship Name Chance to Appear Revised Tech Levels Extended Cargo Capacity Maximum Speed Energy Banks
Missile Slots Possible Equipment Roll/Pitch Gun Mounts Energy Recharge Rate
'Sun' Ray Very Rare 4-7 5 t 0.39 LS 4 1 No MilSh & ECC 2.8/2.1 Fore 3.5
A-Wing Very Common 14+ None 0.60 LS 6 4 No ECC 1.5/1.5 All 7.5
Adder Unusual 1-4 2 t 0.24 LS 1 1 No MilSh & ECC 2.8/2.0 Fore 2.0
Adder (2nd Hand) Rare 1-4 2 t 0.23 LS 1 1 No MilSh & ECC 2.5/2.0 Fore 2.0
Adder Generic Racer Rare 1-4 3 t 0.27 LS 1 1 No MilSh & ECC 2.9/2.0 Fore 1.5
Adder Mk II Common 6-9 22 t 0.40 LS 2 3 All 2.8/1.5 Fore, Aft 4.0
Anaconda Rare 12+ 750 t 0.14 LS 7 7 No Shields, No ECC 0.75/0.4 All 3.0
Anaconda (2nd Hand) Rare 13+ 750 t 0.13 LS 9 7 No MilSh & ECC 0.75/0.4 All 3.0
Aphid Unusual 4-7 5 t 0.38 LS 3 1 No Shields, No ECC 2.5/1.9 Fore, Aft 4.0
Asp Explorer Common 4-7 5 t 0.38 LS 5 1 No ECC 1.8/0.9 Fore, Aft 4.25
Asp Mark I Unusual 3-6 3 t 0.36 LS 4 1 No ECC 2.0/1.0 Fore, Aft 3.5
Asp Mark II Common 5-8 None 0.39 LS 5 1 No ECC 2.0/1.0 Fore, Aft 4.0
Asp Mark II Special Common 5-8 None 0.40 LS 5 1 No ECC 2.0/1.0 Fore, Aft 4.0
Asp MkII Common 5-8 None 0.40 LS 5 1 No ECC 2.0/1.0 Fore, Aft 4.0
B-Wing Standard 14+ 30 t 0.48 LS 7 12 All 1.5/1.0 All 6.0
Bandy-Bandy Courier Common 5-8 5 t 0.415 LS 3 2 No ECC 2.3/1.5 Fore, Aft 3.5
Black Monk Gunship Unusual 14+ None 0.45 LS 16 6 No ECC 2.0/1.0 All 11.0
Boa Unusual 8-11 125 t 0.24 LS 7 4 No MilSh & ECC 2.8/1.0 All 3.0
Boa (2nd Hand) Unusual 7-10 125 t 0.23 LS 6 4 No MilSh & ECC 2.8/1.0 All 3.0
Boa Class Cruiser Unusual 11-14 175 t 0.312 LS 8 5 No ECC 2.5/1.0 All 3.2
Boa Class Cruiser (2nd Hand) Unusual 11-14 175 t 0.305 LS 8 5 No ECC 2.5/1.0 All 3.2
BTL-53 Y-Wing Standard 11-14 25 t 0.40 LS 6 8 All 1.0/1.8 All 5.0
Cat Mark I Common 6-9 5 t 0.42 LS 6 4 No ECC 1.4/1.1 Fore, Aft 3.0
Chameleon Common 5-8 45 t 0.30 LS 4 4 All 2.2/1.2 Fore, Aft 3.0
Chopped Cobra Unusual 6-9 33 t 0.36 LS 5 3 All 2.25/1.25 All 3.0
Chuckwalla Unusual 4-7 1 t 0.375 LS 4 2 No ECC 2.2/1.7 Fore, Aft 3.0
Cobra III NjX Common 7-10 27 t 0.375 LS 4 4 All 2.4/1.2 All 4.2
Cobra III NjX (Ex-Mil) Common 7-10 23 t 0.39 LS 4 4 All 2.7/1.4 All 4.5
Cobra Clipper SAR Common 5-8 15 t 0.375 LS 4 4 All 1.8/0.95 Fore 4.0
Cobra Clipper Stealth Very Rare 5-8 15 t 0.375 LS 5 4 All 1.8/0.95 Fore 4.0
Cobra Courier Common 7-10 35 t 0.37 LS 5 4 All 2.0/1.0 All 3.75

Ship Name Chance to Appear Revised Tech Levels Extended Cargo Capacity Maximum Speed Energy Banks
Missile Slots Possible Equipment Roll/Pitch Gun Mounts Energy Recharge Rate
Cobra Courier SE Common 6-9 30 t 0.37 LS 5 2 All 2.2/1.1 All 4.0
Cobra Mark I Unusual 2-5 10 t 0.25 LS 2 1 No MilSh & ECC 2.0/1.2 Fore, Aft 2.5
Cobra Mark I 'Grim' Rare 2-5 None 0.285 LS 3 1 No MilSh & ECC 2.2/1.4 Fore, Aft 2.5
Cobra Mark II-X Common 3-6 12 t 0.348 LS 3 3 No ECC 2.0/1.125 Fore, Aft 3.0
Cobra Mark III Common 6-9 35 t 0.36 LS 4 4 All 2.0/1.0 All 4.0
Cobra Mark III (2nd Hand) Common 5-8 35 t 0.34 LS 3 4 All 2.0/1.0 All 4.0
Cobra Mark III (YAH) Common 4-7 33 t 0.34 LS 3 4 No Military Shield 2.0/1.0 Fore, Aft 3.0
Cobra MkI Unusual 2-5 10 t 0.26 LS 2 1 No MilSh & ECC 2.0/1.2 Fore, Aft 2.5
Cobra MkIII Standard 6-9 35 t 0.35 LS 4 4 All 2.0/1.0 All 4.0
Cobra Rapier Common 6-9 12 t 0.38 LS 4 3 All 2.2/1.1 All 4.0
Condor Flagship Standard if Deadly 15+ 1215 t 0.52 LS 7 10 ECC not applicable 0.8/0.4 All+Special 4.0
Constrictor Rare if Dangerous 15+ 15 t 0.60 LS 7 3 No Shields, No ECC 2.5/1.75 All 16.0
Cribo Mark II Chicaneer Common 5-8 None 0.48 LS 4 1 Nearly nothing 2.8/1.5 Fore 3.0
Cribo Mark IV Chicaneer Common 5-8 None 0.482 LS 4 1 Nearly nothing 2.7/1.6 Fore 3.0
Deep Space Dredger Standard 15+ 2015 t 0.10 LS 10 12 ECC not applicable 0.1/0.1 Fore, Aft+Special 20.0
Delta Long-Range Escort Common 4-7 None 0.36 LS 4 4 No ECC 1.8/1.0 Fore 4.0
Dragon Assault Craft Rare 8-11 15 t 0.37 LS 4 8 No ECC 2.2/1.2 Fore, Aft 6.0
Drake Common 2-5 4 t 0.30 LS 3 1 No ECC 2.5/1.5 Fore 2.5
Drake Mk II Common 5-8 15 t 0.36 LS 4 6 No ECC 2.0/1.0 Right 4.5
Eagle Mk II Rare 2-5 10 t 0.24 LS 1 2 No ECC 2.0/1.0 All 2.5
Eagle Mk II (Black) Very Rare 3-6 11 t 0.25 LS 2 2 No ECC 2.4/1.2 All 3.0
Eel Rapier Common 7-10 10 t 0.495 LS 4 3 No ECC 1.8/0.7 All 4.0
Excalibur Rare 6-9 10 t 0.40 LS 3 4 All 2.7/1.7 Fore 4.5
Far Star Common 6-9 45 t 0.35 LS 5 2 No Shields, No ECC 2.7/1.2 Fore, Aft 7.0
Falcon Standard 15+ 135 t 0.52 LS 7 8 All 1.6/1.2 All 5.0
Falcon-S Unusual 15+ 135 t 0.52 LS 7 8 All 1.6/1.2 All 5.0
Fer-de-Lance Unusual 5-8 12 t 0.30 LS 2 2 No ECC 3.6/1.0 All 4.5
Fer-de-Lance (2nd Hand) Unusual 4-7 12 t 0.295 LS 2 2 No MilSh & ECC 3.6/1.0 All 4.5
Fer-de-Lance NG Rare 9-12 17 t 0.60 LS 3 None No Shields 3.6/1.0 Fore, Aft 4.5
Ferdepai Common 5-8 5 t 0.40 LS 5 1 No ECC 2.8/1.1 Fore 3.8
Firefly Standard 14+ 35 t 0.755 LS 1 3 No ECC 2.0/1.8 Fore, Aft 2.5
Firewasp Unusual 8-11 None 0.525 LS 6 2 No MilSh & ECC 4.35/2.85 Fore 2.0
GalCop Viper Very Rare 3-6 None 0.36 LS 2 1 No Shields, No ECC 2.8/1.8 Fore, Aft 4.0

Ship Name Chance to Appear Revised Tech Levels Extended Cargo Capacity Maximum Speed Energy Banks
Missile Slots Possible Equipment Roll/Pitch Gun Mounts Energy Recharge Rate
GalCop Viper Interceptor Very Rare 9-12 None 0.52 LS 4 3 No Shields, No ECC 4.2/2.0 Fore, Aft 6.0
Gecko Rare 3-6 3 t 0.30 LS 3 4 No MilSh & ECC 3.0/1.5 Fore 4.0
Gemini Escort Common 4-7 None 0.35 LS 4 4 No ECC 2.5/1.2 Fore 4.0
Ghavial Common 4-7 65 t 0.25 LS 4 4 No Military Shield 1.6/0.6 Fore, Aft 4.0
Grass Snake Common 6-9 75 t 0.435 LS 4 2 No Shields, No ECC 1.9/1.8 Fore, Aft 3.0
Griffin Two Common 6-9 47 t 0.36 LS 3 4 All 1.875/1.5 All 4.0
Hamadryad Unusual 7-10 115 t 0.22 LS 7 2 No Shields 3.2/1.6 All 2.5
Hatchling BoyRacer1 Unusual 2-5 None 0.345 LS 3 None No ECC 1.7/1.5 Fore 2.8
Hatchling BoyRacer2 Unusual 2-5 None 0.355 LS 3 None No ECC 1.9/1.5 Fore 2.8
Hatchling BoyRacer3 Unusual 2-5 None 0.365 LS 3 None No ECC 1.9/1.5 Fore 2.8
Icarus Unusual 3-6 12 t 0.32 LS 4 2 No Shields, No ECC 3.0/2.0 Fore, Aft 2.5
Iguana Common 6-9 20 t 0.37 LS 5 4 All 2.6/1.5 Fore, Aft 4.0
Imperial Courier (Civilian) Rare 8-11 100 t 0.35 LS 8 4 No MilSh & ECC 2.0/1.0 All 4.5
Imperial Courier (Navy) Unusual 14+ 100 t 0.55 LS 7 6 No ECC 3.6/1.0 All 4.5
Incom T-65 X-Wing Very Common 14+ 2t 0.50 LS 6 6 No ECC 1.5/1.5 All 7.5
Interstellar Explorer Standard 15+ 5 t 0.999 LS 1 10 No ECC 2.5/0.5 None 1.0
Ionics Huntsman Common 4-7 20 t 0.35 LS 4 4 No ECC 2.0/1.0 Fore, Aft 4.0
Ionics Redback Unusual 8-11 150 t 0.28 LS 7 6 No ECC 0.95/0.95 Fore, Aft 3.0
Ionics Whitetail Unusual 3-6 5 t 0.38 LS 1 4 No ECC 1.85/1.85 Aft 3.0
Ixian Freighter MK1 Common 13+ 135 t 0.30 LS 7 4 No Shields 2.2/3.0 All 8.0
Ixian Gunship Rare 9-12 30 t 0.37 LS 6 4 No Shields, No ECC 2.7/2.2 All 8.0
Ixian No-Ship Mark I Rare 7-10 75 t 0.23 LS 5 4 No Shields, No ECC 2.2/1.2 All 9.0
Jabberwocky Common 8-11 5 t 0.38 LS 8 4 No ECC 2.3/1.3 All 4.0
Josher Common 7-10 65 t 0.32 LS 6 6 No Shields 2.75/0.8 Fore, Aft 3.0
Kestrel Common 12+ 8 t 0.555 LS 6 3 No ECC 1.8/1.8 Fore, Aft 5.5
Krait Unusual 2-5 2 t 0.30 LS 3 None No ECC 2.75/1.50 Fore 2.5
Krait Dragster Very Rare 3-6 1 t 0.45 LS 3 None No MilSh & ECC 2.5/1.0 Fore 2.5
Kukri Mark I Dragster Common 5-8 None 0.601 LS 4 1 Nearly nothing 1.0/0.6 Fore 3.0
Kukri Mark II Dragster Common 6-9 None 0.61 LS 4 1 Nearly nothing 1.0/0.8 Fore 3.0
L-Crate Transporter Common 5-8 150 t 0.31 LS 5 None No ECC 2.8/1.0 None 3.5
Lambdashuttle Standard 5-8 90 t 0.37 LS 4 None All 1.0/1.0 All 3.5
Lampyris Standard 12+ 5 t 0.755 LS 1 1 No ECC 2.2/2.2 Fore, Aft 2.5
Llama Rare 6-9 35 t 0.35 LS 4 4 All 2.0/1.0 All 4.0

Ship Name Chance to Appear Revised Tech Levels Extended Cargo Capacity Maximum Speed Energy Banks
Missile Slots Possible Equipment Roll/Pitch Gun Mounts Energy Recharge Rate
Longshot Common 5-8 40 t 0.30 LS 6 6 No Shields, No ECC 1.5/1.2 Fore, Aft 4.0
Mamba Rare 2-5 4 t 0.32 LS 3 None No MilSh & ECC 2.1/1.4 Fore 3.0
Merlin Standard 12+ 25 t 0.555 LS 6 3 No ECC 1.6/1.4 Fore, Aft 5.5
Military Stingray Rare 8-11 55 t 0.375 LS 4 6 All 2.4/1.2 All 4.2
Military Stingray (2nd Hand) Very Rare 7-10 55 t 0.35 LS 4 6 All 2.4/1.2 All 4.0
Mongoose Fighter Rare 2-5 None 0.32 LS 1 1 No Shields, No ECC 3.2/2.1 Fore 2.0
Monitor Unusual 6-9 90 t 0.18 LS 6 5 No Military Shield 1.2/0.5 All 4.0
Moray-R Medical Boat Unusual 3-6 22 t 0.30 LS 3 2 No MilSh 2.5/1.5 Fore 3.0
Moray-R Star Boat Unusual 4-7 7 t 0.30 LS 3 2 No ECC 2.5/1.5 All 3.0
Moray Medical Boat Unusual 3-6 22 t 0.30 LS 3 2 No MilSh 2.5/1.5 Fore 3.0
Moray Medical Boat (2nd Hand) Unusual 2-5 7 t 0.295 LS 3 2 No MilSh & ECC 2.5/1.5 Fore 2.75
Moray Star Boat Unusual 4-7 7 t 0.30 LS 3 2 No ECC 2.5/1.5 All 3.0
Moray Star Boat (2nd Hand) Unusual 4-7 7 t 0.295 LS 3 2 No ECC 2.5/1.5 All 3.0
Mosquito Sport Common 6-9 40 t 0.36 LS 4 4 All 2.3/1.5 Fore, Aft 4.0
Mosquito Trader Common 7-10 55 t 0.37 LS 5 4 All 2.0/1.0 Fore, Aft 4.0
Mussurana Common 6-9 25 t 0.378 LS 3 4 No ECC 4.0/1.25 Fore, Aft 4.75
Naga Unusual 11-14 250 t 0.275 LS 10 6 No Shields, No ECC 1.85/0.8 All 2.0
Navy Juggernaut Standard if ELITE 15+ 1015 t 0.30 LS 16 16 ECC not applicable 0.4/0.2 All 25.0
Navy Surplus Asp Mark II Common 5-8 None 0.40 LS 5 1 No ECC 2.0/1.0 Fore, Aft 4.0
Nemesis Unusual 4-7 None 0.32 LS 4 2 No ECC 3.2/2.0 Fore 5.0
Ophidian Class Yacht Unusual 4-7 20 t 0.36 LS 3 2 No Military Shield 2.2/1.4 Fore, Aft 3.0
Outrider Rare 4-7 2 t 0.37 LS 4 2 No MilSh & ECC 2.4/1.4 Fore, Aft 4.0
Paladin Unusual 8-11 40 t 0.365 LS 5 6 All 2.4/1.4 All 4.5
Pallas Unusual 14+ 90 t 0.655 LS 2 8 All 1.8/1.8 All 2.5
Pelamis Common 6-9 85 t 0.298 LS 4 5 All 2.25/1.125 Fore, Aft 2.56
Penelope Class Freighter Standard 14+ 145 t 0.285 LS 9 6 No ECC 1.9/0.7 All 9.0
Phoenix Common 8-11 25 t 0.375 LS 4 10 No ECC 2.0/1.0 Fore, Aft 5.0
Purple Haze Very Rare 7-10 10 t 0.405 LS 5 4 No ECC 2.3/1.5 Fore, Aft 6.0
Python Common 6-9 115 t 0.20 LS 7 2 No MilSh 2.0/0.8 All 2.5
Python 'Blackdog' Very Rare 6-9 115 t 0.195 LS 7 2 No Military Shield 2.0/0.8 All 2.5
Python (2nd Hand) Common 6-9 115 t 0.195 LS 6 2 No Military Shield 2.0/0.8 All 2.5
Python Class Cruiser Common 9-12 160 t 0.35 LS 7 4 All 2.0/0.8 All 3.5
Python ET Special Common 7-10 115 t 0.35 LS 5 3 All 2.2/1.0 All 3.5

Ship Name Chance to Appear Revised Tech Levels Extended Cargo Capacity Maximum Speed Energy Banks
Missile Slots Possible Equipment Roll/Pitch Gun Mounts Energy Recharge Rate
Remorse Of Conscience v2 Unusual 7-10 60 t 0.47 LS 4 4 No Shields, No ECC 1.9/1.5 Fore, Aft 4.0
Renegade Viper Unusual 2-5 None 0.32 LS 2 1 No Shields, No ECC 2.8/1.8 Fore, Aft 4.0
Rigel Tactical Bomber Unusual 7-10 40 t 0.31 LS 6 6 No ECC 2.2/1.2 Fore, Aft 5.0
Ringhals Unusual 3-6 30 t 0.30 LS 4 2 No Shields 1.85/1.0 Fore, Left, Right 4.0
Saber Rare 4-7 None 0.41 LS 3 1 No ECC 2.0/1.2 Fore 3.5
Salamander Common 6-9 30 t 0.37 LS 4 3 All 2.2/1.2 All 4.0
Seymour Class Cargo Sled Common 8-11 150 t 0.35 LS 7 4 No ECC 1.4/0.42 Fore, Aft 4.75
Shield-tail Common 7-10 10 t 0.405 LS 5 4 No ECC 2.3/1.5 Fore, Aft 6.0
Shreddies Super Star Unusual 2-5 40 t 0.28 LS 3 4 No Shields, No ECC 1.2/0.6 Fore 3.0
Sidewinder Escort Very Rare 3-6 None 0.37 LS 3 None No Shields, No ECC 2.8/1.8 Fore 2.5
Sidewinder Scout Ship Rare 2-5 None 0.37 LS 3 None No Shields, No ECC 2.8/1.6 Fore 2.0
Spearhead MK1 Common 5-8 None 0.46 LS 4 2 No ECC 1.55/1.5 Fore 4.0
Starbelly Class Sled Common 8-11 125 t 0.358 LS 6 6 No ECC 1.4/0.42 Fore, Aft 4.75
Starhawk Class Cruiser Common 8-11 125 t 0.358 LS 6 6 No ECC 1.4/0.42 Fore, Aft 4.75
StarSeeker Personal Shuttle Very Common 2-5 15 t 0.31 LS 4 1 No Shields, No ECC 2.3/1.2 Fore 3.0
Starwolf Mark I Common 7-10 85 t 0.365 LS 6 4 No ECC 1.64/0.52 Fore, Aft 4.75
Strelka Cruiseliner Common 7-10 155 t 0.30 LS 7 4 All 1.0/0.8 Fore 3.5
Super Cobra Common 14+ 55 t 0.45 LS 7 7 All 2.2/1.2 All 7.0
Swift Standard 10-13 5t 0.755 LS 1 1 No ECC 2.2/2.2 Fore 2.5
Taipan Common 6-9 22 t 0.36 LS 4 4 All 2.8/0.9 All 3.5
Team Zorg Anaconda Rare 12+ 750 t 0.14 LS 7 7 No Shields, No ECC 0.75/0.4 All 3.0
Tepiu Standard 14+ 60 t 0.755 LS 2 6 No ECC 1.8/1.6 Fore, Aft 2.8
Terrapin Common 12+ 40 t 0.41 LS 5 6 All 2.3/1.3 All 5.0
Tesoura Rare 9-12 135 t 0.30 LS 7 4 All 2.0/1.0 All 4.0
Thargoid Warship (Stolen) Very Rare if ELITE (8000) 15+ 100 t 0.50 LS 9 5 Special 2.0/1.0 All 8.0
The Morrigan Standard 15+ 100 t 0.55 LS 7 7 No ECC 3.6/1.0 All 7.0
TIE-Fighter Standard 13+ None 0.50 LS 10 None No ECC 2.0/2.0 All 7.5
TIE-Interceptor Standard 14+ None 0.555 LS 10 None No ECC 2.2/2.2 All 7.5
Tiger Mark I Unusual 14+ 50 t 0.50 LS 7 6 No ECC 2.0/1.0 All 4.5
Tribant Trader Unusual 2-5 60 t 0.26 LS 3 4 No Shields, No ECC 1.2/0.6 Fore 3.0
Trident Executive Shuttle Very Common 5-8 55 t 0.32 LS 4 4 All 2.1/1.0 Fore 4.0
Urutu MK III Common 7-10 35 t 0.37 LS 5 4 All 2.9/1.8 All 4.0
Urutu MkIV Common 8-11 35 t 0.38 LS 5 4 All 2.1/1.8 All 4.9

Ship Name Chance to Appear Revised Tech Levels Extended Cargo Capacity Maximum Speed Energy Banks
Missile Slots Possible Equipment Roll/Pitch Gun Mounts Energy Recharge Rate
Vampire MkI Rare 6-9 20 t 0.37 LS 7 3 No ECC 2.3/1.4 Fore 4.5
Vampire MkII : Purgatori Very Rare 10-13 20 t 0.45 LS 9 3 No ECC 2.5/1.4 Fore 6.0
Vampire MkII : Reaper Very Rare 12+ 5 t 0.47 LS 9 4 No ECC 2.5/1.4 Fore 6.0
Velocity 150 Rare 5-8 18 t 0.36 LS 4 3 All 2.2/1.1 Fore, Aft 4.0
Vintage Adder Unusual 2-5 2 t 0.30 LS 1 1 No MilSh & ECC 2.8/2.0 Fore 2.0
Viper Very Rare 2-5 None 0.32 LS 2 1 No Shields, No ECC 2.8/1.8 Fore 4.0
Viper Escort Very Rare 2-5 3 t 0.32 LS 2 1 No Shields, No ECC 2.8/1.8 Fore, Aft 4.0
Viper Interceptor Very Rare 9-12 None 0.52 LS 4 3 No Shields, No ECC 4.2/2.0 Fore 6.0
Viper Pursuit Very Rare 2-5 None 0.36 LS 2 1 No Shields, No ECC 2.8/1.8 Fore 4.0
Wolf Mark I Standard 6-9 20 t 0.40 LS 5 2 No ECC 2.4/1.4 Fore 4.25
Wolf Mark II Common 8-11 20 t 0.39 LS 8 4 No ECC 2.2/1.2 All 4.0
Wolf Mark II SE Rare 8-11 20 t 0.39 LS 8 4 No ECC 2.2/1.2 All 4.0
Zorg Racing Sidewinder Unusual 4-7 None 0.40 LS 3 1 No ECC 2.2/1.65 Fore, Aft 3.0

"Chance to Appear" and "Revised Tech Levels" is only true if you use the Realistic Shipyards OXP. All other data is as in the original OXPs as far as I know.

The "Imperial Courier (Navy)" is the old and more Uber version of the same, whilst the "Imperial Courier (Civilian)" is the actual present version in the original OXP.

Those are not all ships of Oolite but all that appear as buyable in ANY OXP and the core game.

Hope it helps 8)

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Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:44 pm

Post by bulrush »

Those are not all ships of Oolite but all that appear as buyable in ANY OXP and the core game.
So those are all ships from core game and all OXPs?

I'll need the OXP for each ship also. Can you put that to the left of each ship name? That will get me started anyway.

Hmm wait. Maybe I'll just cut and paste what you entered at the top of the OXP wiki page, in the "Ships and Ship Variants" section. At least it will be somewhere. It's not really suitable for the ship images page.
System: Gateway GT5056, AMD dual CPU, Nvidia Geforce 8600 (unknown subtype), Win XP, 1GB RAM, color LCD monitor
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