*cat wrote:I tried and tried to learn to fly in Frontier, but *couldn't* manage it!

Well, well, well! Haven't we slacked off in our physics classes?
First of all, you have to understand the concepts of
According to
Newton's laws of motion, to change the
momentum of a ship you need to apply a
Even if you are well clear of any astronomical objects, you'll notice that in the long term the ship's
velocity (and probably its direction too) will change; this
acceleration is caused by a force called
</me throws a piece of chalk> Hey, listen up!
Gravity won't be a factor to consider in space combat. However, when related to planetary approaches, docking or low altitude combat, you should take it as an important factor.
But for now, relative motion. Even though you may be speeding at thousands of Kilometers per second and unable to change that in a short moment, anyone who is at the same speed and direction will be static IN RELATION TO YOU.
This means...
WAKE UP! ...this means that even slight applications of force will change your relative motion, and this is the foremost component in space combat maneouvering.

We will show these changes with
Vectors may represent variations of force, acceleration or speed...
Where are you going? HEY, I didn't dismiss the class yet!
Ah, go on, then, be yet another young rebelious whipersnapper, join a pirate gang and get killed quickly, if you think that your great arcade highscores will be of any good out there against someone who actually understands their physics!
And no, your autopilot won't be of any use in a fight either - actually, turn it off or you might take an innocent trader when you crash into him!
PFFFffffft! Damn this young generation's manners, there's no respect any more.
If I did something like THAT, my father would flay the skin off my back with a bundle of barbed wire (the military razor variety too, not that shameless knotted string you see around), but now? No touching, they say! Can't even give them a taste of a wet towel, what to say of a cane.
Even mother hens will peck on their chicks if they misbehave, and cats will paw theis kittens to make them obey. As for us, we aren't raising citizens any more, but libertins. Don't give them values, call that an education, and then complain about the youth going bad, and the likes!
Oooooh, if it was in my times!...
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.